He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 146 Positive Energy Casino

The next morning, the excited Xiaozhi woke up early, released all his Pokémon in the backyard again, and planned to start morning exercises.

The plan for the morning lies in the day.

"Come out, firemen!"

He threw several poke balls in a row, and even released Ibrahimovic. Although the latter was still afraid of strangers, at least now he would not run away without a trace, and would hide on the side to observe them quietly.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

A red light flashed, and several Pokémon appeared on the training ground.

It's just that the situation has changed a lot this time, and things like Bibi Niaoba and Butterfly are quite normal, but the three Yu Sanjia, Fire Dinosaur, Miao Frog Seed, and Kami Turtle, fell to the ground weakly, His face was weak, his face was sweating, and he was lying on the ground weakly.


The Pikachu on his shoulder also seemed to be out of breath, and fell to the ground with a vertical "boom", tongue out and unconscious.

Xiaozhi looked at the four fallen Pokémon in a daze, and wondered if he had been bewitched by something, right?

It's just that the evil spirits also engage in discrimination, so the birds and insects next to him and even Ibrahimovic are fine.

He didn't know how to operate this for the first time, so he interrupted the training quickly, took the Pokémon back into the Poke Ball again, picked up Pikachu and hurried to the hall of the Pokemon Center, intending to find Miss Joy to see if he could give it to him. Pikachu entered the ICU.

"Let's go, my walking grass has turned into withered grass."

"My carp king has turned into a salted fish, and he can't turn over."

"Let me first, let me first, my Charmander's tail is out of fire."

As soon as he arrived at the lobby, Xiaozhi discovered that there was already a lot of noise here, countless trainers blocked the door, and many Pokémon fell to the ground, listless like Pikachu, as if they had been squeezed dry.

Even Miss Joy and Ji Lidan were exhausted, checking and putting out fires everywhere.


After some investigation, fortunately, these Pokémon were only exhausted on the mental level, and there was no serious physical problem, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

It's not a big problem, there is still help.

"Xiaozhi, has your Pikachu also been recruited?"

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also came up together, the former was fine, but Xiaoxia's Pokémon were all suffering, and they all fell into a strange state of exhaustion.

"I just heard from Ms. Joy that it seems to be a special phenomenon that only occurs in some Pokémon with specific attributes. It is probably disturbed by things like radio waves and magnetic fields around."

Xiao Gang explained that he just went to communicate with Ms. Joy up close.

Yuhong City is a big city, a big city means high technology, and there will always be a few Frankensteins doing weird research in a high-tech city.

Xiaozhi glanced at it, and there was nothing unusual about the Pokémon like Little Lada, Mountain Rat, and Lucky Egg. The ones that appeared were walking grass, trumpet bud, king carp, horned goldfish, and Charmander.

These seem to have something in common...

Xiaoxia clapped her hands and said:

"Ah, I understand, the Pokémon with only three attributes of water, fire and grass has been recruited."

Xiaozhi quickly picked up the drowsy Pikachu and held it in front of her, retorting:

"You don't make sense, my Pikachu is also out of food."

The electric attribute is also a victim!


Next to him, a passer-by's magnetite floated by, and a lightning ball rolled by his feet, all of them looked radiant.


The three of them immediately looked at the sleepy electric mouse together.

There is a ghost!

Pikachu: "..."

As long as the ghost does not admit it, there will never be a ghost!


"Excuse me, is there a kid named Wang Lanhua here?"

A clear and clear voice came from the gate of the elf center, and the three of Xiaozhi turned their heads to see that it was Miss Junsha from this city.

The clothes are neat and tidy, but his expression looks a little flustered and dull, as if he has been busy all night.

"Yes, Miss Junsha!" Xiao Gang hurried up and took her hand.

"Your name is Wang Lanhua...?"

Jun Sha was taken aback by the uncle Hei who jumped out suddenly in front of her, and quickly separated Xiao Gang from mopping her.

"Xiaosheng is called Xiaogang, and the villagers also called me Wang Lanhua when I was young."

Junsha: "..."

Xiaozhi quickly pushed Xiaogang away, and took the initiative to obtain information from the npc.

After some conversation, everyone realized that not only some Pokémon were in poor condition, but also many children in Yuhong City were lost, aged about 4 to 7 years old, and this condition had lasted for two days.

"It seems that there is some big secret hidden behind this city..."

When it comes to the forces behind Yuhong City, you have to talk about the Rockets. Others almost put up a sign at the entrance of the city, "This city belongs to the Rockets, remember to pay taxes when you come in and out."

"Is it Team Rocket again..."

Xiaozhi secretly had a headache. In the last Golden City, he had just kicked out the Rainbow Group, a subsidiary of the Rockets. As a result, this city was about to become someone else's stronghold.

The worst thing is that the Rockets are already firmly embedded in Yuhong City. Driving the Rockets out is tantamount to digging up the roots of Yuhong City.

Although there is not enough evidence, everyone has already thrown the blame for this abnormal incident on the Rockets.


"Is this a copy of Yuhong Game City? It's interesting..."

A sentence suddenly appeared in Xiaozhi's mind, which made him suddenly confident and had a goal.

After playing a gym, and then playing a copy, this is a normal trainer style.

Xiaolan and Xiaomao stole the limelight in the last copy of Silver Tower, so he drank a cup of coffee by himself, which still made him feel a little aggrieved.

And as a passionate and righteous trainer, Xiaozhi will naturally not sit idly by this kind of criminal behavior that affects other people's Pokémon, and even abducts and traffics children.

"How about it, you two righteous partners, do you want to punish rape and eliminate evil with me?"

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaogang and Xiaoxia.

The two asked back: "Senior Chi nodded?"

Xiaozhi replied: "It's ordered."

"Then gkd."

Immediately, the two became confident, and pushed Xiaozhi towards Yuhong Game City.

There are big bosses in the front, and they are responsible for calling 666 to brush the language buf and it's over...


Yuhong Game City is the place operated by the Rockets, and it can be said to be the largest entertainment place in Yuhong City.

But to put it bluntly, it is a casino.

The minimum age to enter is 10 years old. There are all kinds of entertainment facilities inside. Restaurants and hotels are a series of supporting facilities. As for its main event, the casino has both slot machines suitable for teenagers and special gambling for adults. facility.

This is the Rockets' biggest profit in Yuhong City.

Soon, the three of Xiaozhi came to the gate of Yuhong Game City, surrounded by resplendent lighting signs, and the building was also very high-end, and the whole looked very extravagant.

The slogans on the signboards standing at the door looked a little out of place.

"Play for one minute in it, and work for ten years when you come out."

"Small bets are fun, big bets are harmful, and strong bets are wiped out."

"In short, betting on dogs will kill you."

Three people: "?"

This casino really has enough positive energy...

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