He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1866 Farewell and Agreement

After the wild fight was over, most of the spectators left sparsely.

There were also some spectators who came to the no man's land behind the league venue for the first time, so they simply walked around.

Cooperating with the dusk at this moment, the red sun is gradually sinking at the end of the sea level, casting golden light on the sea surface, and the scenery is excellent.

But let’s talk about the person who gained the most from this battle.

"Yueyuexiong, it's really powerful."

After Shinji glanced at Tsukikuma and Mingyao for the last time, he put his pockets in his pockets and turned to leave.

Although after the evolution of the circle bear, it can indeed gain powerful power, especially the terrible impact force, which seems to be able to collapse a hill.

"Is that move called sudden pounce? It seems to be more powerful than a hundred thousand horsepower."

Shinji secretly compared these two ground-type moves that were also thrown out with all his body, and this move that he had never heard of was better.

But once it evolved, the Moon Moon Bear seemed to lose the ability to support itself.

The Pokémon, which has only four feet on the ground, has evolved to stand upright with two feet.

The reverse case is extremely rare.

And with that thick mane, the defense power is estimated to have improved a lot.

But as a price, the mobility of the circle bear has been greatly reduced, or lost directly.

Shinji's earthen tortoise is the original grass seedling tortoise at the expense of mobility in exchange for a high amount of durability, which he thinks is worth it.

But if it is his circle bear, whether it needs to be sacrificed and replaced, it needs to be considered.

"Is your name Mingyao? What an incredible boy."

After a round of sparring, even Juye couldn't help sweating profusely on her back, the oppressive force given to her by the young man in front of her was really strong

At the beginning, he is the king of the alliance at the same level!

After learning about Mingyao's invalid badge incident and not being a participant in this tournament, Juye suddenly regretted it.

Apparently, he was still a simple child.

Thinking of this, Juye's heart suddenly moved, and he said:

"How about Mingyao, are you interested in becoming the new king of the alliance?"

She wanted to find a successor for herself.

Ju Ye is not too young. In fact, he has long wanted to step down from the position of the king of the alliance, but he has never been able to find a suitable candidate.

She didn't want to be as irresponsible as another retired king who directly gave the position to Ah Liu, who was stretching her hips, and went fishing in the sea.

With the strength of Mingyao's ground attribute Moon Moon Bear, it is enough to take his place!

And he's still so young, maybe he can defeat that girl Zhulan in the future and become the new strongest champion in the Sinnoh region!

Thinking of this, Juye's peaceful and elegant face couldn't help but glow red.

"Ah, I'm sorry, please allow me to refuse, this is not a place where I will stay for a long time."

But Mingyao didn't think too much, even in the face of Juye's eager expectant eyes, he still quickly refused.

He doesn't belong to this era, and naturally he won't stay here to be some kind of alliance king.

"Is that so, what a pity"

Hearing this, Juye frowned lightly and sighed with emotion.

If Mingyao had hesitated before refusing, she might have persuaded her a few more words.

But such an affirmative answer, as well as the firmness in his eyes, let Juye know that this idea is unlikely.

So it's a trainer from other places, won't he stay in the Sinnoh area for a long time?

I don't know where the young talent is

Juye thought that Mingyao was talking about the region, how could he guess, but Mingyao was actually talking about the era.

"What a pity~"

In the end, Juye could only shake his head, turn around and leave regretfully.

But this unexpected battle was pretty good.

After everyone left, Mingyao also took back his Moon Moon Bear, and after looking around, he took the initiative to walk towards Xiaozhi who was still watching the show from a distance.

"Xiaozhi, long time no see~!"

He greeted enthusiastically, then bent down and rubbed Pikachu's head next to him.

Since Xiaozhi was the first group of people he met after he came to this world, and knew his own secrets, Mingyao had a different intimacy with the former.

"Ah, you are not eligible to participate?!"

After hearing that Mingyao was teased by the Binhai Gymnasium, the corners of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched.

Electricity times are harmful!

However, Mingyao was already able to accept this.

"Hey, luck and misfortune depend on each other, I have already found a way to go home!"

Mingyao's eyes suddenly brightened, and even his voice became powerful.

Along the way, with the help of Yueyuexiong's sense of smell, he searched for treasures everywhere, not only found many precious treasures, but even found a way to return to Xicui area!

"That's it, isn't it impossible for us to fight?"

Looking at the other party's appearance, it seemed that he was about to leave to go back to his world, and Xiaozhi couldn't help feeling a pang of regret.

As for what method.

Probably found the ruins related to the God of Time, Dialga, right?

"Since we want to fight, we must fight with all our strength, but not now."

Mingyao waved his hand at Xiaozhi, showing eyes full of fighting spirit.

After all, what he is carrying now is just the old mount, not the main Pokémon at all.

In any case, it is impossible for him to display his full strength now.

Since he couldn't fight heartily with all his strength, Mingyao was not in a hurry to complete the battle agreement with Xiaozhi so soon.

"If there is a chance in the future, you should also come to our Xicui area. Then I will introduce my friends and Pokémon to you."

Mingyao stretched out his palm to Xiaozhi, his expectant smile turned into full of fighting spirit, and he said loudly:

"At that time, we will fight with all our strength!"

Hearing the high-pitched voice, the corners of Xiaozhi's mouth finally raised, and he stepped forward to hold Mingyao's palm.

"Okay, when Pikachu and I finish our work here, we will definitely go to the Xicui area to find you in the future!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's promise, Mingyao stopped with satisfaction, and threw a wooden elf ball backhand.


When the red light fell, a black eagle was seen flying up. The feathers on the top of the head, the end of the wings, and the tail were snow white, and the crown of eyebrows above the eyes was filled with purple energy flames.

Xiaozhi hasn't seen the original version of the Warrior Eagle yet, but he saw the Warrior Eagle in the form of the Xicui area first.

The soles of the warrior eagle's feet also hold a set of supporting wooden frame devices, which can assist humans in flying.

"Then, bid farewell to Xiaoguang and Mr. Gang for me~!"

As he spoke, Mingyao grasped the wooden frame device with his palm.


Following the roar of the warrior eagle, its wings flapped downwards, setting off a burst of violent airflow, and instantly flew up into the sky with Mingyao.

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