He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 197 You think I am doing penance, but I am actually taking care of the elderly


Six tough rattan whips were whipped out from the base of half of the petals of Froggrass at the same time, rushing out like a spirit snake.


Xiao Mao, who was next to him, was taken aback for a moment. He is an old brother of the Guandong Yusanjia, and if the frog grass stage is dead, it means using four rattan whips at the same time.

He has never seen the one with six vine whips.

It seems that this Frog Grass was not manually dismantled...

The vine whip whipped away, tightly binding the stiff sickle helmet and the spiny ammonite beast. Before the opponent used brute force to break free, the coconut egg tree popped out a purple energy light cluster, making these awakened people Prehistoric Pokémon fell asleep again.

Two Pokémon play a combo.

Hearing the scramble for the golden pick from above seemed to have weakened a lot, the two secretly thought that a new mountain king would appear soon among the group of mountain men.

After they completed the coronation ceremony of the Mountain King, they would probably continue to dig for fossils. They found that it was only a matter of time before they stole chickens underground, so the two had to speed up their pace and join hands to catch them.

"Come out, my baby!"

Thinking that Xiaomao released another Pokémon, this is a green upright insect, nearly a person's height, with two arms that look like sharp sickles. The sword intent seems to be able to cut everything.

This is a Pokémon like a samurai!

"Flying Mantis, use the back of the knife to slash!" Xiao Mao instructed.


The Flying Mantis vibrated its wings and charged forward, at a high speed. When approaching, it turned the sickle arm over, and slashed hard at the target's head with the back of the knife.

Slashing with the back of the knife, causing damage but not fatal, is an essential skill for taming Pokémon, and it is precisely because of this that Xiaomao can tame 60+ Pokémon so easily.

"Go, Poké Ball!"

The two threw poke balls at the same time. This time they only used Muggle poke balls. There were not many luxury balls left, so we had to save some high-end ones.

"Go on, there are 11 more, go on!"

Xiaomao gave Xiaozhi a handsome back of his head, took his two Pokémon and continued to punch hard, and even hooked his hand towards the side of the foot as he spoke.

"Little light bulb, follow me closely, now I am position c."

Pikachu: "?"

"Damn it, this guy..."

Watching Xiaomao gradually master the C position of subduing the fossil Pokémon, and even seduce Pikachu away, Xiaozhi, who has never been weaker than others in his life, couldn't bear it, he also threw a poke ball with his backhand and quickly followed .

If the other party has two, then I also send two.

The current Pikachu is indeed just a convenient light bulb, not a Pokémon.

Pikachu: "?"

A red light flashed, and a light blue water turtle appeared in front of Xiaozhi, with a pair of cute swirl ears on its head.

It is the Kami turtle who has not appeared for a long time.

As soon as he came out, he found that his trainer was running, so Kamigui also started to run with his hind legs. While running, he raised his hand to his brow, squinted his eyes and scanned the surroundings, and his fighting spirit was high.

Let the tortoise see what kind of small fish this time's opponent is! ?

"Oh, Kamigui, you're a stalker...you're in charge, you don't need to make a move, just stand next to me." Xiaozhi said with a smile.


Cammy Turtle scratched his head, and ran along with an inexplicable expression on his face.



"The fifth one!"

"The eighth one!"

"The 12th!"

Soon, under the joint efforts of the two tyrants in Zhenxin Town, all 12 prehistoric Pokémon in this deep pit cave were subdued in less than 10 minutes.

These 12 are all from the Fossil Helmet family and the Ammonite Beast family, and there are no weird ones.

After some browsing, the two of them basically walked through this deep pit and cave. This is a tunnel cave of nearly hundreds of meters.

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief. In the deep pit where oxygen is scarce, he still has to maintain high-intensity fighting and capture, which is still very stressful.

"That's how we live together, right?"

"what are you talking about?"

Xiaomao was still on the spot, panting with one hand on his waist while playing with his mobile phone. After hearing this, he looked at him in surprise, as if seeing a Zhang Yu.

"Do you still remember how many are left in the illustration book at the beginning?"

He clicked on his illustration book, trying to make it replay the starting number.

"Please don't ask such low-level questions repeatedly. Your primary school mathematics is not taught by Dr. Oki, is it? That's really funny. Hee hee."

Xiaomao: "..."

It's okay to underestimate his grandfather's math level, but insulting him is absolutely unforgivable. This made Xiaomao's handsome face turn pale in an instant, and he wished he could smash the illustrated book on the spot.

Besides, you didn't answer at all at the beginning! !

"It's 13!"

After a lot of tossing, Xiaozhi also came back to his senses and remembered that the illustration book said the number 13 at that time, but now they only caught 12.

Counting the first eight, that is to say, the two of them now have a total of 20 prehistoric fossil Pokémon in their hands.

"20 is not a small number, it is a small population..."

When it was time to get down to business, Xiaomao's face also became serious, and his slow and methodical tone carried a serious tone that could only appear in an academic researcher with a swollen mouth.

"Prehistoric Pokémon generally live and reproduce in a small group, and the number of 20 is barely enough to reach this number... But the most important thing is that in a small group, there must be a king."

"Only the king?"

Xiaozhi's eyes froze for a moment, which touched his blind spot of knowledge.

"Well... Wang, a king who is strong enough to suppress his subordinates both in terms of Manghuang's bloodline and in his own strength..." Xiaomao nodded, his tone became extremely serious, as if he was fooling .

The rules of the prehistoric world are extremely simple and do not rely on brains.

Whoever is strong is the big brother.

In that era, it is estimated that Xiaozhi would directly be the overlord of one party.

Since these twenty prehistoric Pokémon have avoided the limit of lifespan through deep sleep, then the most powerful king must also sleep here!

But this made Xiaomao very confused. During the battle just now, he kept his eyes on the surroundings secretly. Based on the noise they made before, even if they were drugged, they should have been awakened, right?

What about the king?


Somewhere in the mysterious soul space.

It seems that because the two people in the main body are very close together, and the two ghosts from outside can now escape their souls, there is no boundary between Xiaomao's soul space and Xiaozhi's soul space, and temporarily merged into one place.

Green: "..."

Looking at the man from the same country sitting on the swaying chair in front of him, as calm as him, his eyebrows still couldn't help but twitch.

Qinglu, who has always been strict with self-interest, insists on meditating every day even when her body is gone, never approves of this way of practice!

"Could it be that this guy also practiced like this on the Silver Mountain?"

A picture suddenly popped up in his mind:

On Baiyin Mountain, heavy snow fell, and Chi set up a Taishi chair in front of the small wooden house, with a stove in front of him, while playing the electric mouse, while gently shaking the chair, he brought up a cup of strong tea from time to time.

You think I'm doing penance, but I'm actually taking care of the elderly?

He shook his head hastily, dispelling this impossible thought.

To be able to grow to be so powerful, penance is an indispensable process!


Then Qinglu thought of something again, a smile appeared on her serious and introverted face, like a winner, she said:

"But as far as the current performance is concerned, Xiaomao's level is a bit higher than Xiaozhi's, right?"

As the counterparts of the two in this world, the strength of Xiaozhi and Xiaomao is also an indicator of the strength of the two.


Chi did not refute, but nodded in agreement.

Judging from the performance of the two of them after entering the deep pit cave, whether it is the overall situation, judgment, or even the basic knowledge reserve, Xiaomao is much higher than Xiaozhi.

At present, neither of them has fought against any strong enemy, but it is hard to see that there is any difference in the combat effectiveness of the two as trainers.

Thinking of this, his movement of shaking the grand teacher's chair suddenly stopped, Chi looked at Qinglu, and there was no superfluous expression on his face.

"But what does it have to do with me being stronger than you?"

Green: "..."

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