He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2459 Semifinals, opening!

The next day, the day of the semi-finals of the Sailing World Championships finally arrived.

"Do you think Mr. Adek won today, or the old masked man?"

"That must be the champion Adek! He is invincible!"

"It's a pity. I don't know what happened to the previous casino. It was seized and I wanted to play two games."

At the entrance of the World Championship venue, many spectators have already entered the venue one after another. They are chatting in groups of threes and twos, which is quite lively.

And Xiaozhi and his party were also present together, Mingyi Douzi and the others were all together.

"I see. Mr. N has already left?"

Walking beside Xiaozhi, Akroman murmured, with a slight regret on his face.

He also plans to form an alliance with N, and find a chance to seize all the power of Team Plasma!

Obviously, he is the king of the plasma team in name, but at the moment, Quecchis and Vio, the top plasma team leaders, seem to be doing something mysteriously.

The point is that he didn't tell himself at all, which made Akromar somewhat annoyed.

If they form an alliance with N, they will fight back at that time, and the orthodoxy of the plasma team is right on their side!

"Young Xiaozhi, you came early!"

"Good morning, Xiaozhi~!"

At the entrance, Adek and Alice also came together, and they greeted each other.

"Oh Mr. Adek! Come on for today's game!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but walked a few steps closer, clenched his fists and encouraged him.

Next is the battle of Mr. Adek!

If you face that mysterious Mashid, you should be able to see Mr. Adek's full strength!

"By the way, what about Fan Shilang?"

But Xiaozhi looked behind Adek, that rough guy didn't come together?

"Um, that kid seems to be looking for Lian Wu?"

Adek scratched his head, a little helpless.

After being brutalized by Xiaozhi last night, in the middle of the night, Fan Shilang hurriedly knocked on the door of the Heavenly King Lianwu.

Since Lian Wu was once his student, he has a good relationship with Fan Shilang.

Lian Wu is a heavenly king who specializes in fighting attributes. Fan Shilang hopes to use the power of Lian Wu to help his crawling wings adapt to the body of upright combat as soon as possible, especially to master more fighting skills.

The two communicated until midnight, and it is estimated that they will come to watch the battle with Lian Wu later.

"Oh hehe~ What a coincidence, Mr. Adek~"

Several people gathered together at the entrance of the venue, at this moment, a burst of old-fashioned laughter suddenly came from behind Xiaozhi, and he turned his head quickly.

But at some point, Ma Shide was already standing behind him.

Still wearing casual sportswear, with the same mask of Budo Kumashi on his face, and a white beard is faintly exposed from under the mask

"Oh~ Mr. Ma Shide! Hope to have a wonderful match with you today~!"

Adek smiled heartily, and directly identified the latter.

As for the act of backstabbing the Hezhong World Championships, Adek no longer cared.

There is no such thing as a backstab. The World Championships are open to the whole world, and anyone with ability can participate.

"Is it? It looks like it may be a little dangerous today."

Looking at Adek's expression, there seemed to be a new change, and the face under the mask of Ma Shide smiled.

With his palms in his pockets, he turned to look at Xiaozhi:

"And you, old man Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, I hope to have a fight with you~"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help arousing his fighting spirit, clenched his fists and said:

"Oh! I wish for it! If I can have a battle with Mr. Mustard"

It's just that before he finished speaking, there was another sound of teasing from beside him, this time with a bit of elegant smile.

"So are you confident that you can beat me today, Xiaozhi~?"

Xiaozhi turned his head, but saw Kola walking over slowly at some point.

Still in the OL uniform, she pushed up her glasses, with a chuckle on her face all the time, making it difficult to judge the depth.

"It's already here, no matter what opponent I am, I will not lose!"

Xiaozhi also showed a confident smile on his face, his eyes first looked at Kona, and then fell on Adek and Mashide respectively.

As if declaring war on three people at the same time, the three of them looked at each other, and after a short moment of astonishment, they all showed their fighting spirit at the same time.

It is not uncommon for all four players in the semifinals to get together.


Douzi next to him immediately took out his mobile phone and quickly snapped a picture of this scene. This photo can definitely become the headline news today!

"I don't know who will win~"

Ming Yi also blinked, the four people in front of him are very powerful.

Then she lowered her head slightly, and murmured in a voice that only she could hear:

"I hope Xiao Zhizhi wins!"

After a while, Xiaozhi and the others had already entered the arena.

The venue of the World Championships in Nuoda is also full of spectators at this moment, and there is a lot of discussion.

There are even cameras everywhere, and this game is broadcast live to the whole world simultaneously

Far away in the Galar area, in a luxurious office building.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes with a greasy face was also watching the live broadcast.

"Oh~ The scene looks okay, this group of people~"

The president of the Garrell Alliance, Roz played with his curly bangs with one hand, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Although the content was praise, there was a bit of sarcasm in the tone.

After all, the venue of their Galar World Championships can demonstrate the extreme giant battle system.

Regardless of the level of battle, for most passers-by, just the cool and handsome gigantic scene is enough to win them.

Not to mention that their world championship venue also has advanced audience protection force fields, suspended referees and other advanced auxiliary functions, the main thing is bells and whistles!

"Master Roz, Pioni has withdrawn from the competition"

Beside Luoz, stood a tall and beautiful secretary, with delicate makeup on his fair face, but his expression was very cautious.

"However, according to the agreement, Mr. Ma Shide still continues the competition. There is a high probability that he will not choose to retire and will win the championship along the way."

Olivia said slowly.

According to her estimation, the three players in the current semi-finals should not be able to stop Ma Shide from winning the championship.

"Don't be so serious, Olivia~ Today is not a working day, so there is no need to report so nervously~"

Luoz just smiled casually, looking at the two people who were already standing at the opposite ends of the field on the screen.

"But it's a pity, Pioni guy"

Pioni is his younger brother. He knows the character of the former very well. It seems that he already knows the reason why he treats him as a knife.

“What a nerve wreck”

After this matter is over, I have to go to Pioni and my niece Charkoa to apologize.

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