He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 179: True Speed

(Don't look at it yet, I haven't changed it yet..)

For a ninja, the first thing to do is to stick to your heart and not be disturbed by anything, causing emotional fluctuations.

But the previous Abo monster was broken and entered a state of rage.

The violent and irritable nature of snakes is difficult to completely overcome. If Arbor can really control his emotions completely, perhaps his strength will be improved to a higher level.

When Ah Ju was still taking the advantage of self-blame, two black shadows suddenly flew towards him.

Without the dangerous aura of Xiaozhi throwing the pink badge before, Ah Ju subconsciously caught it.

"Eat it, I don't want to take advantage of the snake." Chi Dan said.

This is a large tree fruit and a burn potion, although the damage Arbor suffered was not as great as imagined, and it was more of a mental humiliation.

But Chi just wanted to fight a fair fight now.

It's even okay to let Abo blame an extra tube of blood.


Ah Ju took the medicine, hesitated for a moment, and stuffed it into the mouth of Abo Monster.

At this moment, the pink badge is already in the pocket of the opposite party. The next battle has nothing to do with challenging the gym, but a collision between the strong and the strong.

Although Aju didn't know how Xiaozhi's strength improved so much in an instant, he could only guess that the trainers in Zhenxin Town were all schizophrenic, and he, a traditional ninja, couldn't imagine such a thing as a big guy in the electronic world.

But he admits that the strength of the person in front of him is no longer inferior to him!

"Cha hiss!!"

Abo monster swallowed the medicine, and his physical strength quickly returned to a peak state. His vertical pupils were sizing up the electric mouse in front of him, and his breath was tense.

This electric mouse is no weaker than himself!


The battle begins!

"Abo monster, use surprise attack!!" Aju took the lead in instructing.

"Cha hiss!"

Abo monster lowered its body, and its body turned into a black shadow and rushed out instantly, with its head directly against Pikachu's belly, and a huge force directly sent the latter flying several somersaults.

Taking advantage of Pikachu's flight, Ah Ju instructed again:

"Use the solution on the surrounding ground!"

As soon as Abo vomited the snake letter, he spit out a large pool of dark green acidic liquid directly from his abdomen, and slowly spread it around Pikachu's feet for nearly a few meters, covering the surrounding area.

Just enough to completely cover half of the arena.

The floor of the Dead Leaf Gym is not only fire-proof, but also anti-corrosion. The highly corrosive liquid diffuses on the ground, and there is nowhere to stay.

Judging by its size, you can tell that this Pikachu is very fast, so let's block your speed first!

Chi was unhurried, and said:

"Pikachu, smash the floor with your steel tail."


Pikachu's eyes shone brightly in mid-air, and his figure was moving and rolling in mid-air. His stepped tail had completely turned into a bunch of steel, and he was slashing straight down!


The steel tail fell, and the corrosive liquid on both sides immediately splashed towards the surroundings.

The steel attribute is inherently restrained by the poison attribute, and no matter how powerful the corrosive liquid is, it has no other effect except to make Pikachu's steel tail more shiny.


Iron Tail's power hadn't disappeared yet, and it spread towards the surroundings in the form of seismic waves. Suddenly, the entire hall began to vibrate crazily. In less than a few seconds, the originally flat field had completely become potholed and rocks stood horizontally. , There are uneven gravel everywhere.

As a result, the corrosive liquid also flowed down one after another, penetrating into the ground.


The round-faced Pikachu admired the fragmented environment around him quite satisfactorily. Even the Muggle Pikachu in the back also had bright eyes, and secretly said that he had learned a lot today.

Destroy the field?

Good job, copied it.

Ah Ju: "..."

Such a terrifying power erupted from the small figure in an instant, which made him and Abo monster a little speechless.

But he quickly calmed down and attacked again.

Unknowingly, the identities of the challenger and the challenged seem to be reversed...

"Abo monster, use the venomous fangs!" Aju shouted suddenly, and adopted a close combat.

"Cha hiss!"

The Arbo monster opened its bloody mouth wide, its two sharp teeth were covered with oozing purple venom, and it quickly attacked Pikachu.


However, Pikachu just bounced up on the spot, and easily avoided the ferocious fangs. When dodging, he stepped on the head of Arbor and jumped behind him.

Ah Ju's eyes lit up, and he waved roughly:

"Use the sludge bomb now!"

He had seen the speed of this Pikachu at the very beginning. He suddenly appeared in front of the fire dinosaur like a ghost, and the poisonous fangs without any cover were naturally impossible to hit.

However, the opening moves of the sludge bomb and the venomous fang are the same, condensing the purple toxin energy in the mouth, the previous Arbor monster's pounce was only to accumulate strength, and did not use the venomous fang.

"Cha hiss!!"

In exchange for the sludge bomb launched instantly at this moment, a purple-black energy bomb blurted out from Arbor's mouth, and shot at Pikachu who was still in midair at an extremely fast speed.

This skill is very powerful!


Seeing this, Pikachu in mid-air was still not in the slightest of confusion, and the corner of his mouth was raised, revealing a sly smile.


Then its speed soared instantly, and the figure suddenly disappeared without a trace in place!

After half a breath, the sludge bomb passed through without hitting any targets.



Listen carefully, it seems that you can barely see the faint yellow figure on the field, the friction sound left by the extremely fast speed and the air...

"Sure enough..."

Ah Ju's pupils shrank, and he blurted out in admiration.

At this speed, he has only seen it on Boss Sakagi's Pokémon so far...


A sinister smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Ah Ju's mouth.

He compared the seal of the tiger, sneered and said:

"Abo monster, use that trick."

"Cha hiss!!"

The Abo monster opened its bloody mouth on the spot, and the colorful patterns on its neck shone with strange energy, and the light spread out, radiating towards the entire hall.


After a while, a yellow figure suddenly appeared in a corner of the arena, and it looked at its own hands and feet with some doubts.

Why do you feel like you can't run anymore?

"This trick is my great secret, called the fixed body method!" Ah Ju explained with a sneer, with a villainous expression.

He predicted Pikachu's movements.

He figured out that Pikachu would be able to dodge venomous fangs, and even the impossible-to-dodge sludge bombs.

But Ah Ju just wants Pikachu to dodge. What he wants is not to attack, but to let Pikachu show its true speed.

Although I don't know how Pikachu did it and what kind of skill it is, as long as this speed is blocked, the outcome will be decided.

Electric mice are big crispy skins, he understands.

Without speed, like a poisonous snake without its fangs, it is just a Muggle Pikachu.

The game is set!

Even the Arbo monster showed a look of winning, spitting out the letter...


"Who says that's its fastest speed?"

Suddenly, a faint voice came from across the arena.

Ah Ju looked up subconsciously, and saw the boy in the peaked cap looking at him with a smile in his eyes.

What was just blocked was just a move at high speed. In terms of accelerator, this is only Pikachu's third gear.

"Pikachu, show your true speed!!"


In the next second, Pikachu's figure disappeared from the arena again, this time even the fuzzy black shadow and the sound of friction in the air disappeared completely.

In the entire arena, there is only a strange blue light that seems to be absent...

Speed! !

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