He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1941 We are so unfamiliar!

One hundred thousand volts was fleeting, but it completely froze Emperor Xiu and the rattan snake in place.

That one just now is really not a special effect, is it?

The most powerful trainer in Emperor Xiu's heart is Adek, the champion of the Hezhong region.

Even once, he watched Adek's battle at close range, so the scene was probably like this?

Rotom was still flying around like a headless chicken. Seeing the silence in the atmosphere, a sound came out of nowhere.

"Beep! According to the damage calculation, this one hundred thousand volts can knock down 13 vine snakes at the same time! Loto~!"

Emperor Xiu: "."

His face gradually darkened, staring closely at the noisy illustrated book.

"Strange? Loto~!"

After making the sound, Rotom looked at his palms curiously.

These words, it obviously didn't want to say, but its own speaker spoke by itself, making a sound like a stitch.

It's just like.

muscle memory?

Hell, is it possible that this is all 1 and 0 operation code inside me, and there is also a saying of muscle memory? !

But don't say it, this feeling of looking at other people's expressions and gradually turning livid seems to be pretty good.?


Xiaozhi looked at his illustration book with the corner of his mouth twitching.

Really enlightened by electricity?

Although it still seems to be in the stage of self-doubt.

It won't be a few days, Rotom will start to enjoy his ruthless tongue and sword?

In the end, Xiaozhi reached out and patted Rotom's head, but he didn't stop him.

I don't know if it's good or bad, but let's do whatever it takes.

The current illustrated book has a certain degree of independent action.

In the future, if you really have a bad mouth and provoke some big shots that you can't provoke, you should be able to run around more, and there is no chance of being destroyed by dismantling the machine, right?

"Then let's end this battle~!"

Dr. Yew also stood up at the right time, and looked at Emperor Xiu with a serious look:

"Xiaozhi is a powerful trainer in the Kanto region. Emperor Xiu, don't limit your attention to one region. There are many masters in the outside world."

Sure enough, Xiaozhi was as strong as she expected, and this Pikachu was indeed an electric mouse that could give Zekrom a slap in the face.

And after a period of relaxation, Emperor Xiu naturally reacted.

This seemingly ordinary person in front of him is a person whose strength far surpasses his own.

So the rejection of his invitation to the battle earlier was not out of fear, but simply because he didn't want to bully others?

Emperor Xiu's face turned red suddenly, and emotions of shame and annoyance welled up in his heart at the same time.


He subconsciously clenched his fists and cursed in a low voice, obviously he was only a trainer of the same age, why was he so strong? !

"Haha Emperor Xiu, your first battle was actually pretty good~!"

Seeing that the other side seems to be a bit defensive, Xiaozhi comforted him in a friendly way.

On this point, he did not lie.

As a rookie trainer, Emperor Xiu's command is impeccable.

If it continues like this, it is estimated that they can get a good start in the league meeting.

Anyway, it is impossible to be out in the top 128, right?

"Hmph, I lost this battle."

Although he admitted defeat with his mouth, Emperor Xiu's mouth has not lost yet.

"But then the rattan snake and I will quickly become stronger, and then completely defeat you in the alliance meeting!"

He raised his arm and solemnly declared war to Xiaozhi, his expression full of unwillingness to admit defeat.

It must be the trainer in the Kanto region, because he went on a trip early

If you give him two years, he can still reach this height!

"Um, well, I won't compete, and you shouldn't regard me as an opponent."

Xiaozhi quickly waved his hand and said.

Does this mean that he is a trainer who has come to challenge the League Conference?

And this declaration of a formidable enemy

We are so unfamiliar!

His last formidable opponent was the mysterious beast man, Dakdo, who brought a cart full of beasts.

The last one is Mingyao, an ancient strongman from the Xicui area.

The last one is also Shinji, an old fritter who has traveled to many regions.

Now Xiaozhi really doesn't want to have any rivalry with a fledgling new trainer, but also a trainer with a bad and tough personality.

"Go vine snakes! We'll overtake them soon!"

But Emperor Xiu didn't care about this, after nodding to Dr. Yew, he glanced at Xiao Zhi for the last time, and then quickly turned and left the research institute.

Next, challenge the Gym and participate in the Alliance Conference

His strength will definitely improve rapidly in a short period of time!


Although the rattan snake followed behind, her calm eyes were lowered, as if she was thinking about whether it was a suitable time to defect now.

"Haha Xiaozhi, don't worry too much~"

Emperor Xiu quickly disappeared, and Dr. Yew happily smoothed things over.

It seems that Emperor Xiu hasn't completely let go of his figure yet.

But this is also normal. For a person with an arrogant personality, facing a person of the same age, no matter how strong the strength is, there is no reason to be soft.

If Xiaozhi's age was increased by another 10 years, Emperor Xiu would probably be convinced.

"Speaking of which, this time, don't you plan to participate in our alliance meeting?"

Dr. Yew asked curiously.

She only knew that Xiaozhi came to deliver the little virus Lada by the way, but she didn't know the other information at all.

"Oh, I'm here to participate in the World Championships in Fanba City, and I don't intend to participate in the league meeting."

Xiaozhi replied truthfully.

The two did not return to the institute, but chatted at the door.

The delivery task has been completed, Xiaozhi is ready to leave.

"So the goal is the world championship? It seems to be a recent competition. I don't know much about it~"

Dr. Red Bean Sha crossed his chest, resting his fingers on his chin, thinking unsuccessfully.

However, it seems that because it is the first competition, no strong players from other places have been attracted. Most of the contestants should be local gym owners or alliance kings, right?

With Xiaozhi's strength, it is estimated that he can achieve a good result.

"So if you go to Fanba City, you can take the No. 1 road in the north to a place called Tangcao Town~"

Dr. Yew pointed to a road north of the institute.

Xiaozhi shook his head and replied:

"No, my first stop is Hinoki Ougi City."

Next, he was going to find the newcomer trainer named Mingyi.

"Hinoki Ogi City?"

Dr. Yew was a little taken aback.

That place is not next door. Luzi Town and Luzi Town are located in the southwest and southeast corners of the Hezhong area respectively, and the distance between them spans the entire area.

However, the two towns are the initial travel towns for most people.

Generally speaking, if the trainers in the Hezhong area are in the east, they will travel from Kako Town, and in the west, they will start from Hinoki City.

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