He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1796 Just carry it and run!

After the white jade orb was taken away, the night demon was not like Pikachu, who could only show the items he carried outside.

call out...!

Its palm stretched out towards its belly, and the golden crack in its belly, which was like a mouth, actually opened like a mouth, swallowing the white jade orb in one gulp!

In this regard, Night Demon is very similar to Geng Gui, both have the ability to hide items in different spaces within their bodies.


Pikachu kept rubbing his nose, and the punch just hit the bridge of his nose, causing tears to flow down his face from the pain.

He even forcibly took the props from his palm, which made Pikachu even more annoyed and angry!


The next moment, Pikachu's body was covered with white light, and he rushed up instantly.

call out...!

However, the extremely fast flash of lightning directly penetrated the body of the Night Demon Spirit.

"Stupid Pikachu, the flash of lightning has no effect on ghost-type Pokémon!!"

Xiaozhi quickly said, Pikachu who was hit on the head actually made such a foolish mistake.


This made Pikachu's old face blush, and then his anger skyrocketed again.

Damn it, it was you, the one-eyed ghost, who made it lose face!

This time Pikachu jumped up, his tail condensed into a steel tail, and he was about to chop fiercely on the body of the Night Demon.


But the Night Demon let out a low growl. Facing the Iron Tail attacking from the sky, his body suddenly sank down, as if it had completely melted into the ground.

Bang bang!

This made Pikachu's Iron Tail move fall, but just smashed a crack and stone pit on the ground, and didn't hit any target!

Shadow attack!

This is a preemptive move of the ghost attribute, which can give the Night Demon to sneak into a different space at an extremely fast speed.

Even after that, the Night Demon Spirit didn't show up to attack, but maintained a state of lurking in the shadow space, and fled outwards at high speed.

Its goal this time is only to seize this white jade orb.

Whether it's the explosion of the ruins in the backyard, the raid in the air, the harassment of the big-mouthed bat swarm, or even the stink bomb of the tank skunk... these are just for the action of the night monster, and that's all.


Sitting on the plane, Chi Ri raised the corner of his mouth, and even began to directly direct the plane to leave this area.

The whole action was within his expectation.

The Scorpion King immediately launched a sharp rock attack, planning to destroy the plane first.

Clang clang boom...!

However, with the escort facing the north and the iron barrier propped up, it can easily block all the countless sharp stones, and the Scorpion King can only let the plane go away.



Watching the night demon sneak into the shadow space, as if entering no one's land, Pikachu couldn't do anything, but stood there stupidly annoyed.

Damn, it still has too few moves!


Pikachu scratched his head in frustration. He had been paddling for too long, and the battle seemed a little rusty.

It seems that the special training will start again next time!

The first thing is to master a ghost move...

The kind of move that can directly get into the shadow of another dimension and beat out demons and goblins!

Pikachu secretly made up his mind.

"Huayan monster, chase after it!"

However, although Pikachu couldn't move, but at the same time it was a ghost, and Zhulan quickly commanded her Huayan monster.

"Jie Jie~!"

The vortex ghost of the Huayan monster instantly became blurred a lot, sneaked into the shadow space, and chased in the direction where the night monster was escaping.

It's just that compared to the Night Demon Spirit, who seems like a fish entering the sea, Huayan Monster has its own constraints.

The extremely heavy keystone stands in the research institute, and it is impossible for anyone to carry it away with it.

This makes Huayan Monster's soul ghost, at most, can only be more than a hundred meters away from the keystone...

Beyond this distance, it was like a rope that was forced to pull, dragging the Huayan Monster back, unable to continue flying out.


This made Zhulan's expression change. She had already thought about it thoroughly, but she still didn't expect that there would be the night demon in the end.

The Galaxy team's careful action this time is simply impossible to guard against!

"Then leave it to me!"

But Xiaozhi gave Zhulan a confident look, and ran towards the gate of the research institute while taking out a poke ball.


The poke ball opened, and the red light fell, gradually forming a similar keystone pier with a crack at the top.


The next moment, a purple-black vortex ghost also slowly floated out from the opening of the crack.

"Do you have Huayan monster too?"

Zhulan was surprised, but what confused her even more was, what is Xiaozhi going to do?

They are all flower rock monsters, your flower rock monster will also fly to the position of 100 meters, and it will be stuck in place, right?

However, at the next moment, Xiao Zhi directly carried the extremely heavy stone pier and keystone on his shoulders!

Da da da!

Immediately afterwards, he chased directly towards the gate.

Although he was carrying a heavy keystone on his shoulders, Xiaozhi's running speed didn't seem to be affected at all, it was still a normal human sprinting speed of 100 meters.

Since Huayan Monster can't leave the body for 100 meters...

Then just run with the main body on your back and you're done!

"Huayan Monster, catch up with that Night Demon!"

"Jie Jie~!"

The fuzzy shadow gave out a piercing smile, and then floated out, chasing after the Night Demon Spirit.

Even when Xiaozhi was sprinting for a hundred meters, he was carrying a heavy keystone while still having strength in his other hand, so he took out his illustration book.

"And you, uureading www.uukanshu.com help me catch up with that guy, Rotom!"

He did remember that his Rotom was also a ghost-type Pokémon, with the ability to penetrate walls at will.


Rotom in the illustrated book understood, and it jumped out of the illustrated book immediately after being already excited, showing an orange-red plasma lightning form.

call out...!

The next moment, the small and illusory body rushed forward at high speed, turning into an afterimage of an electric ghost in the air.

Rotom's speed is much faster than that of the Night Demon and the Flower Rock Monster.


And Zhulan still stayed in the research institute, staring blankly at Xiaozhi who had already disappeared in the blink of an eye, with a silent expression.

Then she slowly walked to the side of her Huayan monster body, staring at the keystone in front of her with flickering eyes.

"Is there a possibility that this stone is actually very light?"

Zhulan muttered softly, then simply rolled up her sleeves, bent down and tried to lift her keystone.

After exerting strength for a long time, the keystone still didn't move at all, as if it was completely fitted and embedded in the ground.

This made the group of useless Miss Junsha next to her also cast a puzzled look.


Seeing this, Zhulan just coughed lightly, rearranged her sleeves, straightened her waist, as if nothing happened.

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