He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2371 The top 16 match, Xiaozhi vs Alice!

Although Alice's strength is good

But obviously it can't reach the strength of the alliance's king. If Xiaozhi wants to defeat the latter, there is almost no challenge.

You must know that there are not many players who are still in the World Championships in the top 32 games.

In comparison, it is even rarer to be a trainer who is not the king of the alliance?



Not far away, Douzi also screamed in surprise, and even ran over, patting Xiaozhi on the shoulder, urging:

"Hurry up, hurry up, Xiaozhi, don't you know this Dianci? Tell me about him!"

Although Douzi didn't want to play many rounds at first

But since they have already reached the top 32, it is natural to continue to fight!

At that time, not to mention relying on Xiaozhi's traffic, but his own traffic, maybe he can completely revive his company!

After thinking for a moment, Xiaozhi replied:

"Uh, Mr. Dianci, can it be considered a fair lottery?"

He probably knows Douzi's strength, and he can barely wrestle with an opponent at the level of an alliance king.

If he faced a stronger king, such as the king of Shen'ao Huo-Mr. Daye, he might still be a bit short.

But now the opponent is Mr. Denji.

Although Mr. Daye and Mr. Denji are also Lao Ji's old opponents, their strengths are different.

The latter has been bad for several years, although in the past six months he has started to adjust his state again, actively recovering, and his strength has drawn a lot closer to Daye.

Xiaozhi crossed his chest and compared for a while, and finally gave the answer:

"Well, if you put in all your strength, Douzi, there is still a great chance of defeating Mr. Denji."

"Very good!"

Hearing this, Douzi's eyes lit up. Now that she has confidence, she can rest assured to discuss sponsorship with the advertiser.

I also know if there is a black market casino about the Sailing World Championships near here

If so, you can consider Stud himself.

Soon, Douzi ran out happily.

Xiaozhi sat in his original position, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

I didn't expect it to be so fast, and I met Alice.

"If that's the case, which two Pokémon will we send out tomorrow?"

The rules of the top 64 rounds and the top 32 rounds are similar. The players are disrupted and re-matched, and each person can still use 2 Pokémon.

At the top 16 stage, the number of Pokémon used will increase to 3.

"In Alice's case, the Axe-toothed Dragon and that disobedient Kuailong should be sent."

After thinking about it in my heart and comparing it, it was not too difficult. Xiaozhi was even thinking about who to send to train troops.

The next day, the top 32 of the Sailing World Championships officially started!

Kona, who was the last to appear in the last round, was the first to appear today.

"Ah, Miss Cora"

Seeing Kona's appearance on the stage, Xiaoxia shrank her head subconsciously, as if she was hit by ptsd by the absolute zero of the other party's previous chill.

As for Kona's opponent, it was quite a coincidence.

"Hey, is it him?"

Xiaozhi blinked, and looked curiously at the contestant opposite Kona.

Blue and white kimono-style training clothes, wearing blue eyepatch, is the owner of Xuehua Gymnasium, and also a famous performing star in the Hezhong area

"I didn't expect it to be Mr. Hakuchi?!"

Mingyi covered her mouth, surprised.

Now, the first match will be a battle between ice attribute experts.

As for the outcome of this battle, there was no surprise.

"Miss Lip Lost, be mentally strong!


In the end, with a strong mental thought of Kona's sister Milip, Hakuchi's trump card, the tundra bear, was controlled into the air.

In the face of powerful mind control, the powerful boxing that the latter is good at can't hit the target at all.


In the end, it was thrown to the ground violently, and the winner was completely determined.

"Advanced, the Sky King Kona player from the Kanto region!"

As the referee Don George's voice fell, it made many people in the spectators' faces a little more dignified.

Especially the Hezhong Heavenly Kings sitting in Hezhong's private box

If they were to face this terrifying outlander Ice King, few would have the confidence to take it down.

Not only the Chenglong, but also Kola's other Pokémon, such as Miss Lips, are also difficult to deal with.

"It's a pity, Mr. Hatchiku."

In the spectator seats on the other side, Xiaozhi shook his head regretfully.

As the strongest Hezhong gymnasium owner present, Mr. Hachiku's strength probably barely touched the threshold of the king of heaven.

If it weren't for Miss Shang Kena, maybe I could go further

It's a pity that although they are both experts in the ice attribute, the temperature of the two people's ice is not at the same level.

"I don't know if Miss Kona and Miss Bonnie face off, who will win these two kings of ice?"

This made Xiaozhi curious, and secretly muttered.

At present, Miss Kona has successfully advanced to the top 16, and Miss Bonnie's words are probably not too big a problem

As for the leaders of the Hezhong gymnasium that will appear next, their strength is not as strong and outstanding as that of Mr. Hachiku.

After some fighting, Bert, the owner of Sanyao Gymnasium, and his sautéing monkey were the first to be eliminated.

Then the owner of the Leiwen gymnasium, the supermodel Miss Xiaojuer, also did not persevere.

The opponent was an elderly trainer who was rarely seen in the World Championships. He had small squinted eyes and a white goatee, but his demeanor seemed to be more excited than the elderly of the same age.

"One of the seven sages of Asura's original plasma team, a famous fighting maniac, did not expect such a person to come to the competition?"

Beside him, Mingyi's face darkened, and he blurted out subconsciously.

But the Plasma team is not a criminal group on the surface, not to mention that this person has quit the Plasma team, it seems that there is no problem participating.

"Huh? How do I know this person?"

After a while, Mingyi was stunned for a moment, hugging his head like a cute duck.

But in the face of this powerful former Plasma Team Seven Sages, Xiao Ju'er was quickly defeated.

The symbolic bird and lost coffin used by Asura are both famous supernatural Pokémon in the Hezhong area. The weird and unpredictable moves are not Xiaojuer's trump card at all, and the thunder and zebra can resist it.

As for Hei Lian, the last sole owner of the Hezhong Hall, his luck is better.

The opponent is not very strong, so it can be regarded as a lottery.

With the help of the long-haired dog's powerful "Ultimate Impact" move, the battle was ended in one go, and he successfully advanced to the top 16.

It can be regarded as saving the last face of the owner of Hezhong.

And the battle was finally Xiaozhi's turn.

I saw him stepping onto the stage slowly and walking to one end of the arena. As for his opponent

"Hey Xiaozhi, I didn't expect to match up so quickly!"

Alice, the wild dragon girl, had a confident smile on her face at this moment, and declared war carelessly:

"I'm planning to go all out, don't get angry if you're defeated by me~!"

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