He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1938 Emperor Shu

The two still want to continue talking.

"Doctor, the newcomer trainer who made an appointment today is here."

A female assistant next to him suddenly interrupted.

"Ah! I forgot! I'm sorry Xiaozhi, I have to take care of the newcomer first."

Dr. Yew stood up immediately, and looked at Xiaozhi with some embarrassment.

Her research institute is also in charge of presenting initial Pokémon to newcomer trainers.

"A rookie trainer?"

When mentioning this, Xiao Zhi misses it quite a bit, that's how he got Pikachu back then.

Coincidentally, the initial Pokémon in the Hezhong area has only seen the second-stage Shuangrenwan, so he also got up:

"That. Can I take a look at it?"

"No problem at all!"

Yew Shan was worried about how to entertain Xiao Zhi, since the latter had his own ideas, he quickly agreed, and the two soon came to another hall side by side.

At this moment, a young trainer is already standing at the gate.

He was about the same age as Xiao Zhi, but his face looked quite mature, with short gray-green hair hanging down, wearing an orange jacket and beige trousers.

Click! Click!

When he stayed there alone, he was still holding a camera in his hand, and was shooting around the building of the institute.

The trainers in the Hezhong area travel at a much later age than in Zhenxin Town. They usually receive their initial Pokémon at the age of 12 and start traveling.

Seeing Dr. Yew approaching, the young man hastily bent down slightly to signal, and introduced himself:

"Hello, Dr. Yew, my name is Emperor Xiu, and I'm here to collect the initial Pokémon."

"Emperor Xiu~ don't be cautious, we are old acquaintances~"

Dr. Yew smiled and waved his hands.

Emperor Xiu is a resident of Luzi Town, and the two of them have met several times, so they are not strangers.

"Hi~ My name is Xiaozhi, and I'm from Zhenxin Town in the Kanto region! Can you take a look at these initial Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi greeted happily.

"Really new town? Kanto region?"

Emperor Xiu raised his eyebrows, and raised two consecutive questioning tones, without hiding any distasteful tone, it sounded like some unpopular country place.

But Dr. Yew was here, he couldn't say it directly, he just snorted softly and didn't refuse.

Xiaozhi laughed dryly, but was not very angry.

Looks like another Shinji?

"Wait a minute, is this an electric mouse from the Kanto region?"

But soon, Emperor Xiu's attention was attracted by Pikachu at Xiaozhi's feet. While looking at it curiously, he quickly took out his camera and kept taking pictures.

"Um, is Pikachu some kind of rare Pokémon?"

Xiao Zhi was at a loss for the other party's startled look.

According to the illustrated book, Pikachu is a bad street, and there are as many Pokémon as wild dogs.

"Because in the Hezhong area, non-local Pokémon rarely appear. Not only Pikachu, but other non-local Pokémon are also very rare."

Dr. Yew explained with a smile.

Xiaozhi nodded, and then he remembered what the Hezhong locals in the next seat mentioned when he was on the plane.

But isn’t the Hezhong area an open and free place? It’s somewhat contradictory.

"It's not too late, it's time for you to choose, Emperor Xiu~!"

Soon, Yew took out two elf balls and opened them.



Following the two red lights, a red and black piglet appeared in front of them, and its nose was still spouting Martian smoke from time to time.

Next to it is a small green snake with a three-pronged leaf tail at the end, short limbs on its abdomen, and half-hanging eyes. It looks like a rather proud Pokémon.

"These two Pokémon are"

Xiaozhi subconsciously took out the illustrated book, only to realize that his Rotom illustrated book had been shut down, so he had to take it back.

In the hands of Dr. Yew, there is an extra new illustration book for the Hezhong area, which is aimed at the two Pokémon in turn.

"Hey. Nuannuan pig, fire attribute, one of the initial three royal families in the Hezhong area, can blow out flames from its nose, but when it feels bad, it can only blow out black smoke."

"Hey. Rattan rattan snake, grass attribute, one of the original three imperial families in the Hezhong area, always keep calm, not be shaken by anything, and use the leaves on its tail to perform photosynthesis to generate energy."

The picture book suggested.

As for the signature Pokémon in his own region, Emperor Xiu had long been familiar with it, so he wasn't too amazed.

He just took out his camera and took pictures of the two Pokémon.

Although the goal is to become the strongest trainer. At the same time, Emperor Xiu is also very interested in filming.

No matter what kind of scene you face, you will get used to recording it with photos.


But when he saw Xiaozhi nodding in surprise, looking like he had never seen the world, Emperor Xiu just sneered.

Sure enough, he is a bumpkin from the countryside.

Xiaozhi's attention is on the two new Pokémon. Sure enough, the initial Pokémon in each region has its own characteristics!

He was not interested in Emperor Xiu, and naturally he would not pay attention to the latter's expression.

"By the way, why are there only two?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking, there should be a water attribute, the degenerated type of Heiji's Shuangrenwan, right?

"I'm sorry, Emperor Xiu, the newcomer trainer in Hinoki City next door has chosen her starting Pokémon a day earlier than you, and the otter has already been sent there."

Yew said with some helplessness.

This is like when Xiaozhi claimed the Pokémon, the three Poké Balls on the stage were all empty.

First come, first served, this is the first reality that newcomer trainers will inevitably face when they set out on the road.

How can there be so many opportunities for you to choose an initial Pokémon at will?

Hearing that Emperor Xiu's expression didn't change, he didn't plan to choose the otter.

"Hinoki Ogi City?"

But Xiao Zhi beside him raised his eyebrows, isn't Hinoki City the city where Naruto is located?

The latter is also going to be on the road recently. The timing just means that the initial Pokémon chosen by Mingyi is the water otter?

He has already developed a lot of interest in his companion who has not met.

As for Emperor Xiu, his eyes fell on the two Pokémon in front of him.


Nuan Nuan Zhu is looking eagerly at Emperor Xiu, looking forward to it.

The rattan snake is completely different. It turns sideways, as if it chooses to choose or not.

"I've decided, I'll choose the rattan snake."

And Emperor Xiu already had the answer in his heart, without too much hesitation, he said in a deep voice.

This made the Nuannuan pig suffer a great blow immediately, and lay weakly on the ground.


The rattan snake glanced at the stupid pig, as if mocking, then walked slowly to Emperor Xiu, approving the latter's gaze.

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