He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1303 Mega flame chicken!

"Come back, cunning tengu."

Yukang's face darkened, and he retracted the cunning tengu who was completely unable to fight.

Don't look at the latter alive and kicking, but it is a super crispy skin in itself.

If you take a fire kick from a clear sky, you don't know if you can withstand another life.

However, the two were still running on both sides of the stream, Yukang was full of energy, and had already thrown the second elf ball again.


A red light flashed, this time it was a huge monster.

The body of the brown-black clay puppet is painted with strange white rune imprints, and the whole flat head has a circle of 360-degree big red eyes, which are arranged alternately when they open and close.

Like an ancient puppet that has been squeezed out, it looks like a creature that has existed for a long time.

"Is it the Nianli clay puppet this time..."

Taking the lead, Xiaozhi was not proud, but cautious.

This Pokémon looks really bad.


Don't look at the bulky body of the Nianli puppet, but the speed is not too slow. It is suspended in the air and flies towards the coastline.

"Nianli puppet, use the power to divide equally!!"

At the beginning of the battle, the Nian Li puppet burst out with pink light all over its body, and fell towards the flame chicken, dividing the power of the two equally.

It's just that the Psychic Puppet with stronger defense power is relatively weak in attack power... This makes the flame chicken be forcibly divided part of its strength in an instant, and its muscles shrink partly.

"Flame chicken, use the flame kick directly!!"

The flame chicken grew sullen, jumped out of the woods, and kicked the flame back with a kick.

"Don't let it get used... use the hold!"

Yukang said suddenly.


The Nianli puppet let out a low hum, and the strange light of Nianli spread away again and landed on the flame chicken.

Although the latter's movements were not frozen, it was only during the process that the flame ignited at the end of the flame chicken's lower limbs gradually extinguished...

Flame chicken's flame kick is banned!

As the latter's most signature move, Yukang immediately blocked it.

"Tsk, it really is a super power attribute elf..."

The opponent's two moves caught Xiao Zhi by surprise.

Elves with super power attributes are really tricky!

"In that case, use jet flames!!"

Xiaozhi decisively chose to change his moves, and the flame moves under a clear sky are still powerful!

Boom! !

The flame chicken opened its mouth, and hot flames spewed out, burning the air all the way.

"Nianli puppet, use supernatural power!!"

The Nianli clay puppet tilted its body slightly, and the blue light Nianli was excited, which completely bound and imprisoned the flame.

Boom boom boom...!!

Not only that, but under its traction, the sunny jet of flame turned around and spewed towards the flame chicken's room instead.


However, the figure of the flame chicken disappeared in place in an instant, easily dodging the flames.

The characteristic of acceleration has been maintained, making its speed reach a very exaggerated level.

In the next moment, the flame chicken had already appeared in another position.

"Now, use Kick Down!!"

The flame chicken jumped up and cast a volley shovel in the air, aiming at the bottom body of the Nianli clay puppet.

Regardless of whether you are floating in the air or not, you can still kick it!

Kicking down this move has a huge effect on high-weight Pokémon.

"Supernatural Power!!"

However, the 360-degree eyes of the Nianli puppet, which has no blind spots, instantly caught the flaming chicken approaching with a tricky shovel.

The burst of thought force completely imprisoned the latter in mid-air, making it difficult to move.

As a true super power attribute elf, the supernatural power of the Nianli clay puppet is stronger than that of the cunning tengu!


As the thought force reversed, the flame chicken's body flew upside down instantly as if it had been hit hard.

The effect is outstanding!

"Use a double kick!!"

Xiaozhi quickly commanded, intending to use the second-stage kicking force as before.

It's just that Yukang, who is so scheming, wouldn't give Xiaozhi a chance, and suddenly said:

"Use mental shock!!"

However, the eyes of the Nianli puppet flickered, and sharp energy stones condensed out of thin air in the air, and then they all shot at the flame chicken flying upside down, with a harsh sound of piercing through the air.

Boom boom boom...!

Before he could guard against it, the flame chicken was completely hit by the mental shock, and the inverted figure sped up and flew away again.

Boom! !

Finally, it slammed into the trunk of a giant tree, causing smoke and dust to rise.

The effect is outstanding! !


"How about it, the old man's Nianli puppets are very strong~!"

After a successful blow, Yukang laughed loudly.

The movement of his feet didn't stop, he continued to run, and after a while, he took the Nianli clay puppet and opened a long distance.

The outcome of the battle is not the only factor in the outcome... whoever reaches the coastline first is also a factor.

Although it is not a direct result of victory or defeat, it is also a comparison of strength... Both Xiaozhi and Yukang are well aware of this.

Xiaozhi quickly stopped, came to the side of the flame chicken sitting upside down under the tree trunk, and shouted anxiously:

"Flame Chicken, don't lose to it!!"

Hearing the former's call, the flame chicken's eyes, which had been tightly closed and uncomfortable, opened instantly.

The yellow pupils were full of fighting spirit, and the flames from the wrist spewed out again.

"Then go all out!!"

Not daring to delay any longer, Xiaozhi let out a low drink, and tapped his mega bracelet with his backhand.

For today's battle, he specially brought mega stones to his flame chicken...

"Let's mega evolve, flame chicken!!"


The flame chicken let out a low growl, and straightened its body again, bursting with rich energy flames and colorful lights all over its body.

As the light dissipated, its figure became taller and stronger, especially the proportion of its thighs became more slender, and it was able to display even more amazing jumping ability!

Black fluff appeared on the lower body, and the yellow mane on the upper body even grew wildly on both sides of the head, as if there were two large horns standing up.

The raging flames that originally spewed out from the wrists also transformed into two slender energy flames fluttering like ribbons, with extraordinary momentum.

Mega flame chicken! !


Gaining new strength, the speed of the flame chicken has also been improved. The strong lower body strength makes it jump into the air several meters high in an instant, and quickly chases in the direction of the Nianli puppet.

"Then I can't lose either!!"

Xiaozhi naturally let go of his feet behind and sprinted.

Da da da...!

After a while, one man and one chicken had already caught up with the target.

At this moment, they were already in an area close to the edge of the jungle. After running for a few minutes, they would even have to pass through the jungle completely to reach the beach at the end of the sea.

"Mega evolution?!"

The Flaming Chicken, whose shape suddenly changed, chased after him, and surprised Yukang.

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