He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2411 Eudemons vs Eudemons!

Although the game has taken a strange direction, the game is still going on.

Dong George also got the official news of the event, and immediately left the stage to the two with a calm expression, without any objection.

Indeed, the appearance of a local Eudemons is more popular than the battle of an alliance king

At this moment, in the auditorium of the venue, both foreign and local audiences are looking forward to Keldeo's battle.


But before the battle started, Keldeo suddenly bit out a grapefruit from the fluff and threw it far away to Genesect.

What it wants is a fair fight, two consecutive battles, the latter consumes some stamina, which is not perfect for it.

Before entering the arena, Keldeo stole a grapefruit from the auditorium next to him.

"Is this a throwing trick?"

Xiaozhi cocked his mouth, it's not a big problem, who said that hitting a dog with a meat bun is not counted as throwing?


Genesect was stunned, but he didn't refuse. He chewed and swallowed it after taking it, and his physical strength recovered a little.

"So now, the battle has officially begun, Keldeo?!"



On both sides of the arena, Xiaozhi and Kelidio showed similar expressions of excitement, and their fighting spirit was high.

This scene made Uncle Aoki, who was watching the play in the VIP seats, rub his chin with some doubts.

The pony in front of me feels very similar to the boy opposite.

The battle begins!

"Genesect, speed!


At the beginning of the battle, Xiaozhi still chose to attack quickly, and Genesect entered a high-speed flight state in the air, turning into a beam of red streamer and flying out!



Keldeo did not show any weakness, his body was covered with water, and he also used the preemptive water jet to rush out!

Boom boom boom!

Not only that, but the bottom of Keldeo's hind limbs is also aimed at the rear. During the sprint, two jets of water jets are slammed backwards to boost his speed and strength!


The two moves collided head-on, and there was a burst of explosion in the center of the arena!

With the help of water boost, Keldeo's water jet even faintly has the effect of super speed!

Of course, in terms of flexibility, it is far inferior to the real speed moves.

And Genesect's metal iron head

After a stalemate between the two moves, in the end Genesect was the better, and with a raised metal head, Keldeo was pushed back.



In response to this, Keldeo spun several times in the air to unload his force, and a blue-green energy light bomb condensed in his mouth, and he threw it out!

Infuriating bomb!

Unlike other Pokémon's qi bombs, which are orange-red Keldeo's qi bomb special effects, it is more like a wave missile?

"Crush it, Metal Claw!"

Genesect raised his arms, and slashed forward with his sharp and hard claws, instantly smashing and detonating the thrown energy ball in the air!

It's just that as the energy smoke fell, Keldeo, who was retreating in mid-air, did not know when he had landed on the ground, and even turned into a state of sprinting forward.

And at the broken corner on the top of the head, there is still a layer of water flow full of bubbles, which faintly changes into the posture of a long blade


Keldeo flicked his head sideways, and a stream of water split through Genesekket's chest, splitting it several meters horizontally, leaving two long marks on the ground with sharp claws on his lower limbs.

"There's a hand in breaking the water."

With a fixed gaze, Xiaozhi immediately struck out with a heavy fist and said:

"In this case, we use high-tech light cannons!


Taking a hit made Genesect somewhat annoyed.

I saw it stabilizing its lower plate, and quickly set up the big fort on its back, the crackling electric energy has already condensed and formed at the position of the barrel


The next moment, a beam of current laser blasted out suddenly, piercing through the air, and the high-tech light cannon appeared on the field again, and the scene was horrifying!

However, as an Eudemon, Keldeo's firepower is also not weak.


It gave a low snort confidently, then turned its body around and kicked its hind legs forward.

The black lacquered hole at the bottom of the horseshoe is also the cannon barrel. Two streams of water rush out in the blink of an eye. The strong and powerful water flows spiral together and bombard them together. The force is enough to smash the boulder easily!

Water cannons!

Boom boom boom!

In the blink of an eye, the vast and violent water cannon move collided with the high-tech light cannon head-on. The energy of the electric current and the water flow clashed crazily in the center of the arena. fog.

"Did you actually block the high-tech light cannon?"

Xiaozhi is not worried but happy, the phantom Pokémon in front of him is really powerful enough!

Da da da!

With the cover of water mist, Keldeo even used the shadow clone move and ran around the arena.

All of a sudden, among the hazy mist, Keldeo was full of running shadows, making it difficult to recognize.

"Calm down! Genesect, use your analytical ability!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly spoke.

The characteristic of Genesect is downloading, so it is necessary to analyze the opponent's ability value in advance

This represents the battle of Genesect, not an ordinary Pokémon like Pikachu, who needs to rely on the five keen senses or the instinct of the body to fight

They use more scientific mechanical calculations!

"Jie Jie"

Immediately, Genesect's two red electronic eyes flickered frequently, and his body also made the sound of mechanical gears, as if he was really calculating something.

Soon, the red lights of Genesect's eyes lit up.

Xiaozhi understood, immediately raised his finger and shouted:

"It's now, use the grid, grab it!


Genesect set up the fort, and the electric energy released this time suddenly spread in the air, forming a large lightning net.


The power grid was laid and opened, and it was accurately covered, and it succeeded in catching Keldeo who was still running.


This made Keldeo somewhat dumbfounded. His proud agility was actually seen through by this mechanical bug? !

The grid tightened, which made Keldeo struggle under the grid, but once the flesh touched the energy grid, a burst of tingling and strong current exploded, making it difficult to break free

Xiaozhi showed no mercy to this, and took advantage of the situation to shout filial piety:

"High-tech light cannon!


Genesect's action remained unchanged, this time the cannon barrel was still condensed with lightning energy, and its power far exceeded that of the power grid, and finally blasted out in the form of a beam of laser pulses!

Being bound by the power grid and making it difficult to dodge, Keldeo could only watch helplessly as the lightning laser approached

Boom boom boom!

A massive thunder and lightning explosion aroused at one end of the arena, and the power of the high-tech light cannon completely exploded!

The effect is outstanding!

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