He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1784 The Final Final! Xiaoguang vs Adam!

On the stage, it was Xiaoguang's turn and Adam's final final.

Xiao Guang on the other side looked nervous, and her best friend's defeat in the last game also made her even more nervous.

On the other hand, Adam looked calm and composed, as if it was just an ordinary exhibition match.

boom! boom!

Soon, the two threw the Pokéball at the same time.


A bright yellow Yeeb with a few residual leaves growing on the edge of its body appeared on the stage with light steps.

This time Xiaoguang did not send the ace emperor Nabo, but chose Ye Yibo.

In the last game, Emperor Nabo was seriously injured, and it is not suitable for continuous high-intensity combat.

And the opponent is a water attribute master who has been famous for many years. Ye Yibu also has a good attribute advantage when he comes on stage.

When Xiao Guang first took over this Ye Yibo, his level was not low, and he was the second trump card in the team.


But when Xiaoguang saw the opponent's Pokémon clearly, he was a little surprised.

What Mr. Adam sent in the finals at this moment was not the powerful megalodon shark before, but a fat and bloated blue-white and black-haired shark.

Its head is covered with snow-white fur like a storm, with a pair of slender and sharp fangs growing from its big mouth.

Xiaoguang hastily took out the illustration book and carefully explored it.

"Hey. Diya sea lion, water and ice attributes, Pokémon in the Yoshien area, with huge fangs that can crush icebergs, and rich fat that can not only keep out the cold, but also rebound attacks easily."

Putting away the illustration book, Xiaoguang restrained his mind, and with the addition of the ice attribute, he and Ye Yibu became a mutual restraint relationship.

The thick fat all over his body, it seems that the characteristic is also that the thick fat has not disappeared.

After a quick look, it was confirmed that the Emperor Ya sea lion didn't carry any mega stones on its surface, so Xiaoguang secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Being able to mega-evolve without a system at the same time will still be at a huge disadvantage.

Although she can borrow the keystone from Xiaozhi to let the jackrabbit mega evolve and fight

However, Xiaoguang still plans to see how far he can go on his own in this super gorgeous competition.

The battle begins!

"Yeb, use Sunny Day!"

At first, Xiaoguang aimed at the weather and shouted loudly.

Ye Yibu raised his head and chanted, as if a small sun had appeared in the air above the closed venue, it became hot and dazzling.

However, at the next moment, Adam also called out the command:

"Diya sea lion, use the hail~!"

As the Diya sea lion raised its head and shouted loudly, the original sunny day disappeared instantly, but was replaced by hail and snowflakes falling continuously, and the temperature of the entire venue suddenly dropped a lot.

Different from normal battles, in the battle over the weather, the slower side will have the upper hand.

This allows the huge and cumbersome Diya sea lion to firmly control the weather.


Xiao Guang bit his lower lip, and now, Ye Yibo's Sunshine Blade move couldn't be activated instantly.

"Oh Wu~! Oh Wu~!"

Not only that, the Diya sea lions clapped their hands happily in the ice and snow.

Being able to move freely and smoothly in hail weather made Xiaoguang start to lose blood.

"Then try this trick, Yeeb, use the weather balloon!"

Xiaoguang is not a newcomer either, and soon has a coping strategy.

I saw Yeib leaping high, a pure white energy bomb condensed in the palm of his foreleg, and instantly transformed into a big ice bomb after touching the surrounding hailstones.

Immediately, with force, he smashed hard to the ground in front of him.

Bang! !

The ice bomb weather balloon burst, forming countless sharp and dangerous boulders, attacking the target!

It was very good to use the hail weather to launch an attack. This time, Mr. Adam's character panel started to deduct blood.

"What a clever little girl."

Adam chuckled lightly, showing appreciation.

He didn't direct, but stroked his mustache, as if he had an idea.

bang bang!

As for the Diya sea lion, it did not hide or dodge at all, allowing the boulders to explode on its body.

With the thick fat feature activated, the ice attribute moves are completely equivalent to scraping, without causing any damage.

"Yeb, use the magic leaf!!"

Xiaoguang continued to attack, trying to find opportunities.

Ye Yibu jumped up, and dozens of leaves with green light floated around his body, flying out with a strange trajectory.

"Diya sea lion, use the water flow ring~!"

Adam responded unhurriedly.

The Diya sea lion let out a low growl, and circles of lingering water flowed around its body.

These water flow rings can not only help it continue to recover blood, but also form a protective barrier, which greatly reduces the damage of the magic leaf.

The magic leaf only scratched the surface skin of the Diya sea lion, and the damage was not very high.

Seeing that Ye Yibu's strength was not enough to pose a threat to the opponent, Xiaoguang fixed his eyes and decided to take the first move.

"Yeb, use the sword dance!"

Ye Yibu nodded, tapped the ground with his forelegs, and was about to spin on the spot to increase his strength.

"It's not that simple~ Emperor Ya Sea Lion, use Stomp!"

Adam did speak at about the same time.

The next moment, the huge body of the Diya sea lion trampled heavily on the ground, and the seismic fluctuations aroused spread to the audience, directly interrupting Ye Yibu's sword dance rotation.

Sword dance move, failed to use.

"Damn it. Then just use Leaf Blade Slash!"

As soon as Xiaoguang gritted her teeth, now she can only attack directly.

Mr. Adam's calm and calm demeanor inexplicably made her irritable.


Ye Yibu let out a low cry, and leaped into the air. After spinning a few times, the leaf-shaped tail instantly extended and turned into a long green light energy knife, and slashed down heavily.

Bang bang! !

The leaf blade slashing move was successful!

Unhindered, he slashed at the Diya sea lion's shoulder, and the heavy force caused the latter's body to sink suddenly, causing serious damage.

The effect is outstanding!

But before Xiao Guang was happy, Adam's elegant voice came again:

"It's time, Diya Sea Lion, use Avalanche~!"


As the Diya sea lion raised its head and roared, countless rocks and avalanches fell from the sky in front of it, continuously and with great momentum.

If you are attacked by the enemy and use Avalanche as the backhand, the power of the Avalanche move will be doubled!

At this moment, Ye Yibo and the Diya sea lion were in a suspended state with zero distance, and there was no time to dodge. The dense and dangerous avalanche had already crashed onto Ye Yibo.

Boom boom boom! !

The huge avalanche buried Ye Yibu's small body, and directly piled up a three-meter-high snow mountain of gravel in front of the Diya sea lion.

The effect is outstanding!

On the surface of the Diya sea lion's body, there are circles of water flow rings, recovering its physical strength.

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