He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1638 Xiaoguang's Gym Battle! (end)

"Really evolved...?!"

Don't look at Xiaoguang's confident shouting just now, but after seeing the Queen Bee's evolution with his own eyes, he also showed surprise.

Insect attributes generally belong to the strong Pokémon in the early stage, and the threshold for evolution is relatively low.

It seems that because the number of female bees in this race is very small, the evolution level of the queen bee does not need to be very high, just like the queen of a very rare race.

It is almost the experience value of Yusanjia's second stage evolution.

The most important thing is self-confidence, believing that you can complete evolution.

This is also what Platina taught Xiaoguang. When she shouted the slogan of evolution, her tone must be strong and confident, which made the three bees themselves firm.


The evolved queen bee let out a low voice, and the deep and majestic voice even made Xiaoguang startled and straightened up.

From the original cutie to the queen... full of pressure!

"Is it becoming oppressive?"

In the stands, Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up.

His flower rock monster is also oppressive. In battle, it can make the opponent consume more stamina than usual, which is a very good feature.

It seems that Pokémon like the three bees have acquired very powerful abilities once they evolve.

The final battle on the field has officially begun!


Before waiting for Xiaoguang's command, the Queen Bee let out a loud cry on the spot, and her yellow-black body exuded a faint fragrance of grass and leaves.

This also made the poisoned state of the Queen Bee body suddenly lifted.

"Is it aromatherapy..."

Cai Zhong frowned. The opponent's morale was soaring at this moment, and this momentum must be suppressed.

"Rosredo, use the missile needle!!"

After saying those words, Luosreiduo raised the rose's arm, and countless dense spikes of white light flew out from the petals, attacking the target in unison.


However, the missile needle did not directly attack the target, but exploded around the Queen Bee's body, creating a burst of thick smoke.

"Use Poison Strike now!!"

Taking advantage of the cover of the smoke, Roseredo quickly shuttled and leaped across the lawn, moving like a ghostly phantom.

According to Cai Zhong's understanding, once the Pokémon Queen Bee evolves, its speed will drop significantly.

On the contrary, this is a great opportunity for Roseredo's attack!

Whoosh! !

Rose Redo suddenly leaped behind the Queen Bee, and a venomous thorn flew out from Rose's palm, stabbing straight at the Queen Bee's stamina.

"Queen Bee, use insect resistance!!"

Xiaoguang hastily commanded.

Queen Bee's movements were slow, but this protective move was not slow at all. Her forelimbs clasped together, quickly covering her body with a faint gray-green energy film.

Insect resistance is a small protection trick, but it barely survived the poisonous stinger.

Whoosh! !

Immediately, the energy of the insect attribute exploded, blowing away Rose Leiduo who was close at hand.


Not only that, but the queen bee was flying in mid-air, her majestic head was pressed down, and with the flashing ruby ​​on her forehead, a circle of white light energy quickly gathered in front of her.

The white light solidified and gradually turned into off-white stones.

"Xiaoguang, that move is a power gem!!"

Seeing Xiao Guang just staring blankly at the back, Xiao Zhi in the stands quickly reminded loudly.

This behavior made Cai Zhong slightly frown, you are already a supervisor, why did you bring a sound reminder!

"Oh yes...Queen Bee, use the Power Gem!"

Valley slug

Hearing the sound, Xiaoguang came back to her senses, and quickly commanded, although she didn't know what a power gem was.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The next moment, countless energy stones flew out in unison, covering Luosreiduo.

Although the Queen Bee's speed has dropped significantly...then the exchange is naturally a substantial increase in strength.

boom boom...!

But what's strange is that the power gem didn't directly attack Roseredo, but exploded around the latter's body, completely sealing off Roseredo's flexible movements.

Xiaoguang understood the meaning of the latter, which is to use outstanding moves to determine the outcome.

"In that case, use Gale Storm!!"


The queen bee let out a loud cry, and began to flap her translucent wings...Compared with the entire huge humanoid body, the wings still looked a bit small.

Whoosh! !

However, what was blown out this time was not a violent storm, but sharp blue-white air blades, piercing the air.

"Have you learned to cut air?!"

Xiao Guang's eyes showed joy, she had just seen this move on Mingyao's warrior eagle.

The dense and powerful air slash exploded on Rosereiduo's body, and the power gems everywhere around him made it impossible for the latter to dodge at all, so he could only block it with his head.

whoosh boom boom...!!

As bursts of violent explosions blew up on the field, messy grass blades flew up, and Luosreiduo's figure also flew backwards from the smoke and dust.

The effect is outstanding!

Even under this blow, he lost his ability to fight on the spot and fainted on the lawn.

"Rosredo can't fight, so the winner of this match is Xiaoguang from Futaba Town!"

After the big sister of the referee glanced at it, she hurriedly said loudly.

"Great, Queen Bee!!"


This made Xiao Guang breathe a sigh of relief, and subconsciously ran to the Queen Bee's position, and even Pogaman, who had been paddling all day today, followed excitedly.

Senior Pikachu is paddling, and its proud Pogaman can also paddle.


It was only when he got to the front and back of Queen Bee that Xiaoguang realized that the latter was even slightly taller than himself.

And that pair of cold red eyes, glowing with a strange light, making it difficult for people to get close.

When there were three bees, they could still hug each other and celebrate, but now...

However, although Xiaoguang stopped moving, Queen Bee took the initiative to stretch out her arms, gently hugging Xiaoguang into her arms.

This gave Xiaoguang a feeling like a mother hugging her daughter, which is very strange...

But, it feels pretty good.

In the stands, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang also came down. The latter looked at Queen Bee and couldn't help sighing:

"It seems to be a metamorphosis level evolution..."

Just like evolving from an armored chrysalis to a big butterfly, the power will rise several steps and master several skills at the same time in an instant after evolution.

Apparently the same is true for the queen bee.

"Then this is the proof of defeating EMI Gym..."

Cai Zhi also walked over slowly, handing over a green badge.

This is an emblem composed of three diamond-shaped small trees, representing the forest emblem of the forest.

"Forest Badge...!"

Xiaoguang took the badge, her eyes flickered, and she looked like she couldn't put it down. Now she has collected the second badge.

I have to say that the gymnasium challenge is really a kind of competition completely different from participating in the gorgeous competition!

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