He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1821 Wave Missile Shotgun!

In the depths of the abandoned mine, it was originally just a small space at the end.

But this place has been occupied by foreign iron ants, and they have gnawed into a huge old nest stone cave, which is almost half the size of the playground.

The surrounding border is a row of strictly guarded male iron ants, and next to it is a pile of high-quality iron ore like a hill.

Surrounded by the stars, there is also a large female iron ant lying on its stomach.


It lay lazily on a stone platform, enjoying the tribute and worship of its subordinates.

As for reproduction... In the past six months, it just gave birth to 123 new iron ants.

Well, let your uterus rest for a while.


At this time, the rock wall ceiling above his head suddenly began to tremble, and even sand, dust and broken stones continued to fall.

This made the female iron ant and all the iron ant soldiers raise their heads curiously.


The next moment, a figure suddenly broke through the rock wall and fell from above.

It even fell directly into the pile of high-quality iron ore, causing these rocks to roll to the surroundings one after another.





The iron ant soldiers immediately erected their tentacles on top of their heads, their eyes turned red, and they screamed and rioted.

There are enemies invading!

The one that fell was naturally the fangtooth land shark, who accidentally stepped on the air and fell down.


But soon, the gray-faced sharp-toothed land shark still jumped onto the ore pile, swung its arms, and let out a high-pitched roar.

Let's make a show of power and let's talk!

It's just that there are iron ant colonies all around at the moment, and it doesn't have much effect if you try to stop them.

Even after hearing the movement, the iron ants from the tunnel outside all poured into the stone room at the end, and it seemed extremely crowded for a while.


However, before they could attack the fangtooth land sharks in groups, there was a metallic reverberation sound from the hole in the rock wall above their heads.

Immediately afterwards, a large self-exploding magnetite slowly floated down with the voices of Yaxuan and Xiaozhi, and came to the sky above the stone room.

The depths of this mine pit are completely pitch black, but it has no effect on the red eyes of the iron ants.

"Pikachu, use flash!"

Xiaozhi quickly commanded.


Pikachu on the shoulder understood and jumped out immediately, not knowing where it fell into the pothole.

But the next moment, the bright yellowish light completely lit up the entire cave.

Combined with the surrounding reddish-brown rock walls, the light presents a somewhat hazy yellowish color.

As for the main body of Pikachu... I have found a safe slope and lay down peacefully.

This island is not suitable for fighting, just paddle behind and use the flash technique.

Just treat Pikachu as the background board, don't bother with it...

clatter! clatter!

The stone cave was lit up, and then Xiaozhi and Yaxuan fell from the self-exploding magnetite, right in front of the female iron ant.

This is undoubtedly very provocative for the iron ant colony. Immediately, several iron ants bit their iron jaws and surrounded them to attack.

"Lucario, use the wave missile!"

Following Yaxuan's instructions, this Lucario let out a low cry, and quickly condensed a blue energy bomb in his palm.

But the next scene surprised Xiaozhi a little.


The next moment, he saw that the wave missile suddenly exploded in his hand, forming countless small wave missiles, which shot out in all directions at an extremely fast speed.



This completely turned into an AOE move. Although scattered, the still powerful wave missiles blasted away the Iron Ant soldiers approaching in the front row one after another.

Wave missiles? Shotguns!

"Tuigui, do you still have this kind of skill...?"


Lucario's operation alone surprised Xiaozhi and Riolu.

This obviously requires a very high level of manipulation of the power of the waveguide, so it is possible to do it... Directly play the wave missile into a meteor swarm!


Seeing this move, Fangtooth Shark standing at the highest place couldn't bear to be competitive. He raised his head suddenly, and a purple energy bomb condensed in his mouth.

I'm also here to shoot a meteor swarm, let's celebrate!

Boom bang!

Since the ceiling of the rock wall here is only five meters, the meteor swarm that just flew out burst directly, forming countless scattered meteors and meteorites, and began to continuously bombard the outer iron ant colony.


But these moves obviously didn't have a very good effect on these rough-skinned and thick-skinned iron ants.

Even the entrance is still pouring in... Such an attack completely enraged them!

"Xiaozhi, these guys are counting on you!"

And Yaxuan directly ignored the iron ant soldiers on the periphery, and Lucario beside him was full of energy, and looked at the female iron ant on the stone platform in front of him.

Whether it is the ability to reproduce and hatch eggs, or the normal fighting power, this female individual is undoubtedly the most powerful existence among all iron ants.

But as long as he can defeat and subdue this guy, uureading www.uukanshu.com then this crisis will be resolved!

"Mr. Yaxuan... Never mind, Pikachu, use the grid to block them!"

Xiaozhi glanced at Yaxuan sadly, and finally could only shout towards one place.

The difficulty of dealing with only one iron ant is much lower than blocking such a group of jackal-like iron ants!


Although he didn't know that Pikachu was there, Pikachu's lazy voice could still be heard from a distance.

The meaning is very simple.

It is already using the flash move, and it is illegal to use the second move.

"Damn it, isn't Pikachu still unreliable, Leo Lu... Fang Shark, use Quicksand Hell!"

Xiaozhi cursed in a low voice, and then glanced at Riolu, who was completely absorbed in Lucario's back, and in the end he could only place his hopes on the sharp tooth land shark.


Fangtooth Shark landed beside Xiaozhi with a loud roar, very reliable.

The environment here is somewhat similar to its hometown Tianguan Mountain, and it also has a similar strange magnetic field, which makes the sharp-toothed land shark very comfortable.

Seeing the surrounding iron ants surrounded, the Sharptooth Shark immediately inserted its sharp claws into the ground in front of him.

Hugh, huh, huh!

In an instant, the surrounding rocky ground turned into soft sand and began to stir and rotate continuously.

Just like the ring of fire cast by the melting ant beast before...

Now, around the crowd, a circle of quicksand was also formed, completely blocking the iron ants outside.

How much can still resist for a while?

This made Xiao Zhi curiously look at the main battlefield...

The previous wave missile? The shotgun is already very eye-catching. He wants to see how Mr. Yaxuan and this Lucario will fight?

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