He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1742 Home Field Advantage

"Ancient coelacanth, use wave rush!"

However, before the ultimate absorption squeezed out much energy, the ancient coelacanth was entangled in the violent current again, and rushed out.

The wet body combined with the powerful impact force tore apart the rattan whip in an instant.


The entire body of the ancient coelacanth turned into a bunch of flying water arrows, spraying at high speed on the water surface, forming a gliding flight.

It even changed its trajectory at the end, carrying a vast current, and charged towards the forest turtle again!

The ancient coelacanth belongs to the turtle-speed Pokémon, but it has the powerful momentum of the wave rush, and its speed is extremely fast for a while.

Boom! !

Turning the tip of the gun, the undulating charge slammed into the back of the forest turtle again, stirring up a violent mist of water, causing the latter to back again and again.

"What a tough Pokémon..."

Seeing the ancient coelacanth dive back into the water after one blow, it was difficult to find a flaw, and Xiaozhi secretly had a headache.

Mainly because the environment is too bad...

It seems that on this stage, the environment is obviously more important than attribute restraint.


Mikri on the other side didn't look completely relaxed either. After all, the forest turtle is still resistant to water attributes, and the two waves of waves didn't make a difference.

This forest turtle obviously doesn't seem to be of high level, but its frankness is surprisingly high.

The ancient coelacanth is an ancient fish Pokémon. At that time, the body organs were very primitive. There was only one jaw that could be opened and closed, and there were no teeth.

Eating relies more on sucking than biting, and cannot use effective moves like frozen teeth.

Although it is said that they are all using newly conquered Pokémon, Mikri still played a little tricky.

After all, his other Pokémon are veterans for some years, and the ancient coelacanth he conquered in the past two years is indeed a new Pokémon for him...

Seeing that the surrounding atmosphere was almost brewing, and the entire Mikri Cup venue began to become agitated, Mikri immediately focused his eyes and launched the final attack:

"Let's decide the outcome, ancient coelacanth, use the double-bladed head mallet!!"

This time he chose a big rock attribute trick, which has reached the highest attribute in terms of strength.

"Would you still do this trick?!"

Xiaozhi was startled, and looked at the ancient coelacanth on the opposite side, which was constantly rising in momentum, especially the two sharp energy horns protruding from the head... It was the head hammer trick that his Hammer Dragon was very good at—— Double-edged hammer!

Speaking of which, the ancient coelacanth is also a Pokémon that is good at headbutts... "Turtle, block it with all your strength, use an iron head!!"

There was no way to avoid it, so Xiao Zhi simply took the initiative to meet the enemy.


The forest turtle understood, let out a low growl, gripped the ground tightly with its limbs, and lowered its center of gravity.

The green leaves of the shrubs on the back are still shining with dazzling light, making its energy equally surging and powerful.

The head is stretched out flat, especially the top of the head is as shiny as metal, so it is necessary to block this move head-on.

The next moment, the power of the double-edged hammer exploded, colliding with the iron head of the forest turtle with all its strength!

Boom boom boom! !

There was an abnormal explosion and roar, and the collision of two moves with diametrically opposite strength and defense, unexpectedly aroused a violent air current, which blew towards the surroundings again and again.

Even the water flow in the pool connected to Lizhi Lake on the field spread suddenly, splashing high and high towards the spectator seats.

At the very center of the battle, the wood turtle's limbs were deeply embedded in the ground, but they were still being forced back by the terrible impact ahead, leaving long claw marks.

Boom! !

With the second eruption of the double-edged head hammer, the astonishing force of the rock impact finally broke through the forest turtle's iron head move!

The forest turtle's limbs were suspended in the air, and its entire heavy body actually fell backwards in the air, and fell heavily to the corner at the end of the arena.

When the smoke dissipated, the forest turtle had already collapsed there, with its limbs spread out and its eyes rolling.

"The forest turtle lost the ability to fight, so Mr. Mikri won this exhibition match!"

The host Vivienne immediately said loudly, causing the entire arena to burst into enthusiastic cheers.

I didn't expect to watch a gorgeous contest, but also see an unusually exciting and fierce battle.

"Thank you, Wood Turtle..."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi let out a foul breath, and took the defeated forest turtle back with some regret.

Then he looked at the ancient coelacanth in front of him. Because of his hard head, the latter remained calm.

Floating quietly in the water, it seems to be really like an old stone.

"It seems that the forest turtle's defense is still not enough...it can't stop such a powerful attack."

Xiaozhi secretly remembered this point. With the increase in size, the original guerrilla and agile fighting at the grass seedling stage is gradually inapplicable, and it is necessary to gradually strengthen the forest turtle's frank defense.

If he was able to completely block this move before, the outcome would be a matter of course.

"It can only be said that it is worthy of being the champion of the league. As expected, I can't be careless at all..."

At the end of the battle, Xiao Zhi just walked towards Mi Keli with emotion, shaking hands with each other.

The current self must go all out to face the league champion. It is not the same result that he defeated this time last time.

"Ahem...! Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, an extraordinary forest turtle, what a wonderful battle."

Mikoli coughed without a trace, shook his cloak, and exchanged blows.

Of course, he didn't say clearly that his ancient coelacanth level is actually quite high.

Well, after all, it is the Mikoli Cup, and Mikoli still needs a little face at home.

In short, the exhibition match is completely over.

Next, Mikri also sat in the judges' seat, completely handing over the stage to other coordination trainers.

After Xiaozhi temporarily stored the forest turtle in the treatment center of this gorgeous venue, he also took advantage of the opportunity to walk under the stage, sat next to Xiaogang, and became a melon-eating audience.



"The next one will be contestant Xiaowang from Xuefeng City!!"

Flying around and admiring, Xiaozhi soon welcomed the first contestant he knew.

Xiao Wang was still wearing a man's white dress, looking handsome and handsome, throwing the poke ball forward.

"Come out!!"

The red light fell into the water, taking on the shape of a fish.

But it was a navy blue butterflyfish, its fins floating in the water like wide butterfly wings, with light blue patterns on the edges.

The half-closed eyes are relaxed, and the pupils are a lovely pink color.

"Didi. Neon fish, water attribute, the evolution of fluorescent fish, lives in the deep seabed, crawls on the seabed with its long lower fins as feet, and four fins like wings can emit light , in order to lure the prey."

The illustration book reminded that this is a very beautiful fish-shaped Pokémon, and it attracted a lot of cheers from the audience when it appeared on the stage.

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