He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1704 Stop abruptly

"What a strong force..."

After some fighting, Xiao Zhi was speechless.

Looking at the majestic Emperor Nabo, his stern face looked solemn and proud, especially in the dark night lights, it was as dazzling as the only star on the stage.

"Damn it, Pikachu, it's time to get real!"

Xiaozhi was also hit on the head, and immediately regrouped.


Not being defeated by a blow, Pikachu jumped and landed on the snow ruins again.

There was an extra steel wing red mark on his head. Obviously, the damage of this blow was very considerable, making Pikachu still a little dizzy now.


It's just that dense currents have already burst out around its body, roaring and exploding.

The lightning gradually became stronger, turning into a sharp electric energy coat, completely attached to the body surface.

This made Pikachu's aura instantly violent!

Although it is small in size, it is no less powerful than the emperor Nabo on the opposite side.

"Use high-voltage electric shock!!"

Xiaozhi raised his finger and shouted loudly, directing this big electric move.

However, just as the high-voltage electric shock was about to be released, Plantina on the opposite side instantly put away her fighting spirit.

"Enough is enough, come back, Emperor Napoleon."

At the same time, the raised Poké Ball retracted it.


This made Pikachu, who had set up his posture and was just about to rush up, suddenly lost his target, and one of them lost his footing, and almost fell from the snowy ruins.

The fierce offensive of the high-voltage electric shock naturally dissipated in an instant.

"Why did it end so suddenly?!"

"I know Emperor Nabo is powerful, but are all the electric mice in other places so powerful...?"

"Eh...I've seen Emperor Nabo, it's not that exaggerated at all."

"And what is Pikachu's whole-body electric shock move? It seems to be much stronger than Wild Volt?"

"Hey, that girl in a short skirt, you're such a disappointment!"

The sudden end of the battle caused the surrounding crowd to become noisy.

Many people are discussing again and again, obviously they haven't come out of the previous high-intensity battle.

Now after dinner, if you go out for a walk casually, can you see such a battle?

However, this interruption made Xiao Zhi calm down, and let out a long breath.

That's right, the purpose is not to decide the outcome with the opponent's Emperor Napoleon, but to let Pogaman experience the power of Emperor Napoleon.

"But it's really weird..."

Seeing Pikachu jumping back, Xiaozhi stretched out his arm so that the latter could climb up his shoulder, and rubbed the red mark on Pikachu's head.

If he really fights with all his strength... he and Pikachu may not be able to defeat this Emperor Nabo steadily.

After all, it was just a hasty fight, and the latter's true ability was not fully revealed.

"It seems that Miss Plantina is not only a knowledgeable senior, she is also outstanding in combat power..."

Xiaogang also came over, and Youyou praised.

This kind of battle must exceed the scale of ordinary trainers, which is moving.



On the other side, Bogaman, who had completely witnessed the entire battle, was standing on the edge of the arena, and was completely frozen there at this moment.

The eyes are wide open, and even the sharp beak is completely opened.

It can be said that this battle has completely expanded its worldview.

It turns out that Emperor Nabo can be so powerful...?


In the form of Bogaman, can he really display such power in the future?

Not only power, but also Emperor Napoleon's noble aura like an emperor, which is always proud, looks at it from a distance, and it all produces a feeling of shame.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with growing taller, right?

In the rear, Xiaoguang also regained control of his body at this moment, walked behind Bogaman, and gently hugged the latter.

"Bogaman, it's up to you to decide whether to evolve or not."

She has done everything she can, and if Bogaman is still obsessed with not evolving, then Xiaoguang has no intention of forcibly intervening.


Plantina in the soul space didn't pay much attention to Bogaman, but focused on Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

"It seems that the power has been weakened...?"

She faintly saw that Pikachu's power was not in its heyday, and that's why she was so easily suppressed by her own emperor, Nabo.

It really is a very special electric mouse...



The next day, early morning.

As promised, Xiaoguang and his party arrived at the Curtain Gym.

"Good morning~!"

Leisi also chose to skip work temporarily today, and came here from the training room to watch strongly.

Although he no longer fights as a trainer, Leisi is quite keen on watching other people's battles.

He is very familiar with this place, walking in front and leading a few people to lead the way.

The Curtain Gym is a rather traditional fighting dojo building. In the spacious courtyard, several dojo flats are built, connected by stone roads in the middle.



When Xiaozhi and his party walked through the courtyard, they could still see some fighting apprentices wearing white training uniforms running in formation, shouting slogans.

On the other side, there are some fighting apprentices who are constantly practicing punching and kicking.

"The Curtain Gym is also a very famous martial art field~!"

As a local, Leisi introduced to several people familiarly.

Compared with the gymnasium where Pokémon fights, the martial art field that teaches fighting skills may be more famous.

And the last master of the gymnasium, who is also the current master of the martial arts hall, is Ah Li's grandfather.

"Are there any elders... Generally speaking, in this case, the new owner should be prepared to take over the stage, and there will be no mentality problems."

As the former head of the gymnasium, Xiao Gang couldn't help muttering in confusion.

Usually there are other challengers, and the rookie reserve owner should be watching by the side, and all kinds of weird situations should be watched by the crowd.

After he takes office, he will naturally not be easily broken by the challenger.

"Hehe...Actually, a few months ago, when Ah Li was sparring with her grandfather, he accidentally kicked a few of his ribs..."

Reiss explained with a dry smile.

Although Ah Li is thin and thin, but his strength is not small, but it is frighteningly big.

The strength was not well controlled, and he kicked his grandfather on the spot and was hospitalized. He still can't walk normally.

So Ah Li, the head of the gymnasium, actually had a sense of helplessness to take over the post.

"I see..."

Xiao Gang nodded, which could explain why Tong Ah Li lacked experience.

"So there was an accident?"

Xiaozhi also secretly remembered that the curtain gymnasium has special reasons, so he can give some emotional points as appropriate.


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