He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2434 Adek: Dou Zi was beaten bloody by me! ?

"Please, Barbara~!"

Gritting his teeth, Douzi dispatched the second Pokémon, which was the fierce and shadowy Vulture Na.

"Fly up, distance yourself!"

The opponent's physical attack has increased tremendously, and Douzi doesn't dare to get close to it, and pulls away from the beginning of the game.

The vulture Na obviously also sensed the danger of the other party, and quickly flapped its wings and took off.

"Air cut!"

Far away, Vulture Na flapped her wings, blowing out countless sharp air strikes, and swooped down.

"Iron wall!"

The knight snail was even more straightforward, closing the armor on the surface of its body to block it with absolute defense.



Several air slashes landed on the iron wall of the latter's armor, but there was a crisp crackling sound, and the slashes shattered like glass, without breaking the defense at all.

Among the 18 attributes, the knight snail with worm + steel attributes is afraid of fire attribute moves.

"Damn it... Barbara doesn't know how to use hot air."

Douzi was secretly discouraged, if Barbara could blow a strong hot wind like Mr. Aoki's Mookhawk before, that would be great...

But now approaching...she dare not approach, so Douzi can only change his strategy:

"In this case, use the bone stick to fight!"

Vulture Na nodded, grabbed the hairpin stick on top of her head, and threw it out violently!

Ground attribute moves should have some effect, right?

However, Adek suddenly rolled his eyes, and suddenly shouted:

"Continuously chop, knock it into the air!"

The knight snail reopened its armor, communicated with its trainer, and waved its two guns decisively.

Bang bang!

There was a crisp crashing sound, the bone stick didn't work, instead it bounced back in the shape of a pullback.

However, the trajectory of the circle was deliberately lowered by the knight snail, which made Vulture Na subconsciously lower her body and fly towards the bone stick, assuming she was about to pick it up again...

"It's now, Poison Strike!"

At this time, Adek shouted loudly.

He is very familiar with the habits of Pokémon like Vulture Na in Hezhong.

Don't look at the vicious and shadowy appearance, and even cruelly feed on the Kola Kola on the ground. The eagle claws twisted a Kola Kola and swallowed it crunchily, and then used the bone remains of the latter as a food. own decorations...

But there are only female vultures in the population, but they are very beautiful.

Especially the bone stick used to erect the feathers on the top of the head is extremely cherished, and will involuntarily catch the whirling bone stick.

That would be easy, just point directly in the direction of the bone stick and launch an attack.


The knight snail let out a low snort, swung his two spears and slashed forward, this time slashing a black-purple energy slash from the air!

"Get away first, Barbara, you can take the bone stick later..."

However, Douzi's command did not fall into the ears of this vulture.

Condor Na happily put the bone stick into her bosom, and then reinserted it into the top of her head smugly.

However, after doing these things, an exaggerated venom slash had already covered her.


The poison strike exploded on Vulture Na's body, and the black-purple liquid exploded up. You must know that the amplifying effect of the deadly needle on the knight snail's body has not disappeared at this moment, and the power of the move is terrifying!


With just one blow, although Vulture Na didn't fall down completely, she was already dying.

Purple bubbles appeared from the tip of the nose. Misfortunes never come singly, and Vulture Na also entered a state of poisoning.

Seeing that the opponent is about to use the deadly needle to harvest the head again, trigger the effect of the killing book again...

Gritting his teeth, Douzi finally made up his mind:

"Barbara, use Blow Fly!"

Vulture Na barely lifted into the air, flapping its wings with the last strength, and blowing a strange whirlwind.


Wrapped in the whirlwind, the figure of the knight snail spun around in place, and finally turned into a red light, and returned straight to the elf ball on Adek's waist.

"what happened...?"

Adek was quite puzzled by this, and stared blankly at the girl with the high ponytail in front of him.

It stands to reason that since Condor Na has mastered the blowing move, she should use it immediately.

After all, the physical attack of his knight snail has already been stacked, and the best tactic is to directly force him to end the game and remove the effect.

But Douzi, why do you still struggle with him for a long time?


Suddenly thought of some answer, Adek's eyes lit up, and his heart was ecstatic.

Sure enough, was Douzi's fighting spirit fully aroused by him? !

Even with restrained moves, he still chooses to fight head-on, wanting to defeat his knight snail head-on! ?

This is a good start, Douzi's blood as a trainer has finally burst out!

However, compared to Adek who was overjoyed at the moment, it seemed that he had finally seen the lost child return home... On the other hand, Douzi's complexion was extremely ugly, and his heart was bleeding continuously.

"Damn it, it's still used!"

You must know that before the game, she bought Adek with a lot of money and did not change the Pokémon, so she ruthlessly wore three herself!

After being forcibly blown away and replaced at this moment, although in fact Mr. Adek can still wear three in one...

But this is against the rules of the casino.

Others can directly bite back and say that since Adek is replaced, it is two wear three...

Douzi hugged her head regretfully, but she couldn't do it watching Barbara obviously have a move to release, and let the latter be cannon fodder...

As for Vulture Na, who was originally a candle in the wind, after performing the final blowing move, when the additional effect of poisoning came up, she finally couldn't hold on.


She fell powerlessly from the sky, and when she landed, she let out a wail, and looked at her trainer with resolute and feminine eyes.

It seems to be saying that she has done her best, and the rest will be handed over to Douzi to continue fighting...

"Vulture Na...Damn it!"

Taking back Vulture Na, Douzi can only regain his strength.

Well, the first big bet was abstained by Uncle Pioni, and it was in vain.

The second time I planned to turn the tide, it should have blown...

Sure enough, gambling harms others and harms oneself!

After going back later, go to Miss Junsha and report the private underground casino!

That being the case, let's fight with all our strength for the last time!

"Please, Hei Nier!"

The last trump card, Douzi naturally played her Royal Three Family Yanwu King!


The latter clenched his fists and sprayed a beam of flames into the air, full of energy.

"Sure enough, Douzi also experienced the fun of being a trainer~!"

Seeing Dou Zi with a fiery and excited expression, Adek was very satisfied, and took advantage of the opportunity to throw a second elf ball.

The red light fell, and this time Adek dispatched the explosive-headed buffalo that had appeared before.

Obviously, the final match point game has become a contest of strength!

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