He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1847 Red-Eyed Rabbit

"Xiaozhi, let me touch it~!"

"Just touch it, I promise to touch it!"

Leaving Mutong Town, along the way, Xiaoguang has been pulling Xiaozhi's arm, begging coquettishly.

Helpless, unable to stand up to the other party's stubbornness, Xiaozhi could only temporarily stop in his tracks, with a serious expression on his face.

"Xiaoguang, it is risky to use this thing..."

Xiaozhi took off the keystone bracelet on his wrist, the black bracelet was extremely exquisitely crafted, it was from the arm of Dawu's cousin Dache.

Ever since Xiaoguang got the jackrabbit mega stone, he has been planning to try mega evolution.

It's just that keystones are very special items, and they are quite rare in the Sinnoh area, and there is no place where they can be mined.

It is Miss Zhulan's keystone, and it is also a precious treasure obtained from other regions.

There is no other way, Xiaoguang has no choice but to focus on his own partner... Just borrow it and use it!

"Is this the keystone!"

Taking the bracelet into his hands, Xiao Guang watched and admired it as if he was holding a treasure, his eyes were bright.

If only she had this bracelet too...

But human greed has no end.

After Xiaoguang touched the keystone bracelet, he finally raised his head, opened his big eyes, and looked at Xiaozhi with a pleading gaze.

"Please, I'll let the jackrabbit mega evolve once! I'll give it back to you immediately after experiencing it!"

There is no reason not to try it.

"Long ears~!"

On the other side of Xiaozhi, the human-shaped jackrabbit also held Xiaozhi's shoulders, and kept rubbing against his trainer, begging for help.

Something like mega evolution is very tempting to it.

"Hey Xiaoguang, it's not that I don't agree, mega evolution is risky."

Xiaozhi was pulled between two female creatures at the same time, and his expression was very embarrassed.

The keystone bracelet is not a one-time use, and it won't lose its durability after using it once. It's no problem for him to lend it to Xiaoguang for a period of time.

But the biggest problem is the mega evolution itself, which is unstable.

In addition to the key stone and mega stone of the external hardware, the internal software must also be excellent.

The bond between the Pokémon and the trainer must be strong enough, and even the willpower of both parties must reach a certain level.

Entering the state of mega evolution rashly, Pokémon may risk losing its mind.

"Just once, I can definitely do it, and you two seniors are watching!"

"Long ears~!"

Xiao Guang and Jack Rabbit were still on the left and right, and continued to beg.


The appearance in front of him made Xiao Gang behind him a little silent.

The long-eared rabbit looks too much like a tall, dark-skinned woman from the back, and the picture is a bit unbearable to look directly at.

By the way, where did Latias go? It's time to jump out!


In the end, unable to meet Xiaoguang's request, Xiaozhi still agreed to let the former try mega evolution.

After all, this is a way to enhance the fighting power of Pokémon, and Xiaoguang will also look for his own keystone in the future...

If you try it now, it actually makes sense.

"Don't be too nervous, keep breathing, think about your usual interactions... when you're ready, tap the keystone, and you can start mega evolution."

"Don't think about it, just think about the other party!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were waiting in the rear. After a few reminders, they held their breath and watched quietly.

It's just that it looks more nervous than Xiaoguang.


In contrast, Xiaoguang's expression was much calmer, and he took a deep breath to keep himself awake.

The smooth and slender wrist is already wearing Xiaozhi's bracelet... the width of the bracelet is a little loose for her.

After looking at each other with the long-eared rabbit in front of him, the latter was holding the mega stone in his hand, and each of them nodded.


As Xiaoguang tapped the keystone, the balls in the hands of the two suddenly shone with dazzling white light.

The light was shining, especially the light on the side of the long-eared rabbit became more intense, completely covering its entire body.


Immediately afterwards, like an electric shock, both sides began to detect the shunted light from each other and connected together.

boom! !

After a burst of energy burst and spread, the long-eared rabbit also transformed into a brand new look!

Still tall and slender, generally not much changed from the previous body shape.

The yellow eyebrows on the head are fluffed out to form a bow.

Originally hanging down, the long ears, which are as tall as a person, also formed a few rings in the middle, as if they were tied up by several hair ties... This allows her to better control the ears when exercising, and even Swings like a whip-like attack.

The lower limbs seemed to be wearing a layer of black stockings, making the legs more symmetrical and slender.

"Is this the mega long-eared rabbit?!"

Xiaoguang stared blankly at the Pokémon in front of him, his appearance and temperament have changed a lot.

"Wood drink...!"

The mega long-eared rabbit also slowly turned its eyes. After adapting to the new body a little, he raised Heisi's long legs on the spot, and made a few capable kicks.

Whoosh! !

A simple kick, even a strong wind blows, which shows that these kicks have good strength.

"The movements are much better than before..."

"Have you obtained the bonus of fighting attributes?"

Next to it, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, who saw that it seemed to be a normal mega evolution, breathed a sigh of relief and began to comment.

Mega Long-eared Rabbit is a normal + fighting Pokémon, exactly like a vigorous female boxer.

"It seems that I am overthinking."

Xiaozhi's expression is restrained, yes, with Xiaoguang's current will and level, it seems that there is no need to worry about mega evolution...

"Wood drink!"

This mega long-eared rabbit can completely control its own mind, and let out a low voice of a fighter.

Immediately, he performed a set of military boxing in front of several people. The boxing style was flying and dancing vigorously, and there were two long-eared whips in the middle. The moves were overwhelming.

Clap clap!

This made the onlookers applaud one after another.

It's just that the normal and smooth process was suddenly interrupted by a cry.


Seeing Pikachu who had been watching by the side, he couldn't help but slap his hands and let out a cry of praise.

The voice seems to be not very ear-catching among the many praises.


But the long-eared rabbit is extremely sensitive to the sound of this electric mouse, and its two long ears stand up instantly... Not to mention that it has been upgraded by mega evolution at this moment.

You must know that since the long-eared rabbit evolved, the relationship with Pikachu has also come to a very delicate bottom.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a familiar voice, which made Jack Rabbit's originally calm heart tumbling instantly.


The pupils that were originally pink and white also turned into blood red in an instant!


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