He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1844 vs Elle Redo!

Eliminating the opponent easily and neatly, this Miss Joy had a smile on her face, showing a warm smile that is very common in elf centers.

This is a standard skill that belongs to every Miss Joy - a professional fake smile, as warm as the sun.

"Thank you, Elledo."

After taking back Elle Duo, she left the stage leisurely, with graceful movements.

He looked like a seasoned coordinator, and he was not at all unfamiliar with his retirement for many years.

"Hey, Xiao Gang, I must have read it right, right?"

"Well, I saw that too..."

But when he was leaving, Xiaozhi couldn't help but patted Xiaogang next to him, and said in disbelief.

The two looked at each other, and finally spit out a word at the same time.

"Mega evolution stone."

Just now, when the Elledo opened and closed to fight, Xiaozhi's eyes were sharp, and he saw the small ball hidden in the gap between his elbows...it seemed to be a mega stone!

"Can Elledo also mega-evolve?"

Xiao Gang rubbed his chin. He had heard before that Shanaido could complete mega evolution. It seems that the equivalent Elle Duo can do it too.

"Now, Xiaoguang is in big trouble."

Xiaozhi's face also became serious.

Xiaoguang has not yet fought against an opponent who has mastered mega evolution, so he is probably in a great predicament.

And this Miss Joy's true ability has not been fully revealed... She is a carnivorous Miss Joy.

"I love it, I like this kind of aggressive sister Joy~!"

Xiao Gang blushed, took out the small comb from the mirror and began to comb his hair.

At some point in his hand, there was an extra bouquet of flowers.

He was going to be the first to rush up to present flowers after Miss Joy finished the game!

"Hey, we still have to cheer for Xiaoguang!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help reminding.

"Let's not talk about Xiaoguang today..."

Xiao Gang shook his head as a matter of course, and then added another sentence.

"After all, we didn't talk about it yesterday."

Xiaozhi: "..."

It seems that there is no big problem in logic.



This Mutong Gorgeous Contest is still going on one after another.

Surprisingly, Xiaoguang successfully defeated his semi-final opponent and successfully advanced to the final.

"Manatee, use the turbidity flow!!"

And the opponent of the head nurse, Ms. Joy, was a pink-brown manatee, which set off a huge turbid yellow wave and swept away.

"Elledo, use the spiritual blade!!"

However, Elle Duo jumped up vertically, and his strong jumping ability made him completely ignore the Nuoda turbidity under his feet.

Finally, the sickle arm covered with pink and purple luster, slashed out fiercely.

Whoosh! !

The sharp spiritual blade directly sent the sea cow beast stepping on the highest point of the turbid current into the air, and fell heavily into the turbid current.

When the water completely dissipated and disappeared, this manatee had completely lost its fighting ability.

"Senior...you really are as fierce as in the legend..."

At the judges' table, as a judge, Ms. Joy from Mu Tongzhen also got a headache after seeing it.

She is the newly recruited Ms. Joy. She has only heard about the deeds of this senior galloping in the magnificent conference many years ago... She never thought that she would be able to see it with her own eyes today.

Too strong!

Seeing the senior's figure, she shouted in amazement.


Soon, the two players who officially entered the finals were born.

Amidst the warm cheers from the audience, Xiaoguang and the head nurse, Ms. Joy, stood at both ends of the stage, and the final was ready to go!

"It really is a mega stone..."

At one end of the stage, Miss Joy, who was watching the opposite side, sent out her Pokémon first, which was still the Elledo.

At close range, Xiaoguang also clearly saw the mega stone on his elbow...

Although she has never tried mega evolution, she has seen it a few times with Xiaozhi.

"Even if it's an old man, I can't lose...Please!!"

Xiaoguang gritted his teeth and threw a poke ball, but he didn't expect to kill a ruthless character halfway.

But today, no matter what, he had to bite the bullet and defeat Miss Joy in front of him.


After the red light fell, Ye Yibu appeared in front of him, his amber pupils calmly stared at the opponent in front of him, and gradually became dignified and serious.

The leaf-shaped tail at the rear also stood up, which meant that Ye Yibo had entered a state where he could launch an attack at any time.

"It turned out to be Yeib..."

In the audience, Xiaozhi was a little surprised. After all, Ailu Leiduo used the extremely sharp and tricky Yan Fan move before.

It seems that they plan to use Ye Yibo, who is also good at physical attack, to fight head-on?


As the three-minute countdown officially jumped on the screen, Xiaoguang also moved instantly.

"Yeb, use Sunny Day!!"


At the beginning of the match, Ye Yibo raised his head and let out a high-pitched cry.

The next moment, it was clearly an indoor environment, but the outside sun seemed to penetrate in, and the hot sunlight shone on the entire stage of the venue.

And the emerald green leaves on the edge of Ye Yibo's body, after receiving the sunlight, emit a faint green luster...

This is Yeeb's chlorophyll property, which can increase speed in sunny days.

"And then the Sunshine Blade!!"

Not only that, Ye Yibu even jumped straight up, and under the sunlight, the tail of the residual leaf instantly swelled and turned into a golden-white energy sword, about to slash straight at Elledo.

The Sunshine Blade is a big move that is on par with the Sunshine Flame, and it can be cast instantly even in sunny weather.

"Is it sunny, good tactics..."

The Head Nurse Joey looked a little gravely, and the girl in front of her was undoubtedly the strongest coordinator of this Mutong Conference other than her.

Then let's defeat it with all our strength!

"Elledo, we also use the sun blade!!"

The next moment, under the sunlight, the arm of this Elledo's sickle instantly turned into a golden-white energy sword, which was equally powerful.

Bang bang! !

The sunlight blade met the sunlight blade, and the collision junction of the energy slash continuously burst out golden sparks to the surroundings.

The blazing light beam blade, seen with the naked eye, even began to distort and blur the boundary as if it had been scorched.

"What, Elle Duo will do this too?!"

Xiaoguang's expression froze, and Da Qingtian also became the other party's helper.


In this fight, although both sides were evenly matched, it was Xiaoguang's character's health bar that began to drop.

After all, the sunny day is Xiaoguang's weather, but it was well used by the other party.

Head Nurse Joey raised the corners of her mouth and attacked again:

"There are more... Elle Duo, use the Flame Fist!!"

Elle Duo let out a low snort, and rushed to Ye Yibo's position again.

The ends of the two sickle arms clenched into fists, and with a "boom" a fiery flame erupted, and under the sunlight above, it became even hotter.

On sunny days, the power of fire attribute moves will increase.

Xiaoguang's face sank instantly in the flames.

Ye Yibu's sunny day has become Elledo's helper instead! ?


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