He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1781 Raise friendship with Nightmare God

"Haha, it's not that powerful."

Hearing Mr. Adam's praise, Xiaozhi touched his head in embarrassment.

The Rifting Block incident, when the Rifting Block was aiming at the disaster meteorite.

It's just that Gulardo and Kyoka were a little unlucky, and everyone on that trajectory was "smoothly" cleaned up by Rikakuza.

I didn't expect so many stories behind it.

"I remember you have a special red Gyarados, right? I'll give this to you as a late thank you gift."

At this time, Adam suddenly stopped, took out something from his arms, and put it in Xiaozhi's hand.

If you look closely, it is a small round bead.

Gyarados' mega stone!

In the exhibition match between Xiaozhi and Mikoli, he used the red Gyarados once, did Mr. Adam keep it in mind?

"Then I'll take it!"

Xiaozhi looked happy, and finally accepted the mega stone.

Now, the red Gyarados can try mega evolution. He remembered that after the mega evolution of the latter, it would become very bloated and fat, but full of momentum.

Speaking of the red Gyarados, he didn't listen to his command at first, and so did his fossil pterosaur.

But as long as you often talk to Pokémon and press A, the favorability can always be improved little by little.

"By the way, the last time I went to see the Nightmare God was the last time."

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something, it seemed that he hadn't visited the Nightmare God on Crescent Island for a while.

He has the idea of ​​subduing this lonely and handsome Nightmare God!

If you often visit that guy with New Moon Island, you will always be able to join the team and obey the command like the red Gyarados in the future.

Right now, his journey in the Sinnoh area is almost at the end, and he has to take advantage of the last time to improve his favorability!

"Hehe~ I look forward to your next performance~"

Adam stroked his mustache and said with a kind smile in the manner of an old senior.

He made a gesture to turn around and leave, but his eyes fell on Xiaozhi's shoulder intentionally or unintentionally.

On one side is a rotten electric mouse, but it is powerful, and once defeated his disciple's trump card, Menus

On the other side is the legendary Pokémon of the Sinnoh region, the god of will, Aknom.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the person who can control the dragon god cracked empty seat. Has he already had a relationship with the legendary Pokémon in the Sinnoh area so soon?

But on the hat, that little water-blue beast, why does it look so familiar?

When Adam turned his head to leave, he was still thinking about what kind of Pokémon the latter was.

If he remembers correctly, it should be that one, right?

"Let's go Pikachu, go back to sleep!"

Xiaozhi didn't suspect him, carefully put away the Gyarados mega stone, and walked back to the hotel quickly.

Go and have a good relationship with the Nightmare God!

After a while, Xiaozhi was already lying on the big bed, holding a piece of black rag in his hand.

This is the Nightmare Cloth given to him by the Nightmare God. If he sleeps with this thing, he can directly reach New Moon Island in the dream.

"Pikachu, this time you will also go to the new moon together."


Before Xiaozhi finished speaking, Pikachu had already interrupted his invitation with a snoring sound.

At this moment, Pikachu is curled up in a circle, with a turquoise crescent moon feather pressed on his belly.

This is the Feather of the New Moon of the Dream God. If you carry this item, you can instantly fall into a deep sleep and have a good dream.

It seems to have become Pikachu's favorite prop.

Xiaozhi: "."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only temporarily ignore the electric mouse, holding Yaknom in one hand and Manafei in the other, planning to take them to Crescent Island for a stroll.

Just for the withdrawn Nightmare God and Crescent Island, they are very popular.

"That's right, and this!"

After thinking for a while, Xiaozhi took out the elf ball again, released the Huayan monster, and directly used the keystone of the Huayan monster's body as a pillow, pressing it behind his head.

These two Pokémon are both evil-type, so they should be able to be friends.


Immediately, he closed his eyes, his consciousness gradually darkened, and the Nightmare Cloth in his hand also emitted a faint black light.

The light gradually engulfed Xiaozhi and the three Pokémon.

If there is a second person watching, you can see Xiaozhi's state at this moment, as if he was hit by the black hole move of the Nightmare God, and his whole body is surrounded by a ball of black energy

Wait until Xiaozhi opens his eyes again.

"Come here! New Moon Island!"

He found that he was no longer on the big bed, but came to a quiet and scary overseas island.

The time in the sky is not completely synchronized with the original world. It seems to be at dusk, the sky is golden, and my own shadow is also stretched obliquely by the sunlight.



Manafei and Yaknom also came over together, flying around like two curious babies.

The state they are in at this moment is very mysterious, it is not a simple dream, but the whole consciousness has been dragged to another dimension.

"Darkley, here I come! Where are you!?"

This is the territory of the Nightmare God, and Xiao Zhi is not afraid of anything, he shouted carelessly.

The sound broke the quiet island.

After being silent for a while, Xiaozhi suddenly found that his own shadow became more slender.

And it changes shape, and the upper body is like a cloud of flames, constantly fluttering.

Immediately afterwards, a pitch-black Pokémon slowly emerged from the shadows, changing from a two-dimensional to a three-dimensional creature.


Darkley let out a low cry, his body turned into a black shadow and rushed out, and finally landed firmly on a high rock platform next to him, showing a sinister and gloomy posture to everyone.

Clap clap!

Xiaozhi, Yaknom, and Manafei applauded in unison.

"Dak Dak!"

But after fully seeing the scene in front of him, Darkley frowned, and his figure flashed in front of Xiaozhi like a ghost, with his head directly against Xiaozhi's, a little cursing.

Just come alone.

This time, he even brought other people over, and all the strengths didn't look weak.

Want to invade his Crescent Island! ?

"Haha, Darkley, I'm afraid you'll be bored, so I brought you a few friends~!"

Xiaozhi smiled and pushed Darkley's head outward, while holding the keystone of the Huayan Monster's body.

"By the way, there's this one too. Wake up, Huayan Monster!"

Xiaozhi tried to shake it, and after a while, Huayan Monster's purple-black vortex ghostly face slowly floated out from the crack in the keystone.

"Jie Jie~!"


The two ghosts with the same evil attribute, when they saw each other, their faces tightened, and they stared at each other, and the atmosphere became stiff.

Xiaozhi put his hips on the side, smiled and nodded.

They seem to get along very well!

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