He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1803 Are you Xiaoguang too?

After giving the badge, Dianci was pulled aside by Daye, and talked about the plan to snipe the king of heaven, Aliu.


These words instantly made Dianci's eyes light up.

Denji, who has regained his enthusiasm, is now worried that there is no way to improve his strength again.

"But you don't have the chance to participate in this session of the Alliance Conference. Wait until the next session, and try to find another successor."

Daye said, and then added another sentence.

Now gym badges are collected according to the rules used in the past, and when the badge expires, it becomes a decoration.

"Ok, I know."

Dianci nodded, and there was still a year before the next alliance conference.

During this period of time, he has to strive to bring his strength back to the peak before he is eligible to continue challenging upwards.

Even the work of the gymnasium, Dianci doesn't plan to do it so badly anymore.

The threshold for a gymnasium owner is not particularly high, and it is very difficult to find a challenger at the level of a king.

But if you only have the qualifications to be the owner of the museum, it will be reduced a lot, and you should be able to find many suitable candidates.

It can be used to become the successor of the owner of the Binhai Gym!

Finally, Denji shrugged, stretched out his arms to Daye and said:

"Daye, anyway, I'll admit defeat this time, but next time, it won't be so simple!"

Seeing the familiar fire in his best friend's eyes, Daye also became emotional.

With a "snap", the two clasped their hands together, full of passion.

"Then for our next victory, let's defeat Miss Zhulan earlier than anyone else!"

Daye also uttered his own declaration of war.

Not only that, but his eye sockets were also on fire.

This year's Sinnoh Alliance Conference, after the competitions of the contestants are resolved, he will officially challenge Zhulan.

"Mr. Daye, do you want to challenge Miss Zhulan?!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but lean over, because he also planned to challenge Miss Zhulan.

Although he has met Miss Zhulan a lot along the way, he hasn't formally fought against the latter yet.

"Really, Xiaozhi, it seems that my nearest opponent may be you!"

Daye quickly shook off Dianci's palm, and held it together with Xiaozhi again with a "snap", both of them looked closely at each other with fiery eyes.

Call times: "."

An inexplicable strange feeling appeared in his heart, which made Dianci scratch his head for the last time, turned around, and was ready to see off the guests.

Next, he has to exercise hard, and there is no time to delay it any longer!

The next day, Binhai City.

Daye has already left, and after dealing with the electric incident, he has to rush back to report on the situation of Chiri's father.

Not only that, he will face Zhulan next, and he will also need a period of high-intensity exercise to keep his state at its peak.

As for the actions of Xiaozhi and the others, they became much more relaxed.

There are still more than 20 days before the start of the Sinnoh League, which is more than enough, and they plan to take a stroll in Binhai City, a seaside city.

"Is that the Marina Tower?"

After a while, several people had come to a high coastal platform, and a tall lighthouse stood on the shore of the pier.

However, it is different from ordinary coastal lighthouses. The lighthouse in front of us is in the shape of a round shuttle, and the surface is also covered with black and blue solar panels. The two sides are connected with side towers like horns, which looks very solemn and high-tech.

"Does the lighthouse in the Sinnoh area look like this? It doesn't look like the lighthouse in my impression."

As he approached the lighthouse, Xiaozhi murmured, and couldn't help but recall in his mind the glorious lighthouse he saw in Asakonion City when he was traveling in the Chengdu area.

However, the latter is a very ordinary building with stone pillars and high towers, which looks more simple.

"Is it the lighthouse in Asagi City?"

Xiao Zhi's murmur made the eyes of Xiao Gang next to him gradually sink into memories.

Asahi Onion City not only has a lighthouse, but also the lovely Miss Ami, who is gentle and pretty, and has been bred with him.

Not to mention, at the entrance of the Marina Tower in front of you, there is a woman in a light blue dress, whose back is very similar to Miss Ami.

Beside the woman was an electric dragon, which is very rare in the Sinnoh area.

By the way, Miss Ami, there seems to be an electric dragon working in the lighthouse

"It's Miss Ami!

Xiao Gang trembled suddenly, his face turned red instantly as if he had taken a stimulant, and rushed towards the brown-haired woman howling like a ghost and wolf.

"Miss Ami?"

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang stared blankly at Xiao Gang's movements, but the former turned his head and looked in the direction Xiao Gang was running.

The back of the long brown hair is braided like butterfly wings on both sides, and the electric dragon is beside him.

"Is it really Miss Ami?!"

Xiaozhi also recognized the other party, couldn't help but blurted out, and quickly pulled Xiaoguang up quickly.

"Miss Ami!

Didn't expect to meet you here! It must be God who let you and Xiaosheng meet here today, it is a symbol of love!

Xiao Gang took out a bouquet of flowers from nowhere and knelt down on one knee and handed it over.

With a familiar tone, Ami turned her head, her bewildered expression turned into surprise:

"Huh Xiaogang? And Xiaozhi, why are you here?"

Xiao Zhi, who came from behind, hurriedly greeted him:

"It's been a long time, Miss Ami. We are traveling in the Sinnoh area now. This is Xiaoguang. But why are you here?"

Ami looked at Xiaoguang, whom she met for the first time, and was obviously taken aback:

"Xiaoguang? This name? I heard that the Binhai Tower in Binhai City is very famous, so I plan to bring Xiaoguang to study and see if I can improve the Guanghui Lighthouse."

"Little Light?"

Xiaoguang was also taken aback when he heard the words, looked left and right, thinking that Ami was bringing other girls with the same name.

It's just that there was no one left or right, and finally, the eyes met with the electric dragon beside Ami.

"Wu? (Your name is also Xiaoguang?)"

"Your name is Xiaoguang too?"

Both Xiaoguang and the electric dragon let out a cry, staring wide-eyed.

And Xiao Gang had already stood up, leaned over to Ami's side, his face was flushed, twisting Nini's ambiguous words:

"Hmm, I don't know how is the child we gave birth together before~?"

Seeing Xiaoguang's complexion change, Xiaozhi quickly pushed Xiaogang away, and explained with a dry smile:

"Haha, Miss Ami hatched eggs with Teacher Gang's big steel snake before!"

Ami waved her hand, indicating that it doesn't matter, and replied with a smile:

"The little rock snake has hatched. It is very healthy and has excellent aptitude~!"

This is the nickname she gave to the big rock snake baby - Little Rock Snake.

But this time the journey was far away, so Ami didn't bring it out with her.

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