He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1814 Rabbi vs Mantis Splitting Axe!

Cai Zhong came back to his senses, and quickly took Roseredo back.

Turning his head sideways, Xiao Zhi had already slowly walked past her and walked all the way in front of her.

"Xiaozhi? Why are you here, and sometimes the rabbi?!"

Cai Zhong was still wondering why Xiaozhi was here, but the next second he saw rabbi flying on Xiaozhi's shoulder, he was shocked.

She rubbed her eyes vigorously. This is indeed the legendary Sherabi, the god of the forest. Why did she feel like a little flame monkey at first glance?

Is it Ash's Pokémon?

It's unbelievable that even this kind of existence can be subdued! ?

"Miss Caizhong, leave this Pokémon to me."

Xiaozhi didn't turn his head, but only gave Cai Zhong a handsome back view.

"Shila! (Hmph! Stinky mantis, this time I will teach you a lesson!)"

Rabi Shi also flew forward half a meter, and sent provocative words to the mantis.


After recognizing the opponent clearly, the worm king stood on the mossy rock unhurriedly again, his face covered by the rock showed a pair of contemptuous eyes, as if he didn't pay attention to the little guy in front of him who was defeated at all.

This appearance immediately made rabbi fly up and down with anger.

But Cai Zhong was relieved to see the sudden help of reinforcements.

As the owner of the pavilion, she had no choice but to come to solve the trouble of this dangerous bug king, but with the latter's powerful strength, it is estimated that even an alliance king would not get any benefits.

But now the problem has been solved, and the combination of the alliance inspector and rabbi has given Cai Zhong confidence.

He simply retreated to the rear, ready to enjoy the battle in the forest.

As a trainer specializing in grass attributes, Shi Rabi has a very high status in Cai Zhong's heart.


Pikachu also jumped onto Cai Zhong's shoulders and said hello.

This battle has nothing to do with it, just watch the show later.

However, the ground is covered with damp moss, so it is better to find a human shoulder to sit on comfortably.

Mossy rocks around.


Although a little dissatisfied, but before the battle, Rabi still raised his little hand and sprinkled a green light on the mantis, quickly healing the latter's previously lost stamina.

In this battle, it has to defeat the Cracking Mantis head-on, not a mantis that has taken blood.

"Cha? Cha drink!"

The Ax Mantis lowered his head to look at his body, only feeling the power gushing out, and then became even more excited like a monkey and kept waving the stone ax, with a high fighting spirit.

Although he recovered his stamina, the Ax Mantis was merciless in his strikes, and swung the stone ax forward.

Hugh, huh, huh!

In an instant, several blue and white air slashes flew out, the offensive was fierce, and the first attack was launched!

Air cut!

"Shrabbi, get out of the way! Then there are the parasitic seeds!"

Xiaozhi commanded quickly.

With Xiaozhi's voice, this time Rabi was full of confidence, his wings vibrated at high frequency, his small body shuttled between several air cuts, his movements were extremely smooth and flexible.

The backhand throws a brown seed.

Whoa whoa whoa.!!

As soon as it touched the ground, the seeds grew wildly into thick vines, strangling and killing the mantis.

Due to the influence of the mossy rock, it can be said that the surrounding ground is a natural grass field, and the seeds of the frog can go directly to the grass slide.

Affected by this, the effect of Rabi's parasitic seeds was even more significant. The rising vines tightly bound the 2-meter-high mantis, and began to squeeze and absorb the latter's physical strength.

The extremely flexible and strong vines couldn't even break free with brute force for a while.




But the mantis with the ax is constantly struggling and shaking its body. The rocks covering its body are like sharp knives at this moment, constantly cutting the bound vines with the movement of its body.

Then, in the last riot of the Ax Mantis, the vines were torn apart violently.

This is exactly the sharkskin feature of the blade version!



After regaining his freedom, Piax Mantis raised the arm of the stone ax with a backhand, and made a strong move forward.


In an instant, a gray-green whirlwind was blown, accompanied by faint phosphorescence.

Silver whirlwind!

The large-scale silver whirlwind affected Rabi in an instant, coupled with the four-fold restraint effect, it made Rabi dizzy and swayed in mid-air.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Axe Mantis jumped up high, swung its twin axes and slammed down from mid-air!

Cross scissors!

"Shrabbi, use the reflective wall!"

The movement of the Ax Mantis was so clean that Shi Rabi could only quickly raise his little hand to prop up a transparent light wall in front of him.


It's just that the insect-attribute moves have a certain restraint effect on the super-power moves. The powerful cross-cut scissors directly smashed the reflecting wall into slag like glass, making a crisp cracking sound.

Immediately afterwards, the cross scissors, which was partially weakened, hit Rabi heavily.


Terrible power, directly knocking down Shirabi from the air and falling to the ground, the power is not light.

However, one blow obviously couldn't completely defeat Shi Rabi, and soon the latter flew up again wobbly.

It's just that there was an extra red mark on his face, which made Shi Rabi even more ashamed and angry.

"Sure enough."

Only after fighting in person, Xiaozhi realized how terrifying the mantis in front of him was.

Since srabbi is not a fighting phantom beast, he was firmly suppressed by the opponent for a while.

No wonder Shi Rabi was even kicked out of the EMI forest by the opponent when they fought for the first time

"Then start the counterattack!"

However, after some fights, Xiaozhi also had a certain understanding of the mantis, and with a fixed gaze, he began to direct:

"Rabbi, use the energy ball!


When Rabi understood, he raised his hand and an energy ball was thrown out.

Ax Mantis' morale was high, he raised a heavy ax and slashed down, about to split the energy ball.


Cut by the stone axe, the burst energy ball instantly turned into a dense green fog and spread out.

"Now, Rabbi, use the ultimate absorption!


Under the cover of the smoke, Rabi waved his small hand, and instantly flew out two green light energy vines, which sprang out of the dense fog like spirit snakes.


The ultimate absorbing move was continuously wound and locked, directly binding the two arms and the torso of the Axe Mantis at the same time, making it impossible for the latter to swing the most proud stone axe.

And this time the vines are completely composed of pure energy, not any substantive tactile branches and vines.

Even the sharp stone-bladed body of the Cleave Mantis could not be cut or destroyed.


The next moment, the ultimate absorption move began to exert force, sparking a burst of red lightning on the latter.

Constantly squeezing the stamina of the Axe Mantis and turning back, Shirabi's stamina began to slowly recover...

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