He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2409 Crushed! Taijing wraps around a flamingo!

After the crystallization was completed, the whole body of the flamingo was wrapped in a thin layer of sharp-edged energy crystals, and the fire wax on the top of its head made it even more imposing.

"Too crystalline, is it a fire attribute?"

Xiaozhi concentrated his eyes. He had been exposed to this kind of battle mechanism in the Sinnoh area before, but he didn't panic immediately at the moment.

Aoki took the initiative to launch a new round of attack:

"Wrap around the flamingo, two-stage kick!"

The flamingo understood, and ran wildly on the edge of the arena again. This time, not only was there a lot of dust behind him, but even the candle above his head was constantly flickering back.

After getting close to Genesect, he kicked it mercilessly.

Bang bang! Bang bang! !

Genesect still responded with his metal claws, and the hard claws collided with the crane's legs one after another, refusing to give in.

"Tsk, do you still retain the fighting attribute?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice.

It seems that the mechanism of too crystallization is only defensively, turning the attribute of the flamingo into a flame attribute, and it will be hit by moves such as water cannons with outstanding effects

But when it comes to offense, it's not just fire attributes.

The original flying and fighting moves of the flamingo still have the same attribute bonus, and the power is strong!

Especially the bifurcated candlestick wrapped around the head of the flamingo, and the light red crystal light on his body all the time, made Genesect a little confused.

"It's now, Taijing explodes!!"

At this moment, Aoki shouted suddenly.

Taijing Explosion, this is a special move performed by Pokémon in the state of Taijing, which can change the attributes of the move to be consistent with the attributes of Taijing.


This also caused the scale of the candles around the flamingo's head to skyrocket, bathing the whole body in a sharp red light.

Immediately, all the high-temperature and hot flame energy was concentrated on the flamingo's slender legs, and kicked out!

The move of Taijing Burst will even change the attack method due to the user's own ability.

For long-range turrets, Taijing Burst is a normal energy special attack.

For melee attackers, it can turn this move into a fierce and powerful physical attack move!

Due to the close proximity of the two, Xiaozhi didn't expect that the previous two-stage kick was just a cover move to shorten the distance, so he had to deal with it hastily:

"Genesect, block it with an iron wall!!"

Steel Worm God immediately put his arms in front of his body, and a burst of metallic silver light appeared on the surface of his body, his defense power was greatly improved.

Bang bang! !

The next moment, the crane leg filled with flames hit the Iron Worm God's chest, and the momentum was stronger than the flame kick, kicking the latter flying out on the spot.

The effect is outstanding! !

The retreating Steel Worm transformed into a state of high-speed flight, reducing the force it received as much as possible.

Xiao Zhi fixed his gaze immediately, and shouted:

"Don't lose to it! Use the high-tech light cannon now!!"

The body of Steel Worm God transformed again in mid-air, and the cannon barrel above his head was already set up. This time, the energy of the sky-blue water gathered near the muzzle of the cannon.

Boom! !

A beam of water energy laser blasted out suddenly, this time it was a high-tech light cannon of water attribute!

The flamingo hadn't recovered from the Taijing explosion and flame kick just now, the crane's legs couldn't be retracted, and it froze in place for a while, and could only let the fierce water cannon laser rush towards it .

Boom! !

The high-tech light cannon did not show any weakness, it also exploded on the body of the flamingo, and immediately blasted the latter out.

The effect is outstanding! !

Seeing this, Aoki was a little dumbfounded, how can your high-tech light cannon change attributes freely? !

It was clearly an electric attribute before, but now it suddenly becomes a water attribute

This is not as convenient as being too crystallized! !

The sudden fierce battle made it difficult for the audience to breathe.

And in the arena, the two Pokémon who were hit by each other's heavy blows also caused the two Pokémon who had retreated to one end of the arena to die down a little bit.

"Jie Jie"

Genesect's eyes flickered frequently, his sharp claws glowed coldly, and his anger gradually rose.

Especially on the surface of the crimson steel armor on the chest, the clear black marks of the flaming crane claws are like a mark of shame, which makes it have the urge to tear the flamingo in front of it.

But on the other side, the flamingo was in an even more unbearable state, its body trembling and almost falling.


It let out a low cry, its feathers were a little messy, and its whole body was wet and dripping water.

The crystal on the surface of the body has already shown signs of cracking, and even the flame of the forked candlestick above the head flickers as if it will be extinguished at any time

"Tsk, even if you use too crystal, will you be completely suppressed by the opponent?"

Aoki frowned tightly, what exactly is this boy opposite him, and this weird mechanical bug? !

It is impossible to replenish the energy of Taijing Beads at any time in the field, so there is a limit to the number of times to use Taijinghua outside. Originally, Aoki still thought that he would not use Taijing to fight in the Fanba Championship.

Now it seems that if he didn't use it, he would have already lost!

"Is it a divine beast? Or a phantom beast?"

Aoki probably also guessed the origin of the Genesect in front of him. It should not be an ordinary Pokémon to have such an exaggerated oppressive power.

"Words from the third Pokémon"

Aoki suddenly thought of something, gritted his teeth, and could only attack again:

"Tangle the flamingo, do it again, use the Taijing to explode with all your strength!!"

The flamingo understood, raised its head and let out a loud cry, and the flames of the candlestick above the head spewed out again, and the hot flame energy was about to be transferred to its strong and powerful crane legs again.

However, Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth and suddenly shouted:

"It's not that simple! Genesect, use your speed!"

Genesect floated up, gathered its limbs and head into a high-speed flight state, and flew out with a "swoosh".

Steel Worm God possesses the magical skill of superhuman speed, which is the preemptive harvesting of human heads, so don't try to turn the tables on opponents with residual blood!

Whoosh! !

In everyone's eyes, they could only see a beam of red light passing by, and the next moment, Genesect had slammed his head into the flamingo's chest!

The rapid and powerful moves, combined with Genoseket's hard iron head, not only instantly interrupted the opponent's last Taijing explosion, but even sent the flamingo flying!

Ping bang!

When the flamingo landed on the ground, the energy crystals on the surface of the body were shattered like glass, the flame of the candlestick above the head dissipated, and the light red energy field also disappeared in an instant.

The flamingo has withdrawn from the state of being too crystallized!

Not only that, the referee Don George glanced at the flamingo that fell to the ground and returned to its original form, the latter's eyes even started to spin

"Wrapping the flamingo, you will lose your ability to fight!"

Although he didn't know what this strange crystal or crystal was, Don George still judged loudly.

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