He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 218 Purgatory vs Big Character Explosion!

"Fire Dinosaur!"

The Fire Dinosaur, which was hit over the shoulder and flung violently, did not lose its ability to resist. Instead, its gaze was fixed, and it stabilized its figure in mid-air. While backing up, it bounced up with both palms supporting the ground, rolling back and forth several times in the air. After one round, it was finally possible to let go of all the strength and stand on the field again.

But its look is not as chic as its movements.

"Wu~ You're very flexible..."

Xia Bo couldn't help admiring.

The fire dinosaur stage can still show this kind of operation. He is more curious about whether this fire dinosaur can perform several somersaults like it is now when it evolves and has a big belly like a fire-breathing dragon.

"This duck-billed fire dragon..."

On the other side, Xiaozhi and the fire dinosaur are obviously not as relaxed as Xia Bo and the duck-billed fire dragon. They both have serious expressions as if they are facing a big enemy.

Lava armor?

He has already copied this unique skill, but this move takes a long time. It requires the body to be forged by volcanic lava for a long time. It is not possible to copy and paste it directly now.

The flames were not powerful enough, and he was at a disadvantage in melee combat. Xiaozhi's pupils shrank, and he had no other way out.

"Fire Dinosaur, use Purgatory!!"

This is the strongest skill that the fire dinosaur can use at this stage!


The Fire Dinosaur nodded and let out a roar on the spot, accumulating gas, its breathing became low, its fiery red skin began to become deeper and redder, and even the surrounding air that came into contact with its skin was scorched and turned into steaming white smoke. Under the light, the hot wind and air waves of the entire crater climbed scorchingly, as if something terrifying was about to erupt from its body...

"Purgatory... duck-billed fire dragon, block it!"

Xia Bo didn't order it to interrupt, but let the duck-billed fire dragon take a defensive posture on the spot.

He knows the skill of purgatory. The fire attribute skill is really powerful, but it also has many disadvantages. It takes a while to accumulate power, and the hit rate is not high.

He was a little shocked to be able to master such a great skill as Purgatory at the fire dinosaur stage.

But at this moment, he neither intends to step forward to interrupt, nor interrupt the dodge.

This is the self-esteem of fire-type Pokémon and trainers. For flame attacks, he believes that the duck-billed fire dragon can block it, so it won't dodge!

Soon, the power was fully charged, and the skin of the fire dinosaur even glowed crimson. A terrifying wave of flames burst out from its body in all directions, spreading towards the entire arena, covering every inch of the ground , surrounded by the duck-billed fire dragon.

The dark red flames are constantly burning, and above the flames are black smoke that penetrates people. The entire Red Lotus Arena seems to be in purgatory, and the flames are black and smoke billowing into the sky!


The purgatory flame shrank and completely devoured the duck-billed fire dragon in the center.


Surrounded by the flames of purgatory, the duck-billed fire dragon looked fearless. After condensing a layer of lava armor around its body, it faced the crimson flame head-on.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The flames burned crazily, like turning into a gluttonous beast, constantly pounced on the duck-billed fire dragon, burning everything! !

"Boom boom boom!!"

The black smoke of the flame rose into the sky, and the air wave suddenly shook, bursting there, turning into a mass of violent flame explosion, and the surrounding rock formations broke into countless ravines and cracks!

Everyone covered their eyes and retreated a few steps, only Xia Bo and Xiaozhi standing in the front did not take half a step back, staring closely at the battlefield...


"Did you win?!"

Soon, the purgatory flames and black smoke swept away one after another, and a red and yellow flame Pokémon was still standing there, slowly putting down its defensive movements, with sharp eyes.

The duck-billed fire dragon still maintains its combat effectiveness, and there are not even any obvious scars on its body.

"Hasn't such a powerful purgatory worked?"

"Even if it's resistant to flames, it's impossible to suffer without injury, right?"

The faces of Xiaogang and Xiaoxia in the rear changed drastically.

Even Xiaozhi and the fire dinosaur in the battlefield subconsciously took half a step back, shocked in their hearts.


Suddenly, a drop of dark brown liquid solid dripped from the face of the duck-billed charmander, corroding and burning a small black pit on the rocky ground.

"Da da da..."

Hot magma continuously fell from the surface of the duck-billed charmander, burning the ground around it into black charcoal.

Purgatory is not ineffective, but it took off the layer of lava armor on the duck-billed fire dragon!

"Since it's turn-based, now it's time for us to attack..."

Xia Bo was startled inwardly, the power of this purgatory was beyond his expectation, then his face darkened and he waved his thumb.

"Duck-billed fire dragon, use big characters to burst flames!!"

"Kar Ho Ho!!"

The duck-billed fire dragon took a deep breath of air, even inhaled the remaining sparks and hot air in the surrounding air into its belly, then opened its mouth, and condensed a ball of fiery energy in front of the mouth, burning the air with terrifying high temperature , making everything around the energy group blur.

As it roared loudly, the flame ball flew out suddenly, trembling and transforming in the midair, turning into a huge "big" character flame ball, roaring towards the fire dinosaur.

The power is terrifying, even without touching the ground along the way, it can crack and crush the rocks and soil blocks along the way to form a long gully.

Big character Explosive Flame, a great fire attribute trick! !

"Quickly avoid..."


Just as Xiaozhi wanted to give instructions, he was interrupted by the roar of the fire dinosaur. It first looked back at Xiaozhi with its eyes burning with flames, and then faced the impending explosion of big characters head-on, with a fearless expression.

"Fire Dinosaur..."

Xiaozhi suffocated for a while. In this case, avoiding it is undoubtedly the best choice. You must know that although the power of the big-character explosion is terrifying, it also has a fatal flaw, that is, the hit rate is not high. With the flexibility of the fire dinosaur, It can be avoided without injury.

"The dignity of the fire attribute?"

"In response to the duck-billed fire dragon's confrontation with Purgatory..."

The expressions of the two people behind also became extremely deep.

This coping strategy is undoubtedly stupid, but it is also the most suitable way to fight with flames.

Face the flames and confront them head-on!

Thinking of this Xiaozhi also completely dispelled the confusion, the corner of his mouth actually hooked into a vigorous smile, and his eyes suddenly became brighter than ever. Winning or losing is not important at this moment, he just wants the fire dinosaur to do what it wants to do!

"Fire Dinosaur, do what you want, block this big character explosion!!"

Xiaozhi no longer blocked it, but stood firmly behind it.


The Fire Dinosaur roared at the sky repeatedly. Its figure was a bit small compared to the roaring big-character explosion in front of it, but its footsteps sank, its eyes were firm, and it raised its claws towards the terrifying flame, showing The cross is in front of him.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The two claws came into contact with the explosive flames of the big characters, and the extremely terrifying force descended, making the fire dinosaur's face turn blue instantly, and the shoulders collapsed a few inches in an instant!

The blazing heat and high-temperature air waves of the explosion made the fire dinosaur's head and neck nearly twisted, bent to one side, and a crack was drawn on the ground by its hind legs and thighs, and its figure kept retreating...

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