He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1969 What kind of champion are you?

"Uh, it seems that Mr. Leisi doesn't often watch the news from other places..."

Seeing the other party's unbelievable appearance, Xiao Zhi could only shrug his shoulders helplessly.

"It's true... By the way, Mr. Ahida sent me a sample video before."

Xiao Gang next to him suddenly remembered something and took out his cell phone.


Reiss blinked, Yashida is the real estate owner of the frontier area, and they met once before.

The crowd couldn't help but gathered around and looked at Xiao Gang's phone screen.


The video started to play. At the beginning, there was a big logo of the battle development area, followed by seven battle facilities and pioneer leaders in different shapes.

"Is that the promo?"

It was only then that Xiaozhi realized that Ahida had been their driver all the way back then, with the purpose of filming along the way, as material for the promotional video of the Battle Frontier Zone.

Is this already done?

"It's just a sample of the first version, it hasn't been fully released yet..."

Xiaogang explained that Ahida, who was traveling together, sent samples, but it seems that Xiaozhi didn't check his mailbox at all.

Then he swiped his finger and dragged the video progress bar to the end.

Everyone also saw the scene of Xiaozhi fighting against the Age of Gods, and here is the scene that Yashida specially used as the climax of the promotional video.

"Is this person Mr. Jindai...It feels more like Shinji than Mr. Reiss."

Looking at the stern-faced man in the video, Xiaoguang couldn't help but complain.

So when Shinji was the first novice to watch the game, not only the three views were changed... Even his own character and demeanor, did he directly copy Mr. Jindai?

Reiss: "..."

He remained silent and continued watching the video.

In the screen, the three Pokémon of the Age of Gods are the legendary Pokémon that is very famous in the Yoshien area—the Sanshenzhu. This scene alone is scary enough.

As the finale of the promotional film, it is definitely enough pomp.


This made Lei Si couldn't help but take a deep breath. At first, he thought that Xiao Zhizhi defeated the Age of Gods, and the latter might release the water.

Now it seems that Mr. Jindai is going all out!

It was even several times more terrifying than the lineup that blasted him at the beginning.

And Xiaozhi sent out the Electric God Pillar and the Dragon God Pillar with very strange shapes, and even defeated the first two God Pillars of the Age of Gods with overwhelming power.

Facing the last Ice God Pillar, Xiaozhi dispatched Pikachu. After a fierce battle, he finally completed the curtain-closing harvest again.

"Haha, it turns out that looking at it like this is also very exciting~!"

Looking at his battle from the third perspective, Xiaozhi couldn't help scratching the back of his head and said with a smile.

Xiaogang is also fine, he had watched the whole game.

But the expressions of Lei Si, Xiao Guang, and even Ah Li were completely frozen.

Especially Ah Li, his expression became extremely frightened again, and his shoulders were trembling.

Wait a minute, isn't this guy also here to challenge the gym?

Help, a Shinji just left... Now it seems that another even more outrageous one has come.

Now, as a gymnasium owner, do you have to face the challenges of this kind of monster?


Especially when he saw Pikachu looking over Xiaozhi's shoulder, Ah Li immediately took a step back and tried his best to defend himself.

"As expected of Xiaozhi, he is really amazing!!"

After Xiaoguang was silent for a moment, he soon sighed excitedly.

Although I have always known that Xiaozhi is very powerful... But the battle scenes in the video, combined with Ahida's editing techniques, completely raised Xiaozhi's strength to a new level.

Even Plantia in the soul world is quite amazing.


As for Leisi, who had fought against the Age of Gods, his expression had become extremely messy.

It seems... It was a good choice to retire directly?

Are all young people these days monsters like this? ?

"Should I inform Shinji to change his rival...?"

Reiss had already thought of further afield.

Shinji, who pays close attention to Xiaozhi, probably hasn't fought in an all-round way yet...

If there is a real fight in the future, it won't be like him, Xiaozhi will directly break the defense, and then return to Veil City to be a breeder together, right?


Xiao Guang's interest was completely aroused, he never expected that there would be such a wonderful world besides the gorgeous contest.

Especially these badges with exquisite shapes and different shapes, it seems that the dual cultivation challenge is the right choice!

This made Xiaoguang couldn't help asking Reiss:

"Speaking of Mr. Reiss, you have collected so many badges, have you won any championships?"

However, Lei Si hadn't answered these words yet, Xiaogang and Xiaozhi quickly pulled Xiaoguang calmly.

If you won the league meeting, the trophy would have been placed next to the badge...

Not every trainer who collects several sets of badges will be able to get the winning trophy.

First of all, his own strength is excellent, and in that alliance conference, no one came to fry fish...

It can be said that strength and luck are indispensable.

"What kind of champion are you?"

This kind of question is absolutely forbidden for many trainers.

"Hehe... I really haven't won the championship yet."

Reiss waved his hand kindly, saying it's okay...

After so many years, he has long stopped pursuing these fame and fortune.

Generally speaking, if a trainer wins the championship, the next goal will naturally be to go directly to the king of the alliance.

The general trainers in the Battle Frontier Zone decided to temporarily change direction and challenge to see if they failed to challenge the alliance conference many times.

"So Mr. Leisi, let's go out and learn from each other!"

Xiaozhi said eagerly, after watching his video, it made his blood boil with enthusiasm.


Lei Si's expression suddenly fell, and he took a step back subconsciously, holding onto the corner of the table.

Before, he wanted to test Xiaozhi's strength, but now... um, um.

Especially after seeing the harmless electric mouse on Xiaozhi's shoulder, he felt even more frightened.

Was it this Pokémon that defeated Mr. Jindai's powerful Ice Pillar...

"This video, shouldn't it be P's?"

A strange idea even appeared in Lei Si's mind.

It looks like a vase Pokémon that is not strong at all!

But just when Lei Si was about to refuse, he really didn't want to go up and give it for nothing. At this moment, Xiao Zhi suddenly heard:

"I just want to try the strength of the newly subdued Scorpio."

"Hey, Xiaozhi, have you subdued Scorpio?"

Lei Si's eyes brightened. If it was a newly subdued elf, he should still have the strength to fight. He quickly suggested:

"Then let's decide the winner with one... It just so happens that I have a good thing here, which may be very suitable for your Scorpio!"

"Something suitable for a Scorpio?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, but since the other party agreed, it would be best.

It was still early in the day, and everyone immediately followed the two of them to the open ground outside the wooden house, and opened the way.

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