Chapter 2506 The peak battle with Mashid! (Down)

"Abandon uh...!"

Being punched and hammered out by the surprise attack, the Abandoned Monkey got up a little disheveled and rubbed his stomach in pain.

This guy's boxing strength is really strong enough.

"Yan Hui!"

Putting away his surprise fists, the Martial Dao Bear Master charged again, this time with a touch of agility in his movements.

An afterimage passed by, and Master Wu Dao Xiong came in front of him, and a white light jab went straight to the chest of Abandoned Monkey.

For Pokémon with fighting attributes, moves of other attributes such as surprise attack and swallow return can be displayed in the form of boxing.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he called out a rare move name:

"It's now, use Shanlaan Throw!


The Abandoned Monkey understood, concentrated his mind, turned slightly sideways, and successfully dodged the opponent's straight punch.

Immediately, he lowered his arm and clamped it around his waist.

The other big hand grabbed the mane on Master Wu Daoxiong's chest, turned his body around, and stuck his back against it.


In the end, with all his strength, he violently threw the two-meter-high giant brown bear to the ground!

Master Wu Daoxiong hit the ground with his upper body, he couldn't help frowning, and let out a muffled groan...

Hit the nail on the head!

This move is the exclusive move of Hezhong's classic fighting-type Pokémon - Throwing Ghost.

Compared with falling with force, Shanlaan fall is sure to hit the vital point!

"Use flying kick!"

The offensive was not over yet, after the Abandoned Monkey ran a few steps in a row, it jumped up again, raised one of its lower limbs, and kicked towards Wu Dao Xiongshi's face.

The latter subconsciously raised his hand to block, his arm protecting his head.


However, the Abandoned Monkey didn't exert all its strength with its foot, and it used more strength to step on the arm of the Martial Dao Bear Master, and soared into the air.

Immediately, the spherical body spun several times in the air, continuously adding strength.

"Now, down kick!


Xiaozhi yelled out a rather rare fighting attribute move with a high-pitched voice.

The Abandoned Monkey understood, lifted one lower limb, attached a deep white light, and slashed down vertically like a heavy axe!

Push down kick, this is a fighting move from the Padia region, only Pokémon who are good at leg attacks can master it.

Following Mr. Fan Dou for so many years, and the Abandoned Monkey's fighting aptitude is superb...

This allowed Abandoned Monkey to successfully master a lot of rare and powerful signature moves in the world.

It's just that Martial Dao Xiongshi is not a vegetarian, this time he raised his arms to protect his face, and lowered his lower body.


The thick and powerful arms successfully blocked the blow, and flew the Forsaken Monkey back.


Xiao Zhi secretly thought it was a pity, the kick was to use the heel to directly attack the vulnerable part of the opponent's cerebellum, and it was very easy to create a chaotic effect.

But if it can't attack the head, the effect will be greatly reduced.

On the other side, Martial Dao Xiongshi did not rush to attack at all, instead he strode on the spot and clenched his fists.

"Use Bodybuilding!


Immediately, the muscles of Martial Dao Xiongshi's whole body swelled, and the red light flashed...

"Sure enough, has the information about the Abandoned Monkey been discovered?"

Seeing the old man in front of him with an undisturbed expression, Xiao Zhi's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he thought to himself.

Another purpose of letting the Abandoned Monkey continue to attack fiercely is to let the martial arts bear master fight back!

Once you hit the Forsaken World Monkey a few times, the Wrath Monkey's anger value will start to increase... The power of the Fist of Wrath will also increase accordingly!

With the Fist of Wrath superimposed to reach its peak state, Xiaozhi is confident that the power will never lose to the opponent's strongest blow.

In other words, the fist of anger in full state is also the only confidence that Abandoned Monkey can block the opponent's fatal blow!

But at this moment, Ma Shide was not in any hurry to attack.

Apparently Ma Shide has fully learned the information about the Abandoned Monkey who appeared in the early stage of the World Championships.

"Don't rush to make a move..."

On the opposite side, Ma Shide said in a low voice, and the martial arts bear master in front of him also let out a long breath, and his rhythm was not disturbed by the opponent in front of him at all.

Ma Shide has completely put Xiaozhi on the same level as himself.

Facing such an opponent, one must choose the most foolproof tactics...

One at a time, defeat the Abandoned Monkey in front of you, don't give it any chance to superimpose the Fist of Wrath!

On the contrary, Abandoning the World Monkey became anxious, and the protruding veins on his forehead became more prominent.

"Shadow Fist!


The Abandoned Monkey kept throwing punches through the air, and its hands continuously blasted out dark shadow fists like a fortress, across most of the arena, attacking the target intensively.

Facing the opponent's unreasonable prince's fighting style, Budokushi straddled his body, swung his fist the size of a sandbag, and punched equally passionately.

Boom boom boom!

The dense fist shadows swung by Martial Dao Xiongshi smashed all the shadow fists one by one without missing a single bit.

It's just that in the shadow and dust of Mo Lake, the Abandoned Monkey rushed up again, and raised his hand to entangle the chest mane and one arm of Wu Dao Xiongshi.

"Give up drinking...!"

Immediately, he bent his lower limbs, let out a low shout, and was about to jump up, dragging the martial arts bear master.

This is to display the signature skill - cast on the earth!


However, Martial Dao Xiongshi lowered his lower body, clung to his body, and stood there firmly like a rock.

The arm muscles of the Abandoned Monkey kept trembling, and its pale face turned a little red...

However, it was still impossible to lift the feet of Master Wu Dao Xiong off the ground.

"In that case, Explosive Fist!


The Abandoned Monkey hastily changed its battle thinking, put down the throwing gesture on the earth, clenched one fist tightly, attached a dazzling white light, and threw it directly at the big bear in front of it!


Accompanied by the deafening sound of Explosive Fist, a puff of smoke and dust rose from the center of the two fighting Pokémon.

Hit the target!

But as the smoke and dust cleared, Xiaozhi's heart tightened suddenly.

However, he saw Martial Dao Xiong Master's palms folded together, Qi Qi protected his chest, and unexpectedly firmly caught this powerful bursting punch.

"I admit, your Abandoned Monkey does have outstanding fighting talent..."

Ma Shide couldn't help but nodded his head, and continued:

"But it's still a long way from my martial arts bear master."

After saying that, Master Martial Dao Xiong clenched his palms tightly, clenched the fist of Abandoned Monkey, and threw it out vigorously.

"Give up drinking...!"

Although the movement of getting up from the ground was quite embarrassing, the whole body of the Abandoned Monkey was filled with a faint blue will-o'-the-wisp glow...

The layers of Fist of Wrath are finally superimposed!

But the next moment, the Abandoned Monkey's complexion changed, and he looked in front of him in amazement.

But he saw that this one-hit martial arts bear master had already made a move.

Pink-purple clouds and flames were bubbling all over his body, and his two-meter-high body seemed to have increased dozens of times in an instant, turning into a skyscraper of tens of meters...! ?

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