He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1894 The final battle, flame monkey vs electric shock beast! (Down)

"Has the speed increased significantly? But this is useless!"

Xiaozhi grinned at the corner of his mouth, attack power is king!

"Flame monkey, let it see your current power, use jet flame!"

Entering the raging fire state, the flame monkey still maintained its rationality, took a big breath, and was about to spit out the flame breath that was comparable to destroying the dead light!

However, Shinji suddenly said:

"Shock the monster, use the Thunder Fist!!"

Facing such an attack, the Electric Shock Beast didn't retreat and counterattacked, and rushed forward with a "swoosh".


After the speed of the electric shock monster was greatly increased, this thunder and lightning punch actually played the effect of a sonic punch, and it hit the flame monkey's chest first.


The impressive boxing strength directly hit the flame monkey's head upwards, and all the terrifying flames shot up into the sky, forming a bunch of golden and white fireworks, scattered everywhere.

This time, it completely became Shinji's quick attack.

"Then discharge!"

Putting away his fists, the arms of the Electric Shock Monster directly pressed the shoulders of the Flame Monkey, imitating Xiaozhi's discussion, and hitting a powerful double-strike electric shock.

However, Xiaozhi smiled slyly and said:

"Flame Monkey, use melee combat!!"

Now the speed of the electric monster is indeed faster than that of the flame monkey.

But now that they are completely close, the competition is not only about speed, but more about fighting skills.

Flame Monkey's shoulders sank, causing the electric monster in front of him to lose its center of gravity, and subconsciously fell forward.

Bang bang! !

The Flame Monkey flew upwards quickly, followed by a flying knee and elbow strike, which hit the electric monster's face, and knocked it back again.

boom! boom! boom!

The body regained its space of movement, and the flame monkey used both hands and feet, fists, elbows and knees to shoot one after another, bombarding the body of the electric shock beast frantically, making explosive noises one after another!

"Electric shock monsters, split tiles!!"

The electric shock monster was also shot with real fire, and its arms were in a slashing posture, covered with white light.

There were still bloodstains on the corner of its mouth, and it was facing the close combat of the flame monkey, and went straight to meet it.

boom! !

boom! !

I saw that the two humanoid Pokémon on the field directly staged a melee fight without fancy, fierce and fierce fighting moves crazily greeted each other, completely abandoning defense.

Flame Monkey's fighting skills are even better, but the speed of the electric shock monster is full, and it is not lost to the opponent at all.

boom! boom! !

In the end, each of them punched each other hard in the face, and the bodies of the electric monster and the flame monkey flew backwards at the same time.

Both of them were gasping for breath. It was obvious that such a high-intensity confrontation had a very high consumption of physical strength.

"Electric shock monster, continue to use split tiles!!"

But just as the electric shock monster landed, Shinji once again issued the command for close combat.

"This guy."

At the same time, Xiaozhi also understood the opponent's strategy.

As long as the battle can be completely dragged into the competition of fighting skills, then the speed advantage of the electric shock beast can be brought into play.

On the contrary, the fierce fire characteristic of the flame monkey is useless.

Maintaining this fiery state requires extra stamina, and the flame monkey will definitely fall before the electric monster

"Flame monkey, pull away and use the flame vortex!!"

Naturally, Xiaozhi would not fall into the opponent's trap, so he hurriedly said.

The Flame Monkey was a little hit on the head, and the raging fire made it excited as if it had been drugged, but it finally reacted when it saw the electric shock monster rushing towards it.

Boom boom! !

The flame monkey opened its mouth, and blasted out a golden breath like a destructive death light, completely scorching and cracking the stones on the ground along the way.

At this moment, the flame is its strongest weapon!


Seeing that Xiaozhi had already noticed, Shinji couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

Now he has no interest in the outcome of this semi-final at all. His only purpose is to defeat the flame monkey in front of him.

"Use discharge to block it!!"

The flames under the raging fire feature are too terrifying, there is no time to dodge, and the electric shock beast can only support countless currents in front of it, forming an electric barrier.

Boom Boom Chick.!

The flame vortex soared into the sky in an instant, forming an impenetrable tornado flame, completely enveloping the electric monster.

Seeing the target locked, Xiaozhi also called out the final big move.

"It's time, Flame Monkey, use Flame Charge!!"

The flame monkey pressed forward with its arms, and its whole body was instantly covered with a blue flame, and then kicked its feet, forming an unstoppable shock wave of blue flames, charging out brazenly!

The terrifying power of Flame Charge and the hot wind blowing towards his face, even Shinji, who had seen the big scene, couldn't help being forced to take a step back.

"Electricize the beast, use all your strength to thunder!!"

His face sank, and Shinji yelled out the final loud roar!

It's a totally doomed situation.

But if there is really a bond between humans and Pokémon, can his own electric shock monster also perform a blow that exceeds the norm?

In the vortex of flames, the electric shock monster heard Shinji's shouting voice, and faintly, it seemed that it really gained power from it.

"electric shock!!"

The Electric Shock Monster let out a burst of shouting in response, and the whole body instantly burst into dazzling electric light, and the violent lightning coat directly shattered the flame vortex around it completely.

The golden light shone on Shinji's face, and his face became dull for a moment.

He stared blankly, the electric shock monster has never released such a powerful thunder.

However, before he could react, the huge blue flame rushed towards him.

The Electric Shock Beast didn't show any weakness either, thunder and lightning erupted all over its body, and rushed forward!

Boom boom boom! !

The two big moves collided head-on, forming a huge energy tornado in an instant, stirring up into the sky!

Two clusters of energy, one yellow and one blue, constantly churned and entangled, as if they were evenly matched.

It's just that in the end, it was the blue energy that overwhelmed everything and completely devoured the golden lightning.

And the flame monkey's figure also completely shattered all the energy vortexes, and instantly penetrated to the other end of the arena, directly in front of Shinji!

Fiery red body, burning flames above the head, red eyes

The flame monkey was almost less than one meter away from Shinji's face.

"Flame Monkey"

Shinji was also stunned by this momentary scene, and subconsciously blurted out.

But he quickly came back to his senses, staggered the familiar flame monkey in front of him, and looked further ahead, his own electric monster.

As for the electric shock monster, it has already fallen to the ground at this moment, its eyes are spinning, and it has completely lost consciousness.

"Electrical Monster lost its ability to fight. Since all six Pokémon of player Shinji have lost their ability to fight, this match will be won by player Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!!"

The referee shouted loudly, bringing the curtain to the semi-finals.

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