He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2422 A group of monster trainers in Kanto!

"Extreme... I really saw something incredible today."

In the private box of the Hezhong official, after watching the whole battle between Kona and Bonnie, Adek couldn't help standing up, his eyebrows were raised, and his rough face was full of surprise.

Compared with the smattering of other people's knowledge, they are completely confused about the power that Kona finally showed.

But he is clear!

The ultimate realm has nothing to do with the Pokémon's race, level, attribute...it doesn't matter.

Once you master this power, it will be the difference between heaven and earth.

Just like a legendary Pokémon attacking an ordinary Pokémon, attribute restraint doesn't make much sense.

Even the Mega Ice Ghost Guard, which could have nullified absolute zero, couldn't stop the extreme freezing chill of Chenglong.

"As expected of a trainer in the Kanto region..."

Adek's scalp was a little numb, and he scratched his head in place.

If a king of the alliance is like this, what is the level of the rest of the kings and even the champions in the Kanto region?

You must know that this power, even if it is placed in the league champion, not everyone has it.

Of course, he and the ace Vulcan Moth ten years ago possessed this power.

But with the death of that Vulcan Moth, no matter how he tried, he even chose a new Vulcan Moth, exactly the same on the same ultimate path...

You think that with experience, it might be easier to re-enter that realm.

However, his newly bred Vulcan moth still couldn't get into that cloth.

To master this power, experience, skills, and even luck, all are indispensable...

Thinking that he might never be able to step into that realm again in his life, Adek thought about finding a successor.

Perhaps the trainers of the new generation can go further than themselves?

"Heavenly King Kona... Now..."

Watching Kona's departure on the field, Adek's expression kept changing.

His next opponent is not only the backstab from the Galar region, but also the outcome is unpredictable when he meets this cold red-haired woman.

Even his fiery Vulcan moth might not be able to melt the other party's ice...?

"Eh...I feel like I'm going to have a nightmare tonight..."


Beside her, Alice and Axe-toothed Dragon hugged their bodies at the same time, shivering constantly.

Their pair of dragon attribute partners are not good at dealing with ice attribute Pokémon, let alone Kola, who has gone to the extreme on this road.

Just watching this battle from the audience is a kind of mental torture...!


On the other hand, after the battle ended, the venue of the World Championships temporarily entered the noon break and lunch time, and many spectators left the venue one after another.

In the round of 16, only the last two battles in the afternoon are left.

"Miss Kona, Miss Bonnie, this side~!"

Xiaozhi and his party were still waiting in their positions, thinking of ending the battle, they went to eat with the two ice attribute experts who had left the field.

Looking from a distance, Kona and Bonnie looked at each other, then smiled at the same time, and walked a little faster.

Getting along these days has allowed them to forge quite a friendship.

"Hehe, I'm completely lost~"

Responding to the regretful and consoling looks from the group, Heavenly King Bonnie shrugged and smiled helplessly.

It seems that on the road of ice attributes, Kona has gone farther than himself...

Seemingly aware of Bonnie's thoughts, Kona just shook his head and denied:

"No, I'm just one step ahead of you."

But only those who have taken this step know how difficult this step is...

It can't even be taught by words and deeds.

After all, there are countless roads ahead, and the road you walk out by yourself may not be suitable for Bonnie.

It's not about keeping secrets, that's all Kona can say.

"I see... It seems that the Alliance King has only just begun..."

Bonnie sighed with emotion and said slowly.

Seeing the dazzling midday sun, Bonnie held up a small parasol, and life looked exquisite.

It is said that in some other regions, the championship level is the real beginning.

However, on the way to the elf center, Kona's eyes couldn't help but fell on Xiao Zhi who had been silent at the back of the team.

This silent and dignified appearance, could it be that he was frightened by the strength he displayed?

So Ke approached the past without any trace, as if he didn't intend to mention it:

"Hehe~ Xiaozhi, today should be the second time, right?"

"the second time?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, and Akromar beside him was also stunned. He pushed his glasses, and a burst of white light reflected from the mirror.

At Xiaozhi's age, is it already the second time? !

Suddenly, Xiaozhi stretched his brows and replied:

"Well, it's indeed the second time... The last time was in the Orange Islands, right?"

A long time ago in the Orange Islands, I fought Kona once, when the latter pulled out the terrifying power at the bottom of the box...

Of course, at that time, it was Brother Chi who was helping Kona fight with his upper body.

The two souls share one body, which also allows Xiaozhi to observe this power up close.

Back then, he was completely at a loss as to what the extreme was, and he just thought of it as watching a fancy game...

Kona suddenly slanted his eyes, and his tone seemed to be teasing, but also a little provocative:

"So... now you, can you defeat me?"

Although Xiaozhi also showed extreme power at the beginning, after getting along with Lianyi Town these days, Kona probably guessed some of it. It seems that that power has nothing to do with Xiaozhi?

So what now?

As the only two Kanto natives remaining in the entire World Championships, Kona's next goal is not Adek, or that old strong man from the Galar region...

Her goal is only Xiaozhi!


Xiaozhi pondered for a moment, stretched out his palm and raised it slightly, looking at the palm of his hand facing the sun.

Then he clenched his fists violently, as if grasping the sun in the palm of his hand, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a confident smile:

"Whether it is Miss Kona or other opponents, I will not lose now!"



The Pikachu on the shoulder also yelled confidently, and it will be its turn to appear at that time!


On the other shoulder, although Victini didn't know what happened, he also yelled.

"Really... I really look forward to it..."

Seeing this, Kona also smiled, and walked forward contentedly.

But after hearing Xiaozhi's answer, Bonnie, who had just finished the battle, showed a surprised expression.

After watching this game, I can still face the challenge of Kona...

"Tsk, the trainers in Kanto are really a bunch of monsters."

Even Bonnie, who is extremely well-educated, couldn't help cursing in her heart.

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