He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2342 vs Tiantong, the first show of the iron poisonous moth!

"The 30th match of the top 128 of the World Championships begins now! The opponents are Tiantong player from Sanyao Gymnasium, and Xiaozhi player from Kanto region!" Tsunade

Referee Don George raised his arm and explained.

Although Xiaozhi's achievements are outstanding, he has no actual position after all, and the introduction he reads is no different from that of ordinary untrained people trainers.

On the other side, in the VIP spectator seats, Adek seemed to have been looking forward to it for a long time. He immediately straightened his back with his chest in his arms, and looked towards the field:

"Oh, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, has he finally appeared on stage?!"

Xiaozhi, who has performed outstandingly in several areas, he naturally noticed it long ago.

This extremely powerful trainer, if he is the one to take over the burden of the United League champion, it will not be a big problem

But, after all, it's not for everyone.栂

Although the league champion does not have to be a local household registration

But it seems that the Sinnoh Alliance next door also tried to recruit Xiaozhi, but it didn't have any good results.

In short, let's take a look at this boy's strength!


In the vip box, the blond beauty Cattleya looked at Xiaozhi on the field, her expression darkened, and her thick blond hair fluttered slightly on her back.

The two dated back then.

It's just that she has been waiting in the United League for almost half a year, and Xiaozhi has not come to challenge for a long time, which makes Cattleya quite upset.栂

"Oh! Xiaozhi, he was still fighting me in Feiyun Park~!"

Beside him, the King of Fighters folded his hands on his chest, and immediately said with great interest.

Only the words had just been spoken.


The entire floor of the box began to vibrate inexplicably, and even the chair sitting under him seemed to be flying, shaking constantly.

"What the hell, is there an earthquake?!"

Lian Wu's complexion changed, and he quickly looked around.栂

The one who seemed out of place with the shaking around her was the completely calm Cattleya, but her blond hair was already flying up, and her whole body was covered with a blue light energy film.

Anyone who sees it will know that it is the source of the inexplicable vibration

"Did the superpower go berserk?"

The corner of Lian Wu's mouth twitched. He knew that this new colleague was a rare superpower.

It’s just that Cattleya has been staring at her tightly at this moment.

"Um, did I do something wrong?"

Lian Wu scratched his head innocently, a little terrified of being stared at.栂

And on the field, the battle has officially begun!

"Please, my proud trump card~!"

Tiantong threw an elf ball, and the red light fell, but it was a strong green ape appearing on the stage.

He is over one meter tall, not that tall, with a yellow body, and most of his body is covered with thick green fur.

Especially the hair on the top of the head, like a delinquent boy standing up in the shape of an airplane head.

It hooked the corner of its mouth, proud and domineering, and its temperament was like a runaway gangster.栂

"Beep beep! The flower coconut ape, the evolution of the flower coconut monkey, has a rock style, a rough personality, and will fight Loto by waving its spiked tail~!"

Rotom floated above Xiaozhi's head, and quickly introduced.

Giraffe is a Pokémon that evolves using Leaf Stones.

Originally, Tiantong didn't intend to evolve his flower coconut monkey, and there is nothing wrong with a small flower coconut monkey.

But this year participated in the world championships, if there is no evolution, the strength of the flower coconut monkey is still a bit weaker after all

Tiantong simply kryptonized a leaf stone, allowing his power to reach its full potential!

As for the first battle Pokémon Chai sent by Xiaozhi

"Pikachu, you can rest today!"

Seeing that Pikachu was gearing up to go on stage, Xiaozhi's words made Pikachu brake unstable and almost fell to the ground.

And Xiaozhi has already sent out a poke ball, throwing it forward.


When the red light fell, a metal Vulcan moth appeared in front of everyone.

The whole body of mechanical moths, orange cross electronic eyes, full of mysterious technology punk color.

In particular, the three pairs of metal geometric wings on the back are shaking open and closed in the air, and finally cooperate as a whole, forming an abstract geometric sun pattern.

The first Pokémon Xiaozhi chooses to fight is the reborn Iron Moth!

"Hello?! What Pokémon is that?!"

"Vulcan Moth?! Why is it so strange?!"

"A mechanical Pokémon like a gear?!"

The appearance of the iron poisonous moth immediately plunged the entire venue into a huge commotion.

You must know that Vulcan Moth's status is very high in the Hezhong area, and the status and title are almost not inferior to the general second-level gods.

As a result, a special mechanized vulcan moth suddenly appeared? !栂

"Mr. Adek, is that Pokémon?"

In the VIP box, Tianwang Lianwu's face tightened, and he looked at the strong man beside him.

In the entire Hezhong area, the person who knows the most about the Pokémon Vulcan Moth is Adek.

"Well, it is indeed a vulcan moth, but it looks like"

But even Adek was full of doubts, unable to say why.

He could only temporarily suppress his curiosity and wait and see what happened.

Sure enough, let's go find this Xiaozhi at night, and have a private chat with him alone

And on the field.


Being watched by tens of thousands of eyes for the first time, the iron poisonous moth did not panic too much, but looked around curiously.

"Unbelievable Pokémon Ash, you really are an extraordinary trainer!"

On the opposite side, Tian Tong calmed down quickly after the initial shock, thinking from the perspective of a battle.

Since its appearance is similar to that of Vulcan Moth, is it also of fire+worm attribute?

This is extremely detrimental to my flower coconut ape.

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