He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1776 It is impossible to evolve in this lifetime!

In the smoke and dust, the elegant cat stood upright again, and its whole body was covered with dazzling golden light.

The double blessing of this attribute bonus and general skin characteristics makes the golden light energy on the surface of the elegant cat's body more intense.

thump! !

With a kick, he rushed straight to the target.

"Fight it head-on? Since that's the case, Jackrabbit, use flying knees to kick!!"

Seeing this, Xiaoguang did not show any weakness, and also launched a frontal attack.

Although this move, she is not sure whether her long-eared rabbit has mastered it now, but since it has evolved, it should be mastered, right?

The last time I saw it at the Seven Star Restaurant, the flying knee kick of the jackrabbit is very powerful, and it will definitely block the opponent's attack!

"Wood drink!!"

Hearing this, the long-eared rabbit let out a low cry, stomped on the ground, and leaped up to meet the opponent's attack.

In the process, he even bent his lower limbs, and his knees were already covered with a thick and powerful orange light flying knee kick! !

It didn't disappoint Xiaoguang's expectations. With the completion of the evolution, the long-eared rabbit also mastered this big move!

The next moment, the frontal impact of the flying knee kick collided with the elegant cat's sacrificial impact!

Accompanied by a strong explosive sound, the long-eared rabbit's flying knee kick was like a spear, breaking through the golden light on the surface, and finally hit the elegant cat's body with its knee hard.

Bang bang! !

There was a low muffled sound, and the figure of the elegant cat suddenly flew backwards like a shooting star from the sky.

Falling to a corner of the stage, it stirred up countless wood dust and dust, and made a burst of explosion.

"Elegant Cat!!"

This scene also made Lily exclaim, eagerly watching the front.

On the other side, the long-eared rabbit used the reaction force to spin around in the air before landing.


It's just that when he landed a little unsteadily, he staggered, and the lower limb that performed the flying knee kick was also trembling faintly.

Obviously, the opponent's strength is also not weak, as if kicking on a hard rock.

But after all, it is a move of general attributes. For the big moves of fighting attributes, flying knee kick has a natural advantage.

Even the opponent's straight-on frontal combat completely avoided the weakness of flying knee kicks with low hit rate


"What a fierce battle!!"

And off the stage, the audience cheered loudly because of the final collision.

After all, it is a gorgeous competition, and such a scene of head-on collision with big moves rarely occurs

It is extremely rare to end up with a flying knee kick with a self-sacrificing charge!

"Good! Good! Good!!"

Especially Mingyao shouted three good words repeatedly and clapped his hands vigorously.

This kind of gorgeous performance, and the fierce battle at the end, undoubtedly suits his appetite very much.

Although at the combat level, it is still a bit worse

"By the way, Yao, are you going to participate in the gorgeous contest in the future?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking, seeing how interested the other party is, if this guy participates in the gorgeous contest in the future, it will be a bit of fun.

"Teacher Dazhi, I just like to watch this kind of show and actually fight. I still admire fighting with all my strength, so I don't plan to participate in the gorgeous contest."

Mingyao replied with a rather serious face.

After all, in their ancient times, let alone Pokémon battles

Humans can go directly to the field, directly attack Pokémon, grab a few stones and throw them to assist in the battle.

There are not too many Pokémon battle rules in the Xicui area. In the wild, it is pure wild fighting, and survival is the key.

"Teacher Dazhi?!"

Xiaozhi was a little confused by the other party's address.

Just now I heard that it is quite normal to call Mr. Dagang, but when it comes to Mr. Dazhi

This description, you are scolding people! !

on the stage.

As the smoke dissipated, the elegant cat's figure was already embedded in the broken wood of the stage, and the floor was cracked and a hole was opened.


After being hit by a powerful move with outstanding effects, this elegant cat lost its fighting ability all at once, and fell down there with dizzy eyes.

On the electronic screen, Lily's health bar was still more than half.

However, less than 1/3 of the small light is in the state of a candle in the wind.

"Elegant cat lost the ability to fight, so this game is won by player Xiaoguang and the long-eared rabbit!!"

The host Vivienne hurriedly shouted.

In terms of time, if there are still five seconds left to attack the opponent to the point of being unable to fight, it is a desperate counterattack!

"Finally won!"


Hearing the sound, Xiaoguang and the long-eared rabbit let out a long sigh of relief, and their bodies became a little weak.

"Thank you, Elegant Cat"

On the other side, Lily could only smile wryly, and took back her elegant cat.

Then she walked up to Xiaoguang and touched the latter's head.

"I lost you and Caizi are really similar, Xiaoguang."

The face in front of her eyes overlapped with the appearance of her former opponent in her mind, which made Lily sigh with emotion.

"Aunt Lily, it should be said that you gave me a chance in the end, otherwise I wouldn't be able to win this competition."

Xiaoguang shook his head.

She relied on the last 5 seconds to win by chance.

But for Lily, she can completely let Elegant Cat fight a protracted battle.

As long as you don't make that sacrificing charge, you can drag it past five seconds casually, and in the end, it will only be her and Jack Rabbit who lose because of the competition time.

"For a junior, if I still use the game mechanism to win, then this is a real failure."

However, Lily just shook her head and replied with a cry and a smile.

"In the future, I will continue to stand on the stage of the gorgeous competition. Whether it is your mother or you, I will not give up so easily for the next victory or defeat!"

In the end, Lily stretched out her palm to Xiaoguang, and at the same time it was a declaration of battle.

"Next time, I will become stronger!"

Xiaoguang's eyes were fixed, and he held Lily's palm full of fighting spirit, and accepted the challenge.

"It's really a wonderful battle, these two people."

Seeing this scene on TV, Caizi who was far away in Futaba Town was deeply moved, and her eyes became moist.

Then he touched the capuchin cat's head next to him.

"I don't know if I can wear the previous dress or not now!"

Seeing the reappearance of her former opponent made Caizi's heart, which had been at ease for a long time, agitated.

"Capuchin cat, do you want to evolve as well, let's reappear with a brand new look~?"

Ayako couldn't help but ask the capuchin cat in her arms.


It was fine at first, but upon hearing the word evolution, the curly-tailed cat immediately exploded and shook its head frantically.

It has held back its evolution for more than 20 years, how can it suddenly become a fat Dongshi cat now!

It is impossible to evolve in this lifetime!

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