He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2413 End! The winner is... Eudemons!

This battle between Eudemons and Eudemons is finally coming to an end.

"Genesect, use the high-tech light cannon!!"

Seeing that the opponent completed the change of form and his momentum was high, Xiao Zhi simply showed no mercy and launched a fierce attack from the very beginning.

Steel Worm God's turret was set up, and the berserk electric current turned into a laser beam, shooting straight at the target.


Keldeo immediately jumped up and dodged.

"Don't let it run away, catch up!"

Genesect understood that it was not the main body catching up, but controlling the aiming direction of the turret on his back to increase the diameter of the barrel.


The golden-yellow lightning laser trajectory also rose, shooting out all the way, chasing towards Kelideo's position.

Although Keldeo can't fly, the water cannon holes at the bottom of the limbs are not vegetarian.


The soles of the feet sprayed water, and Keldeo immediately used the thrust to achieve a double jump in the air.

The figure even circled in mid-air directly on the field, and finally landed suddenly on another position on the field.

The big dark blue horn that had grown back on its forehead was covered with a layer of sharp white light, and then it kicked off the ground and rushed straight to Genesect.

Bang bang! !

The holy sword swept across, successfully hitting Genesect's side arm, and the powerful force immediately pushed him back several meters.


After just one blow, Keldeo's appearance became more dignified, and he landed on the spot, panting continuously.

After suffering heavy blows from the opponent one after another, it has long been in the state of a candle in the wind, and it can't replenish its physical strength by transforming its form.

However, the stamina of this weird mechanical bug on the opposite side seems to be endless.

First, he experienced two battles with Aoki, and then he was attacked several times by himself, but he didn't show any signs of fatigue.

Especially the blinking bifocal eyes at that moment only made people feel oppressive


Keldeo couldn't help cursing in a low voice, what the hell is this bug? He is a blessed phantom beast, how could he still feel oppressed by the other party? !

It is no longer possible to defeat the opponent with ordinary moves, and Keldeo can't help but think of the tricks taught by the three masters.

not holy sword

It's a trick that belongs to you alone!

Naturally, it couldn't be used in the past, but now that it has completed the form change, it can definitely be used!


Thinking of this, Keldeo screamed loudly, raised his head, and raised the big dark blue horn on his forehead high.

As power was continuously poured into it, a burst of white light bloomed on the surface of the rather ferocious horn.

And the light became more and more dazzling, and the color gradually changed to orange.


In the end, Keldeo's big horn completely turned into a bunch of energy giant swords nearly two meters long!

There are sharp energy jagged edges, and the orange giant sword is even bigger than Keldeo's body. For a while, Keldeo's momentum reached its peak!

"Isn't it the holy sword's ultimate move?"

Xiaozhi looked intently, with an extremely focused expression.

It's not a holy sword, but an exclusive move that belongs to Keldeo

Mysterious Sword!


Holding the energy giant sword, Kelideo let out a high-pitched shout, his whole body bursting with light, and charged straight in the direction of Genesect!

"Insects! Block it!"

Genesect immediately stabilized his body, folded his arms together, and made a high-frequency and messy insect sound forward.

The ear-piercing sound waves reached Keldeo, causing the latter to frown uncomfortably, and his movements couldn't help but slow down a little.


But at this moment, Keldeo's fighting spirit has been raised to the extreme, and he is forced to fight against the negative influence of the insects, shaking the giant sword above his head, and still rushing brazenly!

Bang bang! !

In the end, the mysterious sword hit Genesect's chest, and the terrifying power seemed to be able to cut and break everything, causing an exaggerated energy explosion at one end of the arena!

With one hit, Keldeo's figure flashed past.

Standing behind Genesect with his back turned, the energy giant sword above his head dissipated and returned to the appearance of a dark blue horn


It panted heavily, looking tired, but there was a complacent expression on its face.

Although the move of the mysterious sword has not been mastered perfectly

But hitting this mechanical bug head-on, the winner should be completely determined now, right?

"Jie Jie"

However, the next moment, a sneaky sound quietly appeared behind it.

In the explosion smoke, a pair of bright red eyes suddenly appeared, followed by Genesect's crimson body.

Xiaozhi and Genesect were bonded together, so he naturally knew that the latter would not fall so easily, so he smiled as expected.

Don't underestimate the physical strength of this ancient world destroyer!

Moreover, although the mysterious sword is powerful, it is not a fire attribute move after all, and the resistance of the steel + worm attribute Genesect attribute is too good.

Immediately Xiaozhi raised his arm and roared loudly:

"The final blow! Genesect, the high-tech light cannon!!"

Although at this time, the speed of a blow is enough to harvest the head, but in order to respect Keldeo, Xiaozhi still chose this powerful move.

Before Keldeo even had time to turn his head, he heard the mechanical sound of the turret moving.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "boom", and the crackling current laser had already shot

Boom! !

The high-tech laser cannon hit, and an exaggerated thunder and lightning explosion occurred at one end of the field, and the ground shook violently as if it had been plowed!

The effect is outstanding!

After a while, the smoke cleared.

The ground around Keldeo's body was blown out of huge cracks, and the former had already fallen in the middle of the ruins.

Although his eyes were spinning, he completely lost his ability to fight.


But at this moment, the corner of Keldeo's mouth raised slightly.

Obviously, it is very satisfied with this matchup.

"Keludio loses his ability to fight!"

"Because Aoki's three Pokémon have lost their ability to fight, so this round of 16 will be promoted by Xiaozhi!"

The referee Don George said loudly immediately, and at the same time he couldn't help wiping his sweat.

It's really hard to explain the game.

It seems that this round of 16 match was not only played for 20 minutes, but more like a week?

Hearing the decision sound, Xiaozhi was relieved, and finally won.


Genesect's turret was also retracted, his eyes flickering lightly like breathing lamps.

One wears three today's battle, and it also consumed a lot of stamina.

However, he had an astonishing record of flat pushes in his first appearance. After all, he had already reached the top 16 stage. Even the king of the league, and even the champion of the league, Adek, couldn't achieve a record of one-for-three.

This caused the entire venue audience to erupt into unusually warm applause, apparently completely conquered by the mighty Genesect!

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