He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1801 Latias' Mega Stone

At the foot of Tianguan Mountain.

Going around, Xiaozhi and his party came to this familiar place again.

If they want to go to Shuimai City, they have to go back to the first city of Celebration, and they need to go back to Tianguan Mountain through crossing again.


Returning to his hometown, Yuan Lusha looked quite excited, walking ahead of everyone, as if he wanted to lead the way.

Even as he was walking, the round land shark suddenly froze in place, opening its mouth wide.


The next moment, a strange white light appeared on the surface of its body, and the spherical body began to collide and grow larger. The torso, head, and limbs finally began to be distinguished.


The three of Xiaozhi showed surprise in their eyes, they didn't expect that they could suddenly evolve while walking.

"It's time to evolve."

Xiaozhi nodded, looking expectantly at the evolving round land shark.

Although it is a late-blooming Pokémon, the Bite Land Shark lineage is not like Bankiras, and there is a cocoon-like form in the middle...

The three forms of biting land sharks are all orderly changes that follow the current.

However, the evolution of the latter takes longer than other Pokémon. It can be seen that after this evolution, it will gain more powerful power!



When the white light dissipated, the Fangtooth Land Shark that had completed its evolution let out a rather exciting roar, already carrying a faint deterrent force unique to Dragon-type Pokémon.

The body shape has also become much taller, and its appearance is 70% similar to that of Liebite Land Shark, except that the claws of several organs are not fully opened like Lie Bite Land Shark.

Even as soon as it appeared on the stage, the Fangtooth Shark excitedly aimed its head at a huge boulder next to it and opened its mouth.


A dark purple energy light bullet condensed in its mouth, and with a flick of its head, it was thrown out violently.

Just as it was about to hit the rock, the energy bomb exploded violently, forming countless meteorite fragments, each of which carried powerful force.

Boom bang bang!

A series of explosions, as if being swept by a Gatling machine gun, the boulder was pierced through countless cracks and gaps, and finally burst open and collapsed.

"Have you fully mastered the meteor group?!"

Xiaozhi was pleasantly surprised, this time the meteor swarm of Fangtooth Shark was perfectly controlled, and even the timing of the burst was just right.

"But the meteor swarm, shouldn't it be launched towards the sky...?"

Xiaoguang couldn't help but muttered.

It seems that now Fangtooth Shark prefers to directly release the meteor swarm towards people horizontally, so the scattered meteorite fragments will all attack one target!


After shooting a meteor swarm, Fangtooth Shark put his hips on his hips, looking proud.

A few days ago, it was taken aback by the evolved appearance of the Scorpio King... Now everyone is the same!

Then walking in the front, Fangtooth Lusha waved his hand, signaling Xiaozhi and the others to follow up quickly, quite a feeling that this place is his own territory.


"By the way, there is this..."

While walking in this mountain road and jungle, Xiaozhi turned over his palm and took out a pink elf ball with a heart symbol on it.

Then throw it into the air.

"It's up to you!



When the red light fell, a flying dragon-shaped elf suddenly flew out rapidly, with extremely sharp and powerful movements, as if the roar of an airplane engine could be heard.

The red and white flying dragon...is Latias!


Immediately, he turned his flight trajectory and flew towards Xiao Zhi's direction again, making a U-turn very crisply.

Latias narrowed his eyes, with a slender neck and a head with two small white horns, he kept rubbing against Xiaozhi's face, looking quite intimate.

"Long time no see, Latias..."

Xiaozhi naturally hugged Latias' head back, rubbed his cheeks, and still had the familiar smooth touch.

"This Pokémon is Latias...?"

Xiaoguang next to him curiously moved his head. This red and white dragon beast, like a small plane, has a very peculiar body structure.

But the orange-brown child hole and small head are very cute.

"But this relationship is too good...?"

Xiaoguang couldn't help but growl, as a girl, she is still very sensitive to this aspect.

The way Latias looks at Xiaozhi, and the coquettish behavior towards Xiaozhi, doesn't seem to be a normal Pokémon...

"By the way, Dr. Oki said you have any surprises?"

Xiaozhi remembered Dr. Oki's words and asked curiously.


Latias immediately flew a little higher like a little girl presenting a treasure, and put her smooth and white neck on Xiaozhi's head.

"this is...?"

Pushing away the glazed feathers of the latter, Xiao Zhi noticed the bottom of Latias' neck, where a delicate necklace was hanging.

Very classic necklace style, it is estimated that it is handmade from the city of water.

However, at the top of the necklace, there is a glass ball connected, with pink and purple curved marks inside.

"Is this your exclusive mega stone, where did you get it...?!"

Xiao Zhi was amazed, did not expect that the legendary Pokémon also had such props?

That's right, it's not surprising that even Dragon God Crack Kongza can complete mega evolution, and Latias can also evolve.

The next moment, a clear and girly voice suddenly appeared in Xiaozhi's mind.


This is Latias's telepathic ability. Although he can't talk as smoothly as Chaomeng, the basic meaning can still be expressed.

Xiaozhi nodded, it seemed that it was a gift from that "brother" Latios.

Maybe the exclusive mega stone is a specialty of the city of water.


After flying in the air for a while, Latias's whole body suddenly shone with pink light, and the body of the flying dragon was also plastically changed in the light, turning into the appearance of a human girl.

She is half a head taller than Xiao Zhi, wearing a delicate and luxurious maid dress, and her long red hair still retains a pair of small forks from the flying dragon period.

White beaded gauze headdress, behind which are long and slender double ponytails.

Delicate facial features and amber childlike holes give people a mysterious feeling.

"Turned into a human?!"

Seeing Latias' phantom camouflage ability for the first time, Xiaoguang was taken aback.

Especially at this moment when she suddenly became a great beauty, but still flung herself in Xiaozhi's arms and acted like a baby... She couldn't help but blush when she saw it.

"Okay... let's travel with us next."

Xiaozhi could only helplessly accept Lattiyas' long-lost coquetry.

From the outside, it looks like he is cuddling with a woman.

But the actual touch has not changed, he still seems to be hugging a moving goose.

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