He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 186 The Future Can Be Expected

"Wow, my personal technician has appeared!!"

"Wow, Boss Sakagi's personal technician has appeared!!"

There was a burst of joyful laughter from both sides at the same time, and then they heard each other's voice, both of them were stunned.

"This kid also knows the supreme potential of the mini dragon clan in massage?"

"Are these three people going to catch miniature dragons as technicians?"

In an instant, Xiaozhi and the Rockets trio understood the intentions of both sides.

Wolf's ambition turned out to be the same purpose.

It's just that Caesar in the back sounds a little inexplicable. I don't know why he calls out the word "technician"?

Is there a mechanic for the mini dragon trait?

He is an old cowboy, and he doesn't understand the traditional professional name of technician. In the Hezhong area, this kind of profession is generally called x server.

The target appeared, and just as the two sides were at war, ripples appeared on the surface of the river again.


There was a pleasant sound, and then a sky-blue Pokémon slowly emerged from the water, even floating in mid-air.

Obviously without wings, it just hovered in mid-air quietly, with dots of light scattered around its body, which looked strange and extraordinary.

This is a Pokémon somewhat similar to the miniature dragon, with the same blue and white skin, but with a much slender body, bent in the air, with a small horn growing on its forehead and a faint blue star on its jaw. Pearls of the same color are shining with magical light.

"Didi. Tiny Dragon, Pokémon that can be expected in the future. It is rare in number and has great potential. You can catch it or not."

"Didi. Hackron, the evolution of the miniature dragon, has the mysterious power to control the weather. It is recommended to evolve."

The picture book suggested.

If Mini Dragon is a Pokémon with a cute style, then Hack Dragon is a Pokémon with an elegant and noble demeanor.

"Hackron? Two-person technician?"

The eyes of Xiaozhi and the Rockets trio brightened at the same time, indeed, one technician is not enough, and two-flying is the real strength.

What is the future?

Xiaozhi and Team Rocket couldn't help but smile slightly.

Don't think that they can't recognize the yin and yang of the illustration book. The title of Future Can be expected sounds quite bluffing, but in fact it has no other meaning, it just hints at one point.

Very good now.

You must know that the difficulty of miniature dragon evolution is extremely high. Some people can't make their miniature dragons evolve into fast dragons in their entire lives.

After all, not all Pokémon dream of growing wings to fly, and they will be able to grow wings.

"Hackron, you were from that time..."

Caesar from behind suddenly walked over tremblingly, looking at the Hackron soaring in the air with wet eyes.

When he was middle-aged, he traveled in various regions and passed by this place one day, accidentally fell into the water and was rescued by a miniature dragon.

The two formed a friendly relationship. Caesar often came here to look for it to play, and even the photos in the wooden house were taken at that time.

It was only later that the news spread, and countless trainers flocked to look for the miniature dragon. Caesar was afraid that the miniature dragon would be forcibly subdued by unscrupulous trainers, so he artificially created this bush, which lasted for decades.

After a few days, the two met again, but after a long time, the latter evolved into a Hackron, and even became a wife.


Hackron moved closer and touched Caesar's palm. Although she is now a married woman, the bond is still maintained.


Caesar regretted it a little. He should have eloped with the mini dragon that day, but it was too late now, and now other people's children can play soy sauce.

After the sensational, Hackron twisted his neck away, looked at the other people with his noble eyes, suspended in mid-air.


"Oh, what Hackron means is that it also wants its miniature dragon to go out for training, and it wants to choose the best trainer among us."

Meow Meow translated.

On such occasions, its translation function is so infinite.

Hackron nodded. After all, the Pokémon in the hunting area are eating and waiting to die every day. It doesn't want its offspring to be like it.

Besides, the lifespan of human beings is only 100 years, just tool people.

"What about you, my wife doesn't mind, as long as you evolve, and cutting a wife as a technician has attribute bonuses." Kojiro turned his idea on Hackron.


"I will never evolve meow in my life." Miaomiao translated in real time.

Not only the IQ of the super-type Pokémon is very high, but the IQ of the dragon-type is also not low, and it can understand the meaning of human beings.


Evolved into a fat belly chubby fat?

It's better to euthanize it with a blow to Hackron!

"Aren't you willing to evolve..."

Immediately, Xiaozhi and the rocket team lost the slightest interest in this wife Hackron at the same time.

This change made the proud Hackron somewhat inexplicable.

Although it has not evolved to the top, Hackron is not a future Pokémon, it is a Pokémon that has reached the future, and can directly fight, and its strength is stronger than most Pokémon.

It's just that no one cares about it anymore.

The Rockets trio and Xiaozhi looked at the young miniature dragon with burning eyes, puffed up their chests, and said that they are the best trainers here.

Although Xiaogang and Xiaoxia are also very interested, as a technician or something, it is better to subdue a Mari Luli with the characteristics of a Hercules, their bones are enough.

Unknowingly, the two of them were also taken away, equating the Kuailong clan with the technician profession...


Soon, the shore was divided into two camps, the Rockets were on one side, and Xiaozhi was on the other side alone. In the middle was a Hack dragon and a cute miniature dragon, who were curious Looking at everything around.

Little does it know that its old mother is selling it.


Miaomiao became Hackron's real-time translator.

"As an excellent trainer, you must first have a lofty ideal goal. The first competition let us all talk about our ideals and ambitions and what we want to do with the miniature dragon."

That's right, Hackron intends to use a competition to pick out a suitable trainer.

Seeing that he wanted to talk about his ideals, Xiaozhi slapped his chest and spoke first, talking casually.

"I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and my dream is to become the strongest trainer and Pokémon master!!"

He said it with high spirits, because this is the ideal he desires most in his heart, it is full of appeal, and his strong self-confidence is that Hacklong can't help but shake when he hears it.

"As for the miniature dragon, I want it to evolve into a fast dragon and become the best... the most powerful Pokémon!!"

What Xiaozhi said in this sentence is not a big problem. Although there is a little bit of fraud, the strongest technician and the most powerful Pokémon do not conflict.

The bed is the strongest technician, and the floor is the strongest Pokémon, which is reasonable.


Hackron nodded, satisfied with Xiaozhi's answer, and then looked at the Rockets trio.

The three of them held back for a long time, and finally gave their answers with some twists and turns.

"Me too."

Hackron nodded again, acknowledging the ideals and ambitions of the Rockets.

Xiaozhi: "?"

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