He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1774 Capuchin and Elegant Cat!


And far away in Shuangye Town, Xiaoguang's mother is also watching the live TV at the same time.

Especially standing opposite Xiaoguang now, the familiar figure made her widen her eyes with surprise.

I didn't expect that fate would be such a coincidence

"Don't lose Xiaoguang, this guy's Pokémon is not easy."

Caizi could only cheer remotely through the screen.


Even the capuchin cat lying on the sofa raised its head, as if it recognized the person on the TV screen, its normally peaceful eyes became sharper.

On the stage of the Shenhe Conference, the two also threw the Pokéball at the same time.

"Please, Curly Rabbit!!"

To Xiaozhi's surprise, this time Xiaoguang did not choose the more stable Prince Bo or Ye Yibu, but sent a rabbit with curled ears.


On the other side, Lily's Poké Ball was opened, but it was a small cat-shaped Pokémon.

The light yellow light body, like a lady, is surrounded by a purple ring shawl around her neck, looking very graceful and luxurious.

Even the ears on the head are connected into one piece, which looks quite wide.


Across the screen, seeing this former rival cat reappeared, the curly-tailed cat far away in Shuangye Town couldn't help but stand up and let out a fierce cry of demonstration.

Obviously, they are also cat-type elves with elegant temperament. The two cats from many years ago did not accept each other.

"Who is this Pokémon?"

It was the first time seeing this kind of Pokémon, and Xiaoguang quickly took out the illustration book.

"Di. Elegant cat, general attributes, evolution of Xiangwei cat, is a common domestic cat Pokémon in the Yoshien area. It has its own way of life and likes a free life. Because of its elegant and beautiful appearance, it is very popular among female trainers. .”

The picture book suggested.

In the face of Pokémon from other regions, the illustration book will automatically add the introduction information of the region it belongs to.

Xiaoguang put away the illustration book, not daring to be careless.

Unexpectedly, like Pikachu, it is a foreign cat

And this haughty temperament is not inferior to the curly-tailed cat of the mother at home.

"Don't be careless, Curly Rabbit!"

So Xiaoguang reminded loudly that her mother must be watching the live broadcast now, and he must not embarrass her!


The curly-eared rabbit also clenched its fists, bouncing around in place, full of energy.

"Preemptive strike, Rolly-Eared Rabbit, use a two-stage kick!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Xiaoguang chose a fighting attribute move with favorable attributes to launch an attack.

However, before the curly-eared rabbit jumped up, Lily took the lead and said:

"Elegant cat, use high-five surprise attack!!"

As soon as the words fell, the elegant cat jumped out instantly, and the paw of the foreleg slapped the rabbit in front of the curly ear. The slap directly made the latter unable to move, unable to jump up.

"And then there is the electric shock wave trick!!"

Then Elegant Cat jumped up, and the crackling electric light turned into a beam of electric shock waves around the mouth of the raised head, and shot towards the rabbit.

"Use bounce to dodge!!"

Xiaoguang commanded quickly, with a cautious expression.

The fighting style of the elegant cat is very similar to that of the capuchin cat. In addition, although Lily has retired for many years, she still fights fiercely

It gave Xiaoguang a feeling as if he was facing Xiaowang's capuchin cat.


The curly-eared rabbit suddenly jumped up, several meters high, and dropped the electric shock wave below.


However, at the next moment, the trajectory of this electric shock wave turned, and it was actually refracted and tracked in the direction of the rabbit in the air!

"Electric shock wave is a move that is guaranteed to hit!"

Under the stage, Xiaozhi couldn't help but said.

Like wave missiles and Yan Hui moves, electric shock waves also have a "guaranteed hit" effect.

Of course, it is impossible to be sure to hit in reality, but the difficulty of dodging is far more than that of ordinary moves.

Boom! !

The next moment, the rabbit with curled ears, who was unable to use its strength in the air, was hit steadily by the tracking electric shock wave, and the electric light burst suddenly in midair.

"Curly-eared rabbit!!"

Xiaoguang couldn't help exclaiming.

And this power, why does it seem to be much higher than ordinary electric shock waves? !

"Xiaoguang, the characteristic of my elegant cat is the general skin, which can transform all moves into general attributes and increase part of the power."

Lily didn't hide anything, and introduced it openly.

After converting the electric shock wave into a general attribute, it gained the bonus of the elegant cat's attribute, and even the power bonus of the general skin characteristic, so that the power of this electric shock wave is not even lost to one hundred thousand volts!

But the price is that for the elegant cat, there is no such thing as attribute restraint.

After all, all the moves played are general attributes.

"Does it have similar characteristics to fairy skin?"

Seeing the rabbit with curled ears falling from the sky, with some scorched marks on his body, sweat was already dripping from Xiaoguang's forehead.

This feature is very similar to Lucia's Mega Tanabata blue bird before.

"Is there still this feature?"

Xiaozhi in the audience was also eye-opening, it seems that this is an exclusive characteristic of the elegant cat and the cat with the tail, without other exceptions.

"Elegant cat, use the wave of water!!"

Soon, Lily launched a fierce attack again.

In this posture, Xiao Guang was not at all regarded as the daughter of his former opponent, and he went all out!

I saw this elegant cat opened its mouth, and an enhanced version of the water energy bomb was thrown out violently, rushing into the air.

However, after the discomfort at the beginning, Xiaoguang also found his state completely, and responded firmly with his eyes:

"Curly-eared rabbit, use Freezing Punch!!"

The curly-eared rabbit took a few steps and jumped up, and then replaced its arms with its ears. The fluffy fur at the tip curled up into the shape of a small fist, and a cold mist appeared on the surface.


A fierce ear-freezing punch, and the wave of water that pierced through the front, actually made the whole water bomb freeze into a big ice ball in an instant!

"That's it, throw it back directly!!"

The curly-eared rabbit shook its head continuously, throwing the ice ball, which was bigger than the whole rabbit, violently.

This posture, like a child of Hercules, made Xiao Gang in the audience couldn't help but think of his lucky egg before it evolved, and it looked like a little lucky egg.

"Amazing power? Elegant cat, use Iron Tail!!"

Lily didn't show any weakness, and didn't have any idea of ​​dodging at all.

This elegant cat leaped vigorously, and when its body spun, its slender tail also transformed into a state of steel.

Boom! !

The heavy blow of the iron tail with normal skin directly smashed the ice puck and burst it, and even turned into countless ice shards and shot it at the rabbit.

This tactic of using the opponent's moves to counterattack made Xiaoguang's gorgeous blood bar value begin to decline.

"Curly rot!"

Even the curl-eared rabbit couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by a lot of ice chips, and was knocked back again.

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