He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 193: Prehistoric Bloodline, Prehistoric Wenyouguo!

(Look after 12:30, the rest of this chapter is all copy and paste, no time to write..)


"What do you mean by this prehistoric bloodline?" Xiao Zhi discovered the blind spot and asked suspiciously.

Before Ri Chuan spoke about this, Xiao Gang next to him rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to explain.

As a man with rock will and a three-star mountaineering man, he is understanding in the study of fossils.

"Generally speaking, there are three types of fossil Pokémon. The first type is restored through fossil hatching. This type is actually not much different from our ordinary Pokémon. At best, it is rare in appearance and rare in number."

"The second type is also similar to it, which is the fossil Pokémon that are still living in the wild, deep mountains, or living in the ocean, for example, ahem..."

Xiao Gang blinked his eyes, implying that he has two such fossil Pokémon in his body, which were caught from the sea, and they are alive and well.

Although these two types of fossil Pokémon are still prehistoric Pokémon by definition, they have nothing to do with the word prehistoric.

The most special thing about prehistoric Pokémon is the prehistoric blood on their bodies.

Violent, cold-blooded, murderous...

A pair of blood eyes, just a stare, a breath, can make people feel fear, and the tiger's body trembles...

"That is the third type of fossil Pokémon, which was born in prehistoric times. After sleeping for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, it broke through the limit of its own lifespan and has survived until now..."

Speaking of this, even Xiao Gang couldn't help feeling cold.

Such fossil Pokémon, with a bloodthirsty and violent nature, flowing with wild prehistoric blood, none of them are comparable to modern Pokémon!

"Turtle Turtle..."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi almost lost his skull.

"Is this catalyst so powerful..." He looked at the medicine bottle in his hand in disbelief.

If the prehistoric blood can really be stimulated during the incubation and recovery process, then a violent prehistoric Pokémon team can be cultivated in minutes, and one day the champion will be rushed directly...

"Hehe... the effect can only be activated by 1/10, our Richuan family's black technology is not so exaggerated..." Richuan smiled awkwardly.

It's really so powerful, now the Pokémon League has modified Richuan!

Hikawa Ferry, Hikawa Shiba, Hikawa Kona...

"That shot."

Xiaozhi said gratefully, even if it was only one tenth, that would be quite remarkable.

"Hehe, since the transaction is over, you guys continue to dig, I'm going to identify fossils for other mountain men..."

Before leaving, Hikawa couldn’t help reminding:

"If you dug up the most precious mysterious amber fossils, I am willing to exchange my three fossils!"


Immediately, the eyes of the three people brightened, and they once again picked up the iron manuscript and faced the ground with a cloak...



"You are a stool fossil. You have been constipated for 4 days."

"You are also a stool fossil. It's terrible. You have been constipated for half a month. I guess this Pokémon had a hard time before it was alive."

"Oh, this is your poop. It should be pulled by a passing kitty dog. It doesn't smell bad. It's been three months."

Richuan Fengshang is still appraising the amber rocks handed over by the mountaineering men around him. Strange to say, there are poop fossils all around.

The only two shell fossils produced were two shell fossils, but they were all incomplete. The gene sequence was seriously confirmed, and their collection or practical value were greatly reduced.

"Brother Richuan, look at this newly dug fossil of mine. I am confident that it is definitely not shit!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi came up, with an amber rock in his hand.

Stool fossils are still easy to recognize, but his amber fossil is a bit special, with a very smooth appearance, which is truly extraordinary.

"Let me see... oh, this one of yours is indeed not a poop fossil, but a prehistoric grapefruit fossil."

Xiaozhi: "?"

Is grapefruit also a fruit?

"You're really right. It's recorded in the history books that prehistoric pomelo fruits belong to ferns and are not counted as fruits,"

Xiaozhi: "..."

"Ahahaha I laughed so hard, but someone is holding a pomelo fruit as a treasure? Hee hee."

A sharp voice came, and Xiao Zhi looked subconsciously. It was his formidable opponent, carrying a shining golden pick in one hand and an oval amber rock in the other.

"Help me identify it, young master, I have a hunch that this is a carapace fossil!"

Xiaomao threw the fossil to Richuan very arrogantly, after all, holding a golden pick, he is the king of the mountain.

Wang, you have to be a little more arrogant.

Richuan looked at it for a while, and gave an explanation: "Oh, let me take a look... Yours is a prehistoric fig fossil, which is also not considered a fruit, and belongs to the moss."

———Copied, don’t look at it

"That shot."

Xiaozhi said gratefully, even if it was only one tenth, that would be quite remarkable.

"Hehe, since the transaction is over, you guys continue to dig, I'm going to identify fossils for other mountain men..."

Before leaving, Hikawa couldn’t help reminding:

"If you dug up the most precious mysterious amber fossils, I am willing to exchange my three fossils!"


Immediately, the eyes of the three people brightened, and they once again picked up the iron manuscript and faced the ground with a cloak...



"You are a stool fossil. You have been constipated for 4 days."

"You are also a stool fossil. It's terrible. You have been constipated for half a month. I guess this Pokémon had a hard time before it was alive."

"Oh, this is your poop. It should be pulled by a passing kitty dog. It doesn't smell bad. It's been three months."

Richuan Fengshang is still appraising the amber rocks handed over by the mountaineering men around him. Strange to say, there are poop fossils all around.

The only two shell fossils produced were two shell fossils, but they were all incomplete. The gene sequence was seriously confirmed, and their collection or practical value were greatly reduced.

"Brother Richuan, look at this newly dug fossil of mine. I am confident that it is definitely not shit!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi came up, with an amber rock in his hand.

Stool fossils are still easy to recognize, but his amber fossil is a bit special, with a very smooth appearance, which is truly extraordinary.

"Let me see... oh, this one of yours is indeed not a poop fossil, but a prehistoric grapefruit fossil."

Xiaozhi: "?"

Is grapefruit also a fruit?

"You're really right. It's recorded in the history books that prehistoric pomelo fruits belong to ferns and are not counted as fruits,"

Xiaozhi: "..."

"Ahahaha I laughed so hard, but someone is holding a pomelo fruit as a treasure? Hee hee."

A sharp voice came, and Xiao Zhi looked subconsciously. It was his formidable opponent, carrying a shining golden pick in one hand and an oval amber rock in the other.

"Help me identify it, young master, I have a hunch that this is a carapace fossil!"

Xiaomao threw the fossil to Richuan very arrogantly, after all, holding a golden pick, he is the king of the mountain.

Wang, you have to be a little more arrogant.

Richuan looked at it for a while, and gave an explanation: "Oh, let me take a look... Yours is a prehistoric fig fossil, which is also not considered a fruit, and belongs to the moss."

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