He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1867 Xuefeng gymnasium, vs Xiao Siong! (superior)

He Knows Pokémon Better Than I Do Chapter 1867: Xuefeng Gym, vs Xiao Siong! (superior)

The center of Xuefeng gymnasium.

This is an ice field with irregularly protruding icicle rocks on the surface, simulating the environment of a natural ice cave.

Xiaozhi and his party were already sitting in the spectator seats, chatting and waiting for the game to proceed.

"Wu~!" "Wu~!"

The two snow boys were also held in their arms, one by one, like two dolls. Xiaoguang didn't intend to directly let the snow boys participate in the battle.

And the protagonists—Xiao Song and Xiao Guang, stand at the two ends of the arena respectively, ready to fight.

Although it was a winter temperature, the two people facing each other at the moment were both dressed in miniskirts, which were quite eye-catching and beautiful.

"The challenge rule of Xuefeng gymnasium is 3v3!"

Xiao Wang stood between the two of them as the referee.

She used to be an apprentice of Xuefeng Gymnasium, but now she is no stranger to being a referee again.

Especially Xiaowang's gaze is quite looking forward... This is the first time she has seen Xiaoguang's Gym Challenge.

"Little Hikari, then this is my first Pokémon~!"

Xiao Siong put one hand on his hip, and threw the poke ball with the other, with skillful movements.


When the red light fell, it turned out to be a black sickle weasel. The body of the villain was standing upright, with a red feather raised on the left forehead.

The expression is fierce, and the claw-like arms are very sharp.

Huo pull!

"It looks very fast, since that's the case...!"

Xiaoguang also threw a poke ball on his side, and the red light solidified, turning into a tall and vigorous long-eared rabbit.

"Then, the battle begins!


As Xiao Wang's voice fell, the two raised their eyebrows.

"Xu La, use Freezing Wind!


At the moment of the battle, Huanla opened his mouth violently, and spewed out a burst of ice, snow and frost mist, completely covering the jackrabbit.

But Xiaoguang's response is also very simple and rude:

"Long-eared rabbit, use the flame fist!"

I saw the long-eared rabbit set up a posture, lowered its waist, and the surface of its fist was ignited with flames, and then punched straight into the ice mist with a blow.


In an instant, the frozen wind was completely melted and turned into a faint white mist.

"Not bad...then try this trick, Hula, use high-speed movement!


The corner of Xiao Song's mouth raised slightly, and he attacked again.


This Hula also showed a dangerous and sly smile, and rushed forward.

The feet with sharp claws allow it to run calmly even on ice.

Whoosh whoosh!

In the blink of an eye, this Hula has transformed into several clones around the long-eared rabbit, surrounding it in a dazzled way.

This made the long-eared rabbit only in the center, cautiously guarding.

"Now, use metal claws!


Xiao Song seized the opportunity and suddenly attacked.

Huanla, who was running around, also stepped on an icicle outside, and leaped high with the momentum. His two sharp claws were stained with a silvery white cold light, and finally slashed heavily at the jackrabbit's back.

"Wood drink!


However, Jack Rabbit is not a novice anymore, he turned around alertly, with one arm in front of him.

Bang bang...!

The metal claws fell down with heavy force, which made the long-eared rabbit's arms lowered and felt a little numb.

"It's our turn, Jackrabbit, use the double kick!


But the long-eared rabbit, which was more dominant in size, swung its arms vigorously, forcing Huola to fly away.

Then take the left leg as the center and lift the right leg.

Clap! Clap!

The long-eared rabbit quickly stepped on two feet, hit the door of Xuanla's face, and kicked him out in an instant.

The effect is outstanding!

Xiaoguang's eyes tightened, and he punched hard and shouted at the same time:

"It's not over yet, next is Flame Fist!


The long-eared rabbit understood, stomped on the ice and rushed out, and followed the retreating Huola figure at an extremely fast speed.

The raised fist ignited a fiery flame.

In the end, under Huan La's stunned expression, the Flame Fist hit hard!


The fiery fist hit the face of Huanla, and it flew out again, and fell to the ice in the distance, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust.

But when the movement stopped for a while, I saw that Xun La had collapsed into an ice pit in a very embarrassing situation.

His face was scorched black, and he had lost the cunning aura of before. His eyes were spinning, and he lost his ability to fight.

"In this match, Huanla loses his ability to fight, and the long-eared rabbit wins!"

Xiao Wang said quickly, with a slightly surprised tone.

The battle ended so quickly.

In other words, Xiaoguang's battle was extremely fierce and decisive.

"Nice job, jackrabbit~!"

Xiao Guang relaxed slightly, and praised.

After the last temporary experience of mega evolution...

Although it only gained the fighting attribute for a short time, it also made the long-eared rabbit more familiar with manipulating its own body, allowing it to perform faster and more powerful fighting skills.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

"Come back, Yula..."

Xiao Si's complexion tightened, and he withdrew his pull.

Although the girl in front of me looks cute and well-behaved, I heard from Xiao Wang that she is still a coordination trainer who pursues beauty... I didn't expect the fighting style to be so sharp.

It was even sharper than Xiaowang's aggressive style.

"Then this is my second one! Come out!"

Xiao Song looked at the athletic long-eared rabbit in front of her. She has both fire-attribute moves and fighting moves, and she is very restrained in her gym-attribute...

But soon, Xiao Song seemed to think of something and threw the second poke ball. uureading


The red light fell, this time the Pokémon was completely different from Yula, it landed firmly on the ice like a small mountain of meat.

The whole body is covered with thick brown mane, and only a nose and a pair of curved ivory can be barely seen under the long hair.

"Oh, is it a long-haired pig~!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi watched with relish.

Xiao Siong's Pokémon are all Pokémon from the Johto area, but he wants to see if there are ice-type Pokémon from the Sinnoh area.

"The long-haired pig..."

The latter's calm body like a small meat mountain made Xiaoguang dare not be careless, and took out the illustrated book.

"Drip. The long-haired pig, the evolution of the small mountain pig, has ice and ground attributes. It is covered with thick and long fur that can resist the cold. Due to the degeneration of the eyes, it is difficult to lose sight of the target. The long-haired pig uses more sense of smell and hearing to determine the target's position."

The picture book suggested.

Xiaoguang thought about the attribute restraint of ice and ground for a while in his mind...it seems that there are a lot of weaknesses.

But this is definitely beneficial to jackrabbits!

Fight, start again!

"Long-eared rabbit, use the flame fist!


At the beginning, the long-eared rabbit once again condensed its fiery fists and rushed straight to the target.

The long-haired pig's speed was extremely slow, very dull, and it just froze in place.


The next moment, the flame fist hit the long-haired pig's meaty back.


However, the long-haired pig only let out a low cry, and lay motionless on the spot.

The moves that were supposed to be very effective were perfectly enlarged, but they didn't seem to have any effect.

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