Chapter 2513 The number one lunatic in the group, Akromar!

In the end, Xiaozhi didn't have much excitement about accepting the award, and the number one trainer in the group didn't seem to be a particularly awesome title.

After all, the last person in this position was Mr. Adek.

He stepped onto the stage in a hurry, took over the winning trophy, and then stepped down calmly

Even the award presenters and the onlookers were not in high spirits.

The damage to Ssangyong City seems to be far more exaggerated than he imagined.

This kind of worry gradually spread among the award recipients and even the audience of Nuo University.

After all, people in various regions are more or less acquainted, and there is no difference between one person knowing and everyone knowing, it is only a matter of time.

And this kind of thing, Hezhong officials did not intend to keep suppressing it.

After the awards ceremony was over, among the countless gossips, the headlines officially came out.

At this moment, Xiaozhi has just returned to the seat where the relatives and friends are seated, and they haven't completely left the scene yet.

After a brief congratulation, everyone looked at the electronic screen above that originally displayed the appearances of the contestants and Pokémon—at this moment, it had been replaced by real photos of Ssangyong City.

As the oldest city in Hezhong, modernization has not left it behind. This is a city where ancient times and technology coexist.

Some foreign tourists go there, and sometimes even have hallucinations.

Even the comments are divided into two levels. Some say it is the ancient capital, and some say it is the city of science and technology. It seems that they are going to two completely different places.

However, the photo on the electronic screen at this moment - the whole city is covered with white ice, and all architectural scenes are frozen.

Even if you look at it through the photos, it gives people an inexplicable sense of dead stillness, something is pressing on your heart, as if there are no living creatures in the whole city.

"Due to the sudden attack of the freezing light, the entire city is completely frozen at this moment, road traffic, electricity, and communication are all paralyzed"

"The residents in the building are better for the time being, but they are completely trapped by the thick ice and snow and cannot come out. But the pedestrians walking on the street at that time were not so lucky."

"This unknown and terrifying energy of ice and snow is not only harmful to Shuanglong City, the nearby Xuehua City and Zhuangqiao Town have also been affected to a certain extent, and the country roads along the way have been completely frozen into snow."

"In other places, the climate environment seems to be affected in the coming days, and the climate in the Hezhong area should become very unstable."

A series of bad news made the spectators who had not completely left the field agitated.

Many Hezhong aborigines were naturally worried about their relatives and friends living near Ssangyong City, so they quickly took out their mobile phones and asked anxiously

It's just that the signals are mostly intermittent and difficult to stabilize.

This made them even more uneasy. Nuo Da's spectator seats were all noisy.

The audience who didn't have any acquaintances in that area were worried about the Hezhong area, and even themselves.

Ssangyong City suddenly froze today

Will he freeze his own home tomorrow? !

"No, I have to go home quickly!"

"Damn it, didn't you say that the Hezhong area is the freest and safest place in the world? It took me a lot of effort to get here!"

"Fly away, let's go back to my Shen'ao area just for a trip, so as not to risk my life."

"When I'm walking on the road, no one will pull out a gun and chug around, right?"

"Who the hell did it!


Among them were many tourists from non-Hezhong areas, who suddenly became extremely restless.

Many people even planned to go to Fukiyo City immediately, take the first flight tonight, and leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

Who knows if he will be frozen into ice next time?

As for who is the culprit for freezing Ssangyong City this time?


At this time, a sound of electric current flashed on the electronic screen, and the screen switched to a live broadcast of a man.

Even the appearance of this "man" is very familiar to Xiaozhi and the friends around him!

A head of short blond hair was combed back neatly, and there was a blue swirling bangs on the forehead, which wrapped around the top of the head like a satellite.

Fair face, wearing golden glasses, gentle, looks like a scientist

Acromar? !

Xiao Zhiming's expression changed in surprise, and he subconsciously turned to look at Akromar beside him.

Wait a minute, isn't the real person next to me? !

But in the upper right corner of the video, there is a sign of "live", it should be a live broadcast screen

It's exactly the same!

Could it be the recent popular AI face change?!


This scene also caused Akromar's complexion to change suddenly, and he suddenly understood in his heart.

The next moment, "Akromar" on the screen also started to speak.

"The Ssangyong City incident this time was an attack launched by our new plasma team!

And I, Akromar! He is the king of the new plasma team~!


The "Acroma" in the screen is quite talented in acting, with a long voice, arrogantly expressing responsibility for this incident!

These words naturally aroused the indignation in the hearts of thousands of people. They all shouted and greeted angrily. The noise was deafening, and the ground of the entire World Championship venue was trembling.

"This attack is just an appetizer. In the future, the entire Hezhong region, and even the world, will surrender and kneel at the feet of our new plasma team hahaha~!

! "

With the arrogant laughter of "Akromar" on the screen, the live broadcast was interrupted, and the screen came to an abrupt end.

Although the purpose is somewhat unclear

But obviously, this new plasma team is a group of madmen who have mastered dangerous powers, and no one knows what more outrageous and exaggerated events they will do next.

Especially this Akroma

It seems that he has become the number one extrajudicial madman in the Hezhong area!

Xiaozhi, Mingyi, and the familiar Xiaoxia Ke Naboni, looked at Akroma's face that was constantly changing, and probably guessed the reason.

They approached Akromar's position with many traces, forming a human wall, trying to cover Akromar's face as much as possible, so as not to be discovered by other people around.

"Tsk, is that why that Queches guy wants me to be the king of the plasma team?"

Surrounded by a wall of people in the center, Akromar's rare look of sullen anger rose on his face.

Is it just to throw out himself as a scapegoat one day in the future?

If the car overturned, the culprit would be Akromar, not Queches.

"Hey! Is that madman Akromar there?"

"I just said that I seem to have seen it somewhere!"

"The hair on the head of the satellite is leaking out!"

The human wall couldn't completely cover it up, and many nearby spectators recognized Akromar and glared in this direction!

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