He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1761 Are you also a ghost dragon?

Enter the reverse world.

Giratina's arrogance wings were completely retracted, and Xiaozhi also lost the surrounding support and fell from midair.

However, with his skill, he naturally landed on a stone slab steadily, and picked up Pikachu who was almost thrown out with one hand.

Xiaozhi was used to seeing the big world, so he didn't feel too frightened, but subconsciously looked around.

"Is this the reversal of the world?"

The air is no different from the ordinary world, it just smells of saltpeter.

But the sky couldn't tell whether it was day or night, and it always showed a dark red color like the dusk of the end, giving people a sense of suffocation and helplessness.

The surrounding air is full of broken and broken stones floating on the ground, large or small.

At this moment, what Xiaozhi was stepping on was a piece of stone building that was broken apart, similar to a street lane.

Obviously, there is no support around and below, but it is floating like an isolated island in the sky.

It was obviously a man-made building, Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment.

There are still many dilapidated, messy buildings and houses around, and even pots and pans, scattered in the air, floating gently.

"Are there humans here too?"

But soon, Xiaozhi realized that the inverted world is a mirror of the real world, copying and pasting the man-made buildings and objects on the other side, isn't it strange?

Mr. Wang Luo has popularized science before, and Giratina is the only creature in this inverted world.


And the former tyrant, Giratina, was constantly flying and shuttling between these floating islands, making a majestic dragon roar.

It was only now that Xiaozhi could fully see the appearance of the latter.

Originally, he thought that Giratina would look like a beast-shaped dragon, like Dialga, with strong quadrupeds in its abdomen.

But now it seems that Giratina's whole body is more like a long snake, without any limbs, and there are only horizontal stabs on both sides of the abdomen.

The wings on the back are also very strange, with three long black strips on both sides and blood red spikes extending from the ends.

The shape of the brain hasn't changed much.

But the golden hard shell outside seems to be more ferocious than what you saw in this world before?

"In the real world and in the reverse world, will his form change.?"

Xiaozhi carefully looked at the ghost dragon flying around, while analyzing the latter.

He wasn't in a hurry at all.

After all, Diablo Rogia is in hand, and the latter can perform moves similar to Giratina's "Shadow Sneak Attack" at any time to bring himself back to the real world.

Now is a good time to visit this strange world.

"This world is the mirror shadow of the real world. So is it just the shadow of the Sinnoh region? Is there a reverse world behind the Kanto region?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin and muttered.


Pikachu also ran to the edge of the pumice, trying to gently push the small gravel flying by, as if pushing duckweed in the sea.

Giratina is still flying back and forth around Ash.

In the crevices of the surrounding floating islands, only a part of the figure of the ghost dragon shuttle could be seen. He was going to use this strange and fearful atmosphere to torture the former's will.

However, looking with small eyes, he saw that Xiaozhi had already looked around, as if his focus was not on him.

Even the electric mouse was pushing the small stones around, playing for its own amusement.

Giratina flew over immediately, its huge body scattered all the surrounding floating islands, and Jun Lin was directly above Xiao Zhi, with a sullen expression on his face.

"God roar!


The golden hard shell parted, revealing the small mouth inside, and Giratina let out a majestic growl.

"Humans, release that black strange bird from last time!"

At the same time, Giratina's voice also came from Xiaozhi's mind.

This is a telepathy that can communicate with each other, not a one-way god's will, which proves that the ancient god in front of him is indeed smarter than the two gods of time and space.

"Black strange bird?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, and quickly realized that what the latter said should be his mutated Rogia.

"Oh, wait a minute."

So Xiaozhi grabbed the silver feather pendant on his neckline and shook it vigorously.

Don't look at Giratina's appearance, which looks like a big villain. According to Mr. Wang Luo, he was exiled because of his violent temperament. But the feeling he gave him after meeting him at this moment is not so evil.

With Giratina's black face hidden in the golden hard shell, there is a sense of contrast?


Soon, the silver feathers slanted outward like a waterfall.

And the next moment, a dark purple beast-shaped strange bird flew out of it, and its figure also expanded rapidly, reaching a height of more than three meters in the blink of an eye.

Purple-black body, pale abdomen, the color combination is very strange.

It has broad wings like five fingers on an arm, a slender neck, and under the same pale eye patch, there are also a pair of bright red eyes like red lanterns.



The dark Rogia, who hadn't appeared for a long time, hovered in mid-air, fully spread his wings, and let out a sound like a bird or a beast.

This timbre is somewhat similar to the voices of Dialga and Palkia.

With a body size of three meters, it has already far surpassed the average Pokémon, and if it is longer, it will truly reach the standard body size of the ancient god level.

But Rogia was not the only one who ran out of the silver feathers, there was also a little blue beast.


Manafei also floated up, flew around Rogia for a while, and finally landed on Rogia's head.

The prince of the sea has always lived in this silver feather pendant.

Although the mutated Rogia's attribute has changed into a ghost dragon. However, the blood of the sea god makes Manafei very close to him.

It's all family!

But soon, the two discovered Giratina, who was eyeing a tiger in the distance, at the same time.



The last time the two exchanged hands in a hurry, Rogia's blood-red eyes froze, and immediately let out a provocative dragon roar from the air.

The coercion of the voice is already at the level of an ancient god, enough to shock the soul.


Little Manafei tilted her head slightly in doubt.

It looked at the Pluto dragon in the distance, and then at Rogia under it.

There is a ghost dragon over there, and here is also a ghost dragon.?

Not only that, but the Giratina in the distance also gave Mana Fei a feeling very similar to Rogia?


Xiaozhi also blinked his eyes in doubt. At this moment, the two are facing each other. Although their bodies and appearances are completely different, their auras are indeed strangely similar.

Is it possible?

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