He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 19 This is the Pokémon Master's Promise

Xiaozhi slowly retracted the armored chrysalis, which was unable to fight, and comforted the elf ball softly:

"Thank you, Ah Tie, you are one step closer to evolving into a cracked empty seat."

Then he raised his head and looked solemnly, looking at the gem starfish.

This is a powerful opponent. Now that Pikachu is paddling in the water, I can only send a Pokémon that is fast enough to avoid being directly overturned by the opponent's powerful water cannon.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi suddenly reacted.

He only has one left, and he is entangled in the void? !

So Xiaozhi threw an elf ball violently, and shouted:

"It's up to you, tool bird!"

"Better called... called?"

Appearing from the red light, Bibi Bird, who was about to spread its wings and cry loudly, suddenly turned its head 120 degrees like a wooden owl, and looked at its master with a bewildered expression.

What did you call yourself just now?

It doesn't seem like a very polite name.

Xiaozhi's heart skipped a beat, why did he accidentally say what was in his heart, so he could only open his eyes and say nonsense:

"You heard me wrong, my name is the mighty Bibi bird..."

"Beep. Data update..."

At this time, the Elf Illustrated Book suddenly rang again automatically.

The sound was harsh.

"Bibi Bird, nickname: Tool Bird."

One person, one bird: "..."

The scene once fell into embarrassment...



A thick blue water column shot out suddenly, which ended the Pokémon main attack event that was about to happen.

Relying on the sharp eyesight of bird Pokémon, Bibi Bird managed to avoid this powerful water cannon.


The sneak attack failed, which made Xiaoxia call it a pity, but it made Xiaozhi at the side secretly relieved.

No matter how intense the internal conflicts evolve, only a common external enemy needs to appear at this time. Even if the father-killing enemy will stop fighting and unanimously external.

This powerful gem starfish obviously exists like this.

So Xiaozhi quickly sent another reassurance.

"Bibi Bird, I will change your nickname for you after the game, this is the promise made to you by Pokémon Master!"

Anyway, he is from the future, not now.

Hearing this, Bibi Bird nodded, reluctantly accepting the proposal.

The battle begins!

"Jewel starfish, use the water gun!" Xiaoxia launched an attack again.

After all, with Bibi Niao's speed, it doesn't make any sense to rely on the hot chicken hit rate of the water cannon, no matter how powerful it is.

What's more, the water cannon is a big move, and the energy consumption is not low.

But as long as the water gun can hit the Bibi bird, soak its wings and feathers, and the speed will be greatly reduced, it will be a live target for the water cannon.



Gem starfish was crazily nourishing the water gun, but every shot was dodged by Bibi bird while tossing and turning, and there was no water splash on its feathers.

"Better call!"

Bibi Bird did not know when it had rushed to the front of the jewel starfish, and the distance between the two was less than two meters.

"Jewel starfish, use water..."

Before Xiaoxia finished speaking, Xiaozhi took the lead and said:

"Bibi Bird, use Gale Storm!"

With a wave of Bibibird's wings, the storm that blew up at close to zero distance made the jewel starfish fly away before it could release its skills, and retreated backwards.

Seeing this, Xiaoxia came up with a plan and instructed: "Jewel starfish, use high-speed rotation against the wall!"

The gem starfish regained its rigidity in mid-air in an instant, its body spun wildly, and the reaction force against the wall actually catapulted towards Bibi Bird.

"jump up!"

Bibi Bird was hit head-on, and hurriedly flew to one side to adjust his flight posture.

Xiaoxia got the upper hand and shouted: "Jewel starfish, continue to use high-speed rotation!"

I saw the gem starfish rushing straight to one side of the wall, using the reaction force to flick the Bibi bird again.

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless: "Bibi Bird, fly higher!"

"Better call!"

Bibi Bird quickly flapped its wings, raised its body, and avoided this high-speed rotation very dangerously.

However, the following Gem Starfish took advantage of the surrounding field and kept bouncing and rotating at high speed, and its height was also rising, constantly approaching the target.

The situation suddenly became anxious, and Bibi Bird became a little panicked.

However, after a few rounds back and forth, Xiaozhi discovered a brilliant point, fixed his eyes on the trajectory of the gem starfish, and when the latter's parabolic trajectory reached the maximum height, he suddenly shouted:

"Now, use your wings to attack!"

The Bibi bird raised its altitude sharply, and clung to the side to avoid the high-speed rotation. One side of the wing was already covered with a layer of white light, and then it slammed down.

The gemstone in the center of the spinning gem starfish has no defenses, and it was directly shot.


Kill you super water!

Under the attack of its wings, the jewel starfish fell vertically from the sky. Since the jewel was attacked, it was already a blow to the wind.

Seeing this, Xiaoxia couldn't help being secretly surprised. She didn't expect Xiaozhi to be an old geometer, but she wouldn't just admit defeat like this.

"Jewel starfish, take the opportunity to dive into the water!"

With this retrograde gem starfish directly drilled into the pool water, hiding its body.

"Use the water gun while moving!"

This is the Hualan gymnasium, and its advantage lies in playing in the water!

"Damn, is it so difficult..."

The situation once again became that the gem starfish hidden under the water kept jumping out and firing water guns, and once it swelled, it was not greedy and dived into the water again, and continued to swell in another position.

Even veterans can't stand being teased by all kinds of troubles, and the exhausted Bibi Niao is about to be teased. At this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly turned his hat over and shouted:

"Bibi, use your wings to attack the water!"

Hearing this, Bibi Niaohu's body was shocked, and his fighting spirit was extremely high. He flapped his wings and rushed half a meter above the water surface, and his wings filled with white light hit the water surface again.


The terrifying force made the pool and the entire Hualan gymnasium tremble violently.

The water waves spread like ripples, and the gem starfish hidden on the side of the pool couldn't help trembling, and its body was suddenly shaken out of the water.

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, and he roared loudly:

"Final blow! Bibi Bird, use Lightning Flash!"

Seeing this, Xiaoxia's eyes were brighter than his. Although she didn't know that Xiaozhi would force him out with such almost brute force, it was enough to know that his finishing move was a flash of lightning.

I saw her waving her thumb: "Jewel starfish, use the water cannon on the front!!"

Waiting for the opponent to approach before attacking, this trick she learned secretly from the armored chrysalis in the previous game.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The thick blue water column was launched, even breaking the vacuum of the surrounding pool along the way, and rushed towards the incoming Bibi bird with tremendous force.

This trick is impossible for Bibi Bird to block!

"This time, I won!"

Xiaoxia smiled triumphantly.

Even Xiao Gang, who was watching off the field, shook his head and narrowed his eyes.

The water cannon is not something that can be stopped by a flash of lightning, not even Xiaozhi...


"Better call!"

A sudden cry woke up everyone, and they saw that the powerful water cannon successfully hit Bibi Bird, but there was no trace of collision, as if it had penetrated through it.

"what happened!?"

Xiaoxia was shocked, and when she came back to her senses, she suddenly found that Bibi Bird had flown right under the water column at some point, and was still sprinting close to the side.

It has come to the feet of the gem starfish, and the two are less than one meter away.


Hit in a flash!

The powerful attack made the jewel starfish finally unable to bear it, and it flew out backwards with a long spray of water dragging its body.

It no longer works.

"Jewel Starfish loses its ability to fight, and Bibi Bird wins!"

"This competition, player Xiaozhi wins!"



Seeing this, Xiaozhi was stunned for several seconds, but he didn't expect that Xiaoxia was still hiding something.

As for how Bibi Bird avoided the water cannon in the end, he didn't know, but as long as he won, it would be fine.

Thinking of this, he jumped directly from the player's bench to the float in the pool, jumped several times in a row, and hugged Bibi Bird affectionately.

"Better call!"

Bibi Bird was also very happy, waving its wings and patted Xiaozhi's head, as if to remind him of something.

"I understand everything, Xiaogang has already arranged the first-class rations, and I will take you to the elf center later to have a good time!"

Xiaozhi took it back into the elf ball with a happy face.

Bibby Bird: 0-0

Under the red light of the poke ball, Bibi Bird's face looked a bit dull.

Master, have you forgotten something?


It went into the Poke Ball.

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