He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1825 Solemn Agreement

After the matter came to an end, Xiaozhi got motivated and quickly selected 50 strong iron ant soldiers.

The food in Dr. Damu's backyard is sufficient, and all the high-energy special food is used, so there is no need to worry that the top of the back mountain in Zhenxin Town will be eaten up.

Wild Pokémon are born and raised, using nature as food.

But artificially bred Pokémon use a variety of artificial foods.

We must know that individual iron ants have good combat power... If 50 iron ants can be accurately driven to act, this is a good fighting force.


The little iron ant that was betrothed to Xiaozhi was right next to him. Although it was small in size, it also possessed undeniable deterrent power.

In the entire iron ant colony, the female ant queen is the eldest, and this little ant queen is the second largest.


Latias also followed Xiaozhi nervously, staring at the little ant with warning eyes.

call out...!

call out...!

The next thing is to throw out the elf balls one by one, and pack up all 50 iron ants.

Yaxuan has enough props here, baskets of elf balls are placed.

After all 50 iron ants were collected into the ball, the surrounding area finally became much more empty.

"This is Iron Island..."

Standing on the top of a small hill of rubble, Ya Xuan looked at everything on the island, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Although he is an outsider, he has rooted here for several years and has long regarded Iron Island as his home.

The stable number of iron ants even has the advantage of dredging and improving soil quality.

You can even become your own helper in the future, and become a guard for maintaining the ecology of the island!


The female iron ant next to her also rubbed against Yaxuan's trouser legs, indicating that this is their common home.


"Eh... Speaking of the ruins, is it really all right?"

Xiao Zhi, who was holding a large basket of Poké Balls, was about to return, and couldn't help asking.

It seems that because of the shock just now, an ancient building with a steeple protruded from the center of the steel island.

On the surface, about 1/3 of the appearance is exposed, and the whole is silver-black, like a whole metal building.

From what it looks like, it should be the ruins of an ancient iron and stone chamber?

Similar to the position of the house number, it also depicts strange spot marks.


Yaxuan sized up the strange ruins in front of him, frowning.

He had been on Iron Island for several years, and he didn't know that there was still an ancient ruin on this island.

In fact, he and Xiaozhi had already discovered this mysterious relic hidden underground when they used their waveguide power to detect it before, but they just didn't have the time to deal with it.

Didn't expect to be pushed out of the ground by the earthquake now?

"By the way, this ruin... looks familiar."

When passing by with a big basket in his hand, Xiao Zhi couldn't help muttering after looking it over.

It seemed that he had encountered something similar before.

Looking at the solemn steel stone room, it is estimated that this relic is related to some steel-type Pokémon, right?

"Well, ignore it for now."

In the end, Yaxuan shook his head, thinking that this relic should stand here for the time being.

The surrounding thick steel walls seem to have the power to isolate detection, and the power of the waveguide cannot penetrate.

But he could faintly feel that there should be some sleeping organism inside.

Is it a live Pokémon?

Don't bother me just yet.


Xiaozhi nodded in agreement, this is private territory, and the excavated things belong to Yaxuan anyway, and have nothing to do with him.

It's better to send this group of iron ants back to Zhenxin Town as soon as possible.



Half an hour later, the dilapidated hotel at the entrance of Iron Island.

Although the building furnishings are very simple, there are still necessary storage computers and switching communication devices.

"Then Dr. Oki, please take care of these 50 iron ants~!"

Seeing Dr. Oki's expression on the screen began to change, Xiaozhi could only laugh.

"Xiaozhi! What I need here is a variety of Pokémon, not one kind of Pokémon!"

Dr. Oki still felt that he had to emphasize it.

It's getting more and more outrageous. There were 59 Kentaro before, and now there are 50 iron ants?

Fortunately, one is running on the ground and the other is digging underground, so the two will not collide.

But even Xiaomao, who likes to tame repeatedly, will never tame more than 5 of a kind of Pokémon at most!

Of course, now Xiaomao already has his own base camp.

The Evergreen Gym was also transformed by him into a facility with a backyard that is half a research institute and half a battlefield, and all the Pokémon have also moved to that side.

A large part of the area has been vacated, and it is not a big problem to accommodate a group of iron ants.

"Forget it...if there are 50 iron ants, I can also study the colony structure of insect-type Pokémon."

Dr. Oki touched his chin and comforted himself.

It just so happens that I have been a little free recently, and I have a new topic.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi quickly picked up the little iron ant, and held it up for Dr. Oki to watch through the screen.

"Dr. Oki, this is the most special female iron ant, the only existence that can manage that group of iron ant soldiers... I will send it over later, you remember to establish a good relationship with it first!"

Xiaozhi didn't forget to remind him.

The female iron ant "betrothed" the little iron ant to herself.

Now I "betrothed" it to Dr. Oki, I feel like a second-hand matchmaker...

But after all, the messy iron ant colony had just teleported over, and it couldn't be without a leader, so we had to teleport it together first.

After finishing speaking, Xiaozhi put the little iron ant in front of him, rubbed the latter's hard head, and solemnly agreed:

"You should help Dr. Oki manage the iron ant colony over there first. When I finish my trip to the Shen'ao area, I will pick you up, and then we will travel together again!"


Hearing this, the little iron ant blushed and nodded shyly.

In his steel head, he was vaguely looking forward to traveling with Xiaozhi in the future.

The next step is to retrieve the ball, and with the help of the teleportation device, it is teleported to Zhenxin Town thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

"Xiaozhi, leave this group of iron ants to me~! You have to work hard as a Pokémon inspector!"

After greeting Dr. Oki with a smile, he hung up the phone.

Next, I have to discuss with Xiaojian how to manage this group of iron ants.


And Latias, who had been eavesdropping on the side, smiled happily after seeing that the little iron ant had been teleported away.


He even turned into a flying dragon again, flew out of the hotel gate, and then flew straight into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head and aimed at the sky, and an orange light bullet condensed in his mouth was about to be sprayed out.

It's going to hit the Dragon Stars to celebrate!


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