He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2461 Semifinals, Adek vs. Mashid! (middle)

The battle was still going on. Facing the continuous strong attack of the Warrior Eagle, Ma Shide seized an opportunity in the gap and attacked suddenly:

"Master Itachi, fly knee kick!"

Master Itachi immediately soared into the sky, with orange light attached to his bent knees, full of strength.

With the posture of a soaring fist, he rushed straight to the warrior eagle hovering in mid-air.

"Grab it!"

The warrior eagle's eyes were fixed, and the bright eagle eyes had a strong insight.


The main body was slightly raised by half a meter to relieve the force, and then the claws snapped together, like two iron tongs, firmly grasping Master Itachi's shoulders.

The powerful hard claws collided with Master Itachi's soft body, and the sharp claws were embedded in the flesh, causing Master Itachi to let out a whine.

The movement of the flying knee kick was also completely in vain, hitting the air, just setting off a burst of unnecessary air currents.

Seeing this, Adek sharpened his gaze and pointed to the ground:

"That's it, cast on Earth!


Not only the Charizard, this warrior eagle also mastered this move.

"Drink bravely!


The Warrior Eagle uttered a loud and clear high-pitched cry, leading Master Itachi to spin in the air at high speed.

Just as the latter was about to make a move, the Warrior Eagle swooped down, the muscles in his feet bulged, and he threw the prey on the eagle's talons downward!


There was a loud explosion, and smoke and dust filled the arena.

And directly below the handsome Warrior Eagle, on the ground, the Master Itachi had already fallen into the ruins and lost consciousness.

"Master Itachi, you can't fight!"

The referee Don George hurriedly said loudly, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

At present, it is a one-to-one tie, which is not a big problem.

He really broke into a cold sweat for his champion.

"Haha, let me just say, Mr. Adek just gave in!"

"Indeed, the United Champion is invincible!"

"Master M, where is the pheasant trainer!"

Adek's victory made the auditorium of Hezhong's home stadium resound with celebration.

It's just that anyone with a discerning eye can see it. Although Ma Shide, who is wearing a mask, can't see the specific expression clearly, Adek on the other side has an extremely dignified expression, obviously not as relaxed as the audience said.

"Not bad, you are worthy of being the champion of the ensemble~"

Taking back Master Itachi, the face under the mask of Ma Shide smiled:

"But it's not enough, let the old man see more things~!"

After all, he threw the second Poké Ball.


The next moment, when the second Pokémon sent by Mashid saw the figure of the opponent, Adek's expression tensed up instantly.

A humanoid brown bear that looks like a fighter, covered with thick gray-black hair, raised its left foot in mid-air, posing a martial arts kick.

Martial Arts Bear Master!

"It's a water attribute martial arts bear master who is good at combos."

Looking at the hair hanging down from the joints of this Martial Arts Bear Master, Adek also made a judgment in an instant, and murmured.

Unexpectedly, it was only the second one, and the opponent played the most dangerous trump card!

Immediately, Adek's eyes glowed red, full of pride.

Then here it is, just take it down!

"Warrior Eagle, air slash!"

The battle started again, and the Warrior Eagle waved its wings and slashed down countless sharp air slashes high in the sky!

"Martial arts bear master, bodybuilder~!"

The martial arts bear master stood still and clenched his fists, his arms and chest muscles swelled, and there was a faint red light

Both attack and defense have been increased!

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, a series of sharp air slashes exploded on Budao Xiongshi's body. Thanks to his bodybuilding, Budao Xiongshi couldn't help but be pushed several meters by the strong force, leaving two long marks on the ground on his lower limbs.

The effect is outstanding!

Seeing that the move worked, Adek followed suit and continued to attack:

"Again, Air Slash!


Ma Shide just smiled and responded:

"Burst punch!"

After the words fell, Master Martial Dao Xiong threw out a fist and hit the void!


There was a loud explosion-like sound, and the fierce force came out of the body, and immediately smashed all the air slashes that hit the face into powder.

"What's the matter, Adek-kun, you only know long-range moves~ dare not attack~?"

Ma Shide still did not forget to tease.

Adek's expression remained unchanged, he was not provoked by the opponent, and he continued to repeat the command:

"Continue, change position while using air slash!"

The warrior eagle understood, and this time hovered around Budao Xiongshi, flapping its wings continuously and flying out moves.

Countless air slashes struck in all directions, all flying towards Martial Dao Xiongshi.

The flying attribute restrains the fighting attribute, not only the effect of the moves, but also the factors of the sky and the land.

Birds can attack continuously in the air, but fighters are good at close combat, but they can't counterattack well.

However, Ma Shide, as a master who specializes in fighting attributes, naturally has a countermeasure soon.

"Burst punch!"

This time, Martial Arts Bear attacked the ground with his fist.


Amidst a huge explosion, the earth and rocks cracked, setting off a burst of smoke and dust.

Coupled with the continuous blasting of broken air slashes from above, countless smokes were raised in the entire arena, hiding the figure of the Martial Dao Bear Master.

"Raise the position!"

Adek spoke quickly, and naturally guessed that the other party wanted to use the cover of smoke to get closer.


The next moment, a bunch of fast water arrows suddenly pierced through the air from the smoke and dust, soaring into the sky.

Water jet!

"Use acrobatics to avoid!"

A light blue light is attached to the whole body of the Warrior Eagle, and its figure is flying left and right in mid-air, making it difficult for people to catch the trajectory.

Seeing this, Ma Shide just smiled:

"You can't escape, use it to see through~"

During the jet of water, Master Martial Arts Xiong's eyes shone with shrewd green light, and he accurately captured the trajectory of the opponent's acrobatics, and the trajectory of his own jet of water was also changing synchronously.

"Appeared, this trick again!?"

In the stands, Xiaozhi Tongkong flinched and subconsciously blurted out.

Others use see-through moves to dodge the enemy's attack

However, this martial arts bear master's see-through move is designed to see through the opponent's trajectory flaws and take the opportunity to attack head-on.

"Give up drinking!"

Beside him, Xiaozhi's Abandoned Monkey also ran out to watch the battle at some point.

It squatted on the ground, its blood-red eyes widened, and the angry veins on its forehead were bulging, and it couldn't take its eyes off it.

Facing such a former World Fighting Championship champion, it must seize every opportunity to observe the opponent's movements, so as to defeat it!


The next moment, the jet of water precisely hit the Warrior Eagle!

With the bonus of bodybuilding moves, the water jet is so powerful that it even directly smashed the energy coat of the juggling moves, and the Warrior Eagle couldn't help but tilt his head back.

The water sprayed out along the way, making the feathers of the Warrior Eagle wet, making it difficult to continue to fly flexibly and spread its wings.

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