He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2359 Question about Ibrahimovic

Although the frostbite state is different from the frozen state, it cannot restrict the opponent's actions... palate

However, the power of special moves is halved, and this effect is a great threat to some turret output players.

Seeing that the big water cannon released by Shui Ibrahimovic only played the power of the wave of water, Xiaozhi immediately said loudly:

"Again, retribution!!"

Since there are exclusive moves, just keep pressing A without thinking.

Zoroark let out a low snort, and his body ignited the flame of resentment again. At the same time, a blue-purple will-o'-the-wisp of resentment also ignited around Shui Ibrahimovic's body.

The flames rising from the ground were like magic circles triggered instantly, making it difficult for people to dodge.

Boom! ! palate

The flame of vengeance retribution exploded on Shui Ibrahimovic's body again.

And this time the power...

It seems to have doubled and become extremely powerful!

"Is it the same as misfortunes never come singly...?"

Xiaozhi immediately understood that when the target's body was already in an abnormal state, the power of the next move would be doubled.

But misfortunes never come singly and need to be used with will-o'-the-wisps.

But the move of revenge, it has the effect of triggering an abnormal state... palate


The purple-black mist dissipated, Shui Ibrahimovic rolled his eyes, and fell directly to the ground, completely losing his ability to fight.


Seeing that the opponent was finally dealt with, Zoroark also heaved a sigh of relief, half kneeling on the ground.

The damage it suffered was also extremely high, and its physical strength was on the verge of its limit.

Zoroark in the Xicui area, regardless of the only fear of evil among the 18 attributes, has extremely strong panel resistance.

Its own speed, as well as physical attack and special attack are also excellent, it seems to be an almighty Pokémon... palate

But its own stamina is not very good. It belongs to the Pokémon with extremely brittle waist, and it will die if it is touched a few times.

"Have performed well, Zoroark."

Xiaozhi walked over slowly, just in time to support Zoroark's crumbling body.

The latter turned his gaze away, and the fox looked at Xiaozhi.

Originally, it was less than knee height, but now including that wild hair, it is even two heads taller than Xiaozhi.

The appearance also looks more dangerous and fierce, especially the blue-purple fluff of the flames floating at the end of the hair, each strand seems to represent the suffering past of the Xitri Zoroark family...

But this Zoroark has stayed with Xiaozhi since it hatched. Although its personality has changed drastically, the intimacy of Laman will not change. palate


It immediately pounced on Xiaozhi, stretched out its tongue and licked the latter's cheek, its thick long hair was completely covered, almost covering Xiaozhi.

"It's so itchy haha..."

Xiaozhi quickly laughed and pushed the fox's head away, and Zoroark's character changed from timid to bold.

Although the appearance is a bit arrogant and uninhibited...

But handsome is still handsome.

It wasn't until Bajir walked over slowly from the opposite side that one person and one fox stopped playing around. palate

"Xiaozhi, you are indeed very powerful... Please continue walking."

Bajir was quite Buddhist about the result, and extended his palm and said in blessing.

Xiaozhi got up quickly, blocked Zoroak who was approaching with one hand, and held Bajir's palm back at the same time.

"By the way, Mr. Bagir, I wonder if you are free tonight? I have some questions I want to ask you..."

Seeing that the referee Don George had come over and signaled that the players could leave the field, Xiaozhi quickly said:

"It's about Ibrahimovic!"

"Ibrahimovic...?" palate

Bagir blinked his eyes, a little puzzled, but quickly nodded in agreement.

After the two made an appointment, they left.


that night.

The fierce fighting during the day ended, but the venue of the World Championships at night was still very lively.

Douzi has already taken Mingyi to the street, looking for celebrities from all over the world who may appear on the street at any time.

The former is for business purposes, so if you can't get acquainted with it, it's fine. palate

Mingyi is purely a collection hobby...

In the past few days, she has turned over several pages in her little autograph book.

As for Xiaoxia...

At the moment, she is alone in the backyard making final adjustments to her Pokémon, and Kona, who will be fighting tomorrow, puts too much pressure on her.

Also from Kanto, she knows Kona's strength far better than other trainers.

At the same time, Xiaozhi sat alone in the hall of the elf center.

After seeing Bajir enter the door from a distance, he immediately got up and greeted:

"Mr. Bagir, this way~!!"

Bagir nodded and walked over slowly, but this time he had an extra Ibrahimovic on his shoulder.


After approaching, this lively Ibrahimovic jumped onto the table and sniffed curiously the Pikachu who was also napping on the table.

Bagir rubbed Ibrahimovic's head and explained with a smile:

"This Ibrahimovic is still an intern in the rescue team~"

His Ibrahimovic Squad Rescue Team has gathered all kinds of Ibrahimovic evolutions, which can better adapt to rescue in various dangerous environments. palate

I heard that in the Carlos area next door, there is also a fairy-type Ibrahimovic evolution.

For this trainee Ibrahimovic, he can choose to evolve in that direction.

far away...

After taking his seat, Bajir looked at Xiaozhi with a smile this time:

"Tell me, what questions do you have about Ibrahimovic?"

As the trainer who has raised the entire Ibrahimovic team, Bajir thinks that he still has some authority in this regard.

"Yeah, that's the one, I used to have an Eevee...but this Eevee has a problem, what should I say..." Palate

Xiaozhi nodded, and after thinking about it in his mind, he continued:

"When I was traveling in the Kanto region, I once got a special Ibrahimovic from a big company..."

With a lot of thoughts, I gradually drifted back to 2 years ago.

Because of the Kola Kola incident, Xiaozhi remembered that Eevee.

"Because this Ibrahimovic was subjected to illegal experiments, although his personality has become very shy, he has also acquired a unique ability."

"It can degenerate into the appearance of Ibrahimovic after completing the evolution with the help of the evolution stone, but this process will make this Ibrahimovic extremely painful..."

Hearing this, Bajir's expression was astonished, and this direction was somewhat beyond his expectation. palate

However, as a member of the Pokémon Rescue Team, he has also been exposed to many illegal incidents, including torture and abuse of Pokémon, and even illegal experiments.

Eevee is an evolved Pokémon, and its genes are very unstable.

It can be degenerated after evolution, which Baguier has never thought of, and it sounds very attractive.

He couldn't help looking at his Ibrahimovic. In this case, just one Ibrahimovic is enough to do what the entire Ibrahimovic team can do.

But this process will be extremely painful...

"Then let it evolve in one direction, it should be able to solve this problem?"

Bagir couldn't help but speak. palate



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