He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1929 Brother Chi: Wisdom, come quickly

While wandering around in the backyard, Xiaozhi suddenly heard a burst of tough eagle cries.

Although the birds he tamed had different calls, this was the first time he had seen such a sound. Xiao Zhi subconsciously looked up at the sky.

But it was a brave and handsome flying eagle, flying at high speed in the air.

It has a huge beak, the back of the head is covered with thick white down, and there is a white feather crest similar to Indians around the head.

The main body is black and red, which is quite eye-catching.

"That's the Warrior Eagle, right? Strange, why is there such a Pokémon in the Kanto region?"

Xiaozhi murmured to himself suspiciously.

He had seen the warrior eagle in the Xicui area in Mingyao's place, with a pink-purple energy halo surrounding its head.

But the normal version of the Warrior Eagle passing by in front of him has a more simple appearance, just like its name, giving people the feeling of a resolute warrior.

By the way, are there more and more incidents related to the Hezhong area?

Even the wild warrior eagles ran out?

"Drink bravely~!!"

But this warrior eagle didn't just pass by. After spotting Xiaozhi on the ground, it immediately shook its wings and swooped towards him.

This made Xiaozhi quickly cheer up and be on guard.

Another inexplicable surprise attack?

But when it was a few meters closer to the ground, the warrior eagle stopped its rush.

"Yong Wu~! Wu~!"

It kept a certain distance, kept flapping its wings, and hummed repeatedly, as if it wanted to convey some message to Xiaozhi.

"Are you talking to me.?"

Xiaozhi put away his guard for a while, and pointed at himself in a daze.

It looks like it's a trainer's Pokémon, not a wild one.

It's just that he has no bond with this warrior eagle, and he can't understand what the other party wants to express at all.

Xiaozhi could only push Pikachu, and asked the latter to be a translation tool.

"Pickup, pickup"

Pikachu touched his head with his small hands, staring wide-eyed, listening carefully to the cries of the warrior eagle as if doing listening exercises, with a troubled expression on his face.

Although the Pokémon language is universal, there are not small differences in the languages ​​spoken by different types.

Similar to dialect accents in humans.

Now one is a bird of prey in the sky and the other is a reptile on the ground.

The language gap between the two is quite large.

"Drink bravely!"

Seeing that the electric mouse was useless at all, the Warrior Eagle suddenly let out a loud cry, as expected, he still had to rely on himself.

The next moment, the Warrior Eagle flapped its wings, and the wings were covered with pure white light, sweeping towards the front.

In an instant, the original smoke and dust around was swept away by this attack.

Xiaozhi stared at the operation of this warrior eagle, and it seemed that he was not planning to attack himself.

"Huh? The action is still a little familiar?"

Immediately afterwards, before the white light of the Warrior Eagle's wings dissipated, it swooped towards the ground, aimed at a nearby tree, and smashed it!


The fierce slashing of the wings actually chopped off this tree that was several people thick!

Xiaozhi: "???"

He became even more confused. Why did he suddenly start cutting down trees?

Seeing that Xiaozhi was still unresponsive, the Warrior Eagle did not stop. This time it flew in another direction and landed in front of a standing rock about three meters high.

Immediately, the lower bird's claws supported the ground, and the upper body used the wings as arms to stick to the rock, and began to push forward!


Warrior Eagle's face turned red from holding back, as if he had used brute force, and white steam was rising from his body.

The powerful force exerted actually pushed this huge rock slowly.

"Drink bravely!"

Seeing this, the Warrior Eagle immediately let go of its strength, and instead covered its wings with a layer of metallic silver light, becoming vigorous and hard.

Bang bang!

The steel wings came out with a heavy blow, hitting the rock hard, making a low muffled sound.

There was a gap in the middle of the huge rock in front of him, and then it continued to spread to the surroundings.


After a while, it shattered into a pair of rubble, cracked and collapsed.

Xiaozhi also finally understood what this warrior eagle was doing, and muttered:

"Strange power, broken rock."

There are also the most initial fog removal moves, and the tree-cutting Iai Zhan.

Wait a minute, this Warrior Eagle won't be!

"Drink bravely~!!"

Ignoring Xiaozhi, this warrior eagle seemed to be completely hilarious, and continued to show its strength on its own.

This time it flew into the air, raised its head, and spit out water from its opened beak.


The majestic water flow gathered together in the air, showing the shape of a funnel, and the center was constantly rotating.

This is the Tide Spin move!

In the end, the Warrior Eagle folded its wings together and rushed directly into the vortex from the bottom!

Surrounded by water bubbles, he climbed straight up and sprinted like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate.


Finally, the Warrior Eagle leaped out of the water, and the surrounding water immediately burst open, splashing all over the ground like rain, extremely gorgeous and handsome.

This is the waterfall climbing move!

After watching the Warrior Eagle's performance completely, Xiaozhi also fully reacted, and quickly said:

"So you are the new Pokémon captured by Brother Chi, right? Or should I call you by your name, Tool Eagle!"

Sure enough, after hearing Xiaozhi's address, the warrior eagle immediately became excited.

It fluttered its wings repeatedly, its eyes curled up with a smile, and it seemed to like this nickname very much.

Juhe Slash, Strange Power Technique, and even the moves of Tide Spin and Waterfall Climbing that are absolutely impossible to master later came out.

I even like the title "Tool X" from the bottom of my heart

Such a warrior eagle, probably only Brother Chi can breed it, it's so easy to identify!

My own Bi Diao became a tool bird after learning the training method of Brother Chi.

So this is Brother Chi, the newly captured Pokémon in the Hezhong area?

Xiaozhi quickly looked around, but didn't see any figure, so he looked back at the Warrior Eagle curiously.

So what is Brother Chi's bird going to do?

The Warrior Eagle glanced at Pikachu on the ground, knowing that relying on this useless guy to send a message is simply a fantasy.

It immediately vibrated its wings, and a layer of bluish-white light condensed on the wings.

Following the repeated flapping, several sharp air strikes flew out.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The air slashed on the ground, making several explosive noises, and the slashing actually left regular crack marks on the ground, forming a barely understandable human text.

This made Xiaozhi exclaim that his skills are amazing and applaud.

It seems that Brother Chi has improved his practice of tool birds, and now he can write ligatures!

"Let me see"

Xiaozhi quickly looked at the ground, the cracks and traces of different shades formed a simple sentence.

"Zhi, hurry up and join the crowd."

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