Chapter 2327 Frozen a city!

Successfully subduing this single-headed dragon made several people present feel happy.

Needless to say, Xiaozhi picked up a quasi-god cub for nothing.

Although it will be difficult for a single-headed dragon to play in the next World Championships

If you are participating in the Youth Cup, you can also let the single-headed dragon go up to play two games to test the water.


Beside, Mingyi's mother also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it is a big trouble to treat this single-headed dragon that likes to self-mutilate every day, or to face complaints from nearby residents.

"Congratulations Xiaozhi, you have tamed another Pokémon with a promising future!"

Mingyi came over and congratulated.

Xiaozhi waved his hand and responded with the opportunity:

"Mingyi and you too, you got another handsome mount Pokémon!"

Mingyi: ""

These words obviously made Mingyi a little helpless, and his head immediately drooped.

Now she has a cart of mounts!

I heard that the sport of Pokémon riding seems to be very popular in the Carlos area next door, and even special large-scale events are often held.

In terms of popularity, it can even faintly surpass the gorgeous contest.

"How about I go to the Carlos area to develop that next?"

Mingyi's thoughts jumped very fast.

Since she is still in a state where she has no big dreams and travels around, she wants to try whatever career direction she has.

Hey, why do I say "also"?

Each got a good Pokémon, and everyone returned to the main entrance hall.

Rhodes and Akromar seemed to have talked a lot, and they didn't stand up until everyone came back, interrupting the conversation.

"Oh! Mr. Akromar and Mr. Rhodes hit each other very well~!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but said with a smile.

He naturally knew that this was a conversation between a former member of the plasma team and the current boss of the plasma team, maybe they were still plotting something big.

In other words, if you tell Mr. Akromar's identity to Boss Chrysanthemum who is guarding outside

Will the latter raise his shotgun angrily, and shoot Mr. Akromar in the head?

"Hehe, it's just a few casual chats, have your affairs been resolved?"

Akromar smiled, turned his head to look at the crowd, and did not elaborate on the content of the previous chat.

But when everyone bid farewell to the rescue station and came out, Akromar lowered his head, thinking about something.

According to Rhodes' information

This plasma team seems to be preparing for some big move.

Although Rhodes has withdrawn from the plasma team, after all, as a former high-level executive, he can still obtain some confidential information from the current plasma team.

But the information was incomplete, and Rhodes only told Akromar three riddles.

"The new Plasma team is going to bring the world back to how it was."

"The target is a city."

"Frozen World!"

This made Akromar on the way home confused.

Back to primitive?

Could it be that the earth was blown up?

However, according to the keywords of "Frozen World" later, the target is a city

"Is it possible to freeze a city?"

Akromar stroked his chin, thinking to himself.

This planet was in the ice age in the early days, and being frozen means returning to its original appearance. Logically, it makes sense.

And one of the seven sages who followed Quecchis all day——Vio, is a fanatic who is obsessed with cryogenic freezing. It is said that he once locked himself in a freezer in pursuit of near-suicidal stimulation. feel

The scene of freezing the entire city was simply something he dreamed of seeing.

If that's the case, how can that Quecchis guy freeze a city?

What city is the target?

"Isn't it going to be Fanba City?"

Now Fanba City has gathered most of the masters from the Hezhong area, and even the strong from all over the world. It is not that simple to do things in this city.

But the only thing Akromar can confirm for now

"Have I really been kicked out of this new plasma team?"

Akromar couldn't help frowning.

Obviously he is the king of the plasma team, but he has no information at all, and is completely an overhead puppet.

"Mr. Akromar, is there a problem with Team Plasma?"

Seeing his companion's constantly changing expression, Xiaozhi beside him couldn't help asking.

Akromar nodded, then shook his head again, he was not sure what Quecchis was doing behind his back.

After thinking unsuccessfully, he shook his head and said in a low voice:

"Forget it, let's cut it quickly."

Find an opportunity to steal the scientific research team in Raven City, and run away to cut it.

In the beginning, he was invited by Quecchis to become the boss of the plasma team, but Akroma thought it was just a simple cooperation, and both sides benefited.

Now the more I think about it, the more I feel wrong.

Wouldn't he be thrown out as a temporary worker to take the blame?


Even when passing by Boss Ju's parasol seat, the former cast a suspicious look, and the shotgun seemed to be loaded.

Akromar: ""

He quickly quickened his pace and went back to start cutting the plasma team

the next day.

The Youth Cup in Fanba City has officially started today.

Many people went to watch the play, which also made Xiaozhi feel that today's elf center is suddenly much more empty.

The stage for the Fanba City World Championships and the Youth Cup is not in the city center.

Instead, in the southern open space of Fanba City, a huge and magnificent venue was specially built, which is still some distance away from the elf center where Xiaozhi and the others are.

But today, Xiaozhi didn't go to watch

After all, this Youth Cup has a zero threshold, which means that there must be many participants among the participants, whose level is much lower than that of ordinary league conferences.

"This Youth Cup will be held for three days and my last day is almost over after going to the finals."

Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

In the last two days, he was going to adjust the state of his Pokémon.

If he doesn't recall his old favorite thugs and only relies on the Hezhong team, he still has to go all out for this World Championship, and he can't be sloppy.

On the empty training field, Xiao Zhi already had several more poke balls in his hands, and he threw them forward at the same time.

"Everyone, come out!"

Following the sound of a series of poke balls being turned on, several more Pokémon appeared in front of him.

In the front is Pikachu

Then there are the iron moth, the red Genesect, and the three powerful generals of the Forsaken Monkey

Plus the mainstay of snakes, pigs, birds, foxes and crocodiles

"And you, come out!"

In the end, Xiaozhi threw another elf ball, which was the single-headed dragon that had just been subdued recently.

Not to mention less.

The number of Hezhong teams just reached double digits.

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