He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1751 Bamboo Orchid, Wang Luo

Just when facing Yaknom and Emrido, who were unable to break through for a long time, Xiaozhi suddenly heard a sharp air flow coming from his ear.

Immediately afterwards, a swift black shadow passed over his head.

"Bite the land shark and use the Dragon God to dive!


Amidst a burst of low shouts from a distance, they saw a ferocious biting land shark flying up in the air at some point.

It opened its arms with inverted fins and posed in a stance.



The biting land shark let out a high-pitched roar in the air, then with a shake of its wings, it swooped down from the air!

During the process, a dark blue energy coat burst out all over his body, turning into a huge phantom of the dragon god.

Dragon God dives!

The mighty Dragon God swooped down and plunged into the encirclement circle of Aknom and Emridor.

Boom boom boom!

The mighty dragon energy erupted, even knocking two legendary Pokémon into the air.


Even Xiaozhi couldn't help being amazed at the power of this Dragon God's dive for a moment.

A biting land shark with such power.

When Xiaozhi turned his head, he saw a woman with long golden hair running up the spear pillar.

It was still the same luxurious and exquisite black robe and straight trousers, delicate face with light makeup, and sharp and serious eyes.



And the biting land shark that had finished its Dragon God dive also turned a handsome arc in the air, and finally landed heavily beside her, stirring up a burst of sand.

It is the strongest combination in the Sinnoh region, the alliance champion Zhulan and her biting land shark!

"Xiaozhi, I'm late!"

Zhulan came over, the battlefield in front of her surprised her a little, and walked quickly after seeing Xiaozhi.

"Miss Zhulan, how are you?"

Xiaozhi touched his head, but he didn't react.

But for such a major event that concerns the entire region, it seems that it is the most normal for a league champion to be present?

Zhulan's eyes quickly scanned the surrounding battlefields, and finally fixed on the red sun in the front, and Dialga and Palkia in the air, her beautiful eyes were slightly opened, full of surprise.

"The legendary ancient god who created time and space"

Through Hansen's information, the Sinnoh Alliance sent three heavenly kings to defend the three major lakes.

Although there is no description about Tianguan Mountain in the intelligence.

But as a mythologist for many years, Zhulan knows that Tianguan Mountain will be the final destination of the Galaxy team.

After figuring this out, Zhulan drove the biting land shark on the spot, and rushed towards the top of Tianguan Mountain alone.

It's just that it was a bit late in the end, and it seemed that Chi Ri had already created what he needed.

Especially the cosmic black hole more than two meters wide, the aura flowing out of it made her, the champion of the league, feel heartbroken watching it.

But Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were also present, which surprised Zhulan a little.

These two teenagers are really related to the big event in their Sinnoh area

"That's the league champion, Zhulan? What a beautiful picture."

The sudden appearance of the bamboo orchid caused Wang Luo, who had been paddling to watch the play, to cast his gaze away.

Long golden hair, calm and gentle facial features, and that kind of easy-going but powerful aura that seems to be able to control everything

"This woman...is too similar!"

Wang Luo couldn't help but speak.

It can be said that it is similar to him, or more like that woman.

I think!

This is a person who, like him, also has the blood of the real ancient Sinnoh flowing in his body.

Apart from having silver hair, Wusi is almost exactly the same as the woman named Zhulan in front of me!

"There are so many coincidences in this world that it's unbelievable."

This made Wang Luo couldn't help standing still, closing his eyes, like a Pokémon taster, savoring this strange taste for a long time.

"Hey! Kid, don't look down on me! I almost killed you just now!"

"For the glory of the Galaxy! For the glory of the Galaxy!"

Seeing that he seemed to be underestimated, Hades and the Noisy Bird started calling.


The noisy sound made Wang Luo frowned, his eyes slanted, and the aura of the ancient tamer suddenly fell on one person and one bird.



Cooperating with the catty dog ​​next to him with a long and threatening howl, Pluto and Noisy Bird were frightened to freeze in place, not daring to move.

Seeing that the two behaved properly, Wang Luo snorted softly and stopped talking to them.

Playing casually with that noisy bird, do you really think you can beat yourself?

Then stop pretending, and now stand where you are and watch the show.

"that person?"

The barking of Katie made Zhulan subconsciously look away.

The first thing to notice is the katti dog.

Crimson fur with a cloudy gray mane.

"Catty dog ​​in the Xicui area?"

Zhulan showed surprise and blurted out.

She can't help but has been investigating the myths of various places, and she has also studied the ancient world of the Sinnoh region. In that era, the Sinnoh region was called the Xicui region.

Many of the Pokémon inhabiting this continent are different from modern individuals.

For example, this rocky Katie dog.

But it's impossible, such individuals should have all been extinct, how could such katti dogs appear in modern times.

hope Luo

When I saw Zhulan at first glance, I was taken aback. Although the latter was wearing a lowered hat, how could this temperament and appearance seem to be looking in a mirror?


Apparently Wang Luo also noticed Zhulan's gaze, and showed an easy-going smile towards the latter from a distance.

Not knowing what to do, Zhulan subconsciously looked at Xiaozhi, about to ask.

"Wood drink!


And the two three holy orphans have already flew up again, biting the land shark with extremely strong willpower, which makes Yaknom, who represents "will", even resist this force.

"Xiaozhi, leave these two guys to me! You can do what you want!"

Noticing Xiaozhi's expression, Zhulan said quickly without any cause.

She has just arrived here, and she has no idea what is going to happen here. But what she can definitely do right now is to block these two out-of-control three orphans.

"Thank you, Miss Zhulan!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded quickly, and then led Pikachu to throw out the encirclement circle of Sanshenggu.

The latter was about to stop it.

"Bite the land shark and use the sandstorm!"

Zhulan's biting land shark suddenly raised her inverted fin arm and raised it upwards.


In an instant, the turbulent sandstorm, like a swirling water tide, directly entangled Yaknom and Emrido completely, unable to escape.

Zhulan's biting land shark suddenly raised her inverted fin arm and raised it upwards.


Suddenly, the turbulent sandstorm is like a swirling current of water,

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