He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1691 Scorpio Precision Guidance

Since it is an open-air maze, if you can fly to it, you will naturally be able to look down and see the route at a glance.

"Please Mukeer, help me find the traces of Xiaogang and Xiaoguang, as well as the exit route..."

"Mugu, Mugu!!"

Xiaozhi was still directing, but the Muke bird above suddenly flapped its wings violently, expressing its dissatisfaction.

"Oh, you have evolved into a Muke bird...Sorry, Muke bird, please find them!"

Only then did he come to his senses, and quickly changed his address.

I haven't used the Muk bird all the time, but I even forgot that it has evolved without knowing it.


The Muke bird nodded in satisfaction, flapped its wings and flew into the distance, looking around.

Special terrain, ultrasonic waves, etc., naturally have no effect on it, and it can fly smoothly.

And Xiaozhi also chose a direction at random and walked casually.


But in one of the aisles, he saw a strange rock.

It is a pinkish-brown ball, shrunk to the corner of the wall...but on the edge, there are strange spikes and claws.


When Xiaozhi approached, this pink-brown "ball" bounced up suddenly, opened its double pincers and hang gliding wings, and put on a ferocious grimace, with a bright red tongue protruding from the corner of its mouth, trying to intimidate Xiaozhi.

call out...!

A gust of unknown wind blew around, Xiao Zhi stared blankly, the picture seemed to be frozen in this moment.

In the end, it was Xiaozhi who broke the deadlock first, and clapped his hands.

"What a terrifying face!"

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a wild scorpion.

This threatening grimace...should be using the Fear Face move, right?


Seeing the sudden applause and applause from this wild human being, the scorpio blushed, and clasped its two pincer arms together, making a hand-clasping gesture to thank Xiaozhi for his appreciation.

It's just that they haven't waited for the two to continue communicating.

Hurrah! !

Over the entire stone path, a gust of wind and waves blew again.

Accompanied by this, naturally, this group of Scorpios and the Scorpio King at the head spread their wings and took the wind to rise.


The scorpion in front of Xiaozhi also bowed to him. After thanking him, he also spread his wings and followed his companion to ride the wind.

Looking at the wall, more than a dozen scorpios rising together in all directions, Xiaozhi secretly marveled.

Especially the large gray-black scorpion was particularly conspicuous, making him subconsciously take out the illustrated book.

"Didi. Scorpio King, ground and flight attributes, the evolution of Scorpio, usually hangs its tail upside down on a branch to observe prey, can fly in the air without making a sound of flapping wings, as long as it successfully catches a slight breeze, it can stop flapping With one wing, circle the earth for a week. Loto~!"

Rotom still lives in the illustrated book, competing with the CPU for the right to speak.

Xiaozhi was very surprised. Didn't expect Scorpio to evolve?

Scorpio is a Pokémon in my hometown, and I have never heard of an evolution type.

"Same as the dragonfly last time..."

Xiaozhi made a secret note, it is estimated that the evolution method of Scorpio is not a normal upgrade evolution.

But what are these Scorpios and the Scorpio King going to do?


Hoo hoo hoo...!

The natural airflow rose, and Shinji, who was standing on the high platform of the stairs, looked tense, and immediately commanded loudly:

"Good chance, duck-billed charmander, use the flame spinner..."

This wind direction is completely powerful to him. With the addition of wind power, the flame vortex of the duck-billed fire dragon can completely trap the scorpion king.

"Hey, isn't this Shinji? Excuse me, did you see Xiaozhi and Xiaogang nearby?"

Fate is always a coincidence. At this time, there was another clear voice of inquiry from the side.

Although he had prepared in advance, Shinji, who was still tense, turned his head subconsciously.

But Xiaoguang was holding Bogaman in his arms, standing at the entrance of another maze, looking up and asking.

"I don't know! Such a boring thing!"

Shinji snorted coldly, and quickly turned his head to look at his target again.

"Ge Yong...!!"

However, the duration of the airflow this time was significantly shorter. After realizing that he still couldn't break through smoothly this time, the Scorpion King waved his big hand and once again called on all the Scorpios to lurk back into the maze and wait for the next attack.


This also made Shinji's stern expression even more sullen. He turned his head and was about to scold Xiaoguang for ruining his good deeds, but Xiaoguang had already held Pogaman and walked into the maze next to him.

"Hmph, I'm so damned, I would actually want to ask someone like you!"

Along the way, Xiaoguang cursed and cursed, his voice just enough for Shinji to hear.

The action was interrupted, and he was preempted... This made Shinji's face turn green and red again.

Damn it, didn't these two people make an appointment on purpose to disturb me? !

"No hurry, there is one last chance..."

Shinji took a few breaths, trying to calm himself down.

"Come out, Mara!"

After that, Ma Xuanla was released directly, ready to fight.

No matter who disturbs me next time... I'll do it first!

"Hey, isn't that Ash's Muke bird... Muke bird, I'm here!!"

After entering the maze, Xiaoguang quickly saw the Muke bird patrolling the sky, and shouted loudly.

The latter was also taken aback by the sudden rise of air currents and more than a dozen sky-high Scorpios...

I thought it had violated some kind of "no flying here" prohibition, and this group of wild Pokémon was going to come up and beat me up.


Hearing Xiao Guang's call, Muke Bird also waved its wings towards the latter, and then flew towards Xiao Zhi's direction.

It's just a dense maze below...

Wait a minute, where is my trainer now?


On Xiaozhi's side, after accurately judging the foothold of the Scorpio that used the "Fear Face" before, he went up ahead of time.

It seems that this group of Pokémon is trying to use the natural air currents to charge.

As for the scorpion, it is very easy to find, even in the process of flying, it will still stick out its tongue obliquely, very rebellious.

"Gra, gra...!"

It's just that this scorpion seems to be unable to fully grasp the flight. The other scorpions glide and fall naturally and smoothly, but this one is staggering in the sky, and its movements are very flustered.

Xiaozhi hastened to catch up with him, intending to catch the Scorpio.

It's just that he just ran across a stone road corner, and at the landing point, he suddenly saw Xiaoguang's figure.


Seeing his companion again, Xiaoguang said pleasantly, and subconsciously rushed forward, which made Bogaman beside him fall behind.

And the scorpion, which was staggering in the sky, was also constantly forced to the ground, and kept approaching Bogaman's position...

"Boja, Boja...?!"

Bogaman's expression became panicked, and he dodged left and right... It's just that the falling trajectory of the Scorpio completely followed Bogaman's movements and changed direction.

Bang bang! !

In the end, there was only a painful collision sound, and the Scorpion guided it precisely, and it landed on Bogaman's head firmly.


Head to head, Bogaman's ordinary head met the Scorpio's solid head with ground attributes, his eyes stared at gold stars, and he fell down on the spot with his eyes rolling.

"Ah Pogaman, are you alright...!"

Xiaoguang's expression was startled, and he turned back quickly.

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