He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1300 Battle Palace, vs Yukang!

"If there is no path training, I have heard of a place before..."

At this time, Ahida suddenly spoke, trying to remember something.

"That is a place called Orudolan, a castle city that has been handed down since ancient times... It is said that the royal family there has always kept the training method of complete waveguide power."

I just don't know if there are still living waveguide envoys there.

After all, the method is easy to say, but human beings who are born with the power of waveguide are not common.


Xiaozhi secretly wrote down the name.

"How about this, you are still concentrating on challenging the frontier area for the past few days... I will help you find information about Orudoran!"

Yashida was afraid that Xiaozhi would run away now, so she hurriedly asked for help.

Only the last three battles against the pioneering area will end perfectly. He doesn't want Xiaozhi to run away halfway, or suddenly go to practice the power of waveguide.

And he deliberately put the Age of Gods against the pyramid at the end.

According to him, this guy from the Age of Gods has been amazing recently, and he has subdued the legendary Pokémon.

And it's not like Dala's Frozen Bird, there is only one... There are three in the Age of Gods!

He is looking forward to the final battle between Xiaozhi and the Age of Gods!

As his closing material... this battle will definitely attract countless traffic for their battle against the Frontier Zone!

"Okay, then I'll leave it to Mr. Yashida."

Xiaozhi could only speak like this.

After finishing the battle against the pioneering area, it will be nearly a month before he goes to the Sinnoh area as an inspector according to the agreed time.

Instead, I can go to that Orudolan first to see if I can get the practice method of the power of waveguide.

Xiaozhi doesn't like to be a reckless man with no force all the time.

Being able to smash a missile into it is much more handsome than using a fist directly!


chug chug! !

In the early morning of the next day, Yashida and his party sat in the off-road convertible again and drove quickly on the field road.

As for this excited egg...Xiao Zhi could only press the storage device a little tighter, for fear that the latter would collapse directly and fall to the ground with a "crack".

I don't know why it hasn't hatched yet, so let's go to the place of Orudoran to have a look.

I just hope that there won't really be a masana popping out of it...!

Seeing Xiaozhi's worried look, Xiaolan next to him smiled and said, intending to make Xiaozhi happy.

"Xiaozhi, look quickly, there are a bunch of wild masanas waving to you over there~!"

When I looked away, I could see a group of blue and white Masana moving towards me... The color matching is very consistent with that of the elf eggs.

Xiaozhi: "..."

He could only give Xiao Lan a half-smile.

During this period of time, don't mention Pokémon like Masana and Charem to him!

"Wait a minute, there won't be Charem in the next battle facility...?!"

Ahida replied with a smile:

"Don't worry about that. The next battle facility is called the Battle Palace. To open up the mind is an old man named Yukang. As for the elves he uses..."

Yashida thought about it for a while, and the minds of the battle frontier are basically not like the general gymnasium masters, who only specialize in one attribute.

Most are full blooming types.

No matter what kind of words...

"It should be biased toward grass, the ground, right?"

Wen Yan Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, but it seems that the opponent this time is still a grandfather?


After a while, everyone came to a huge stone palace.

It is more like an ancient ruin than a battle facility.

The wide door in the middle was completely open, and an old man was sitting in the center, as if he had been waiting for a group of people to arrive.

Seeing an old man waiting, they should not be negligent, they stopped the car at a random place at the door, and went up to meet him.

This place is not like the previous battle facilities. It is located in an urban area... It is still a deserted suburb.

This castle, completely surrounded by jungle, is quite isolated.

"Are you finally here, Yashida...I've been waiting for you for a long time~!"

Seeing several people approaching, the old man also stood up.

The figure is a little thin, the skin is dark, the bald head is old, and the eyes are half-closed.

However, there was a long gray beard on the cheeks and chin, until it fell to the waist.

Wearing a sleeveless practice robe, on his bare arms, a tattoo similar to an unknown totem can be vaguely seen.

The right hand is leaning on a blue cane, and the upper end of the cane is a rune mark that symbolizes Gaioka.

Looks like a very metaphysical old man.

"The old man's name is Yukang, he is the pioneer of the battle palace, and the test is the spirit of the trainer!"

Although Yukang looked old, but his body and tone were powerful, he couldn't be regarded as an ordinary old man.

"I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town! I want to challenge this battle facility!"

Xiaozhi naturally declared war without backing down.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, I know you... Ahida said you are a monster trainer."

Yukang lowered his head slightly, his half-closed eyes slightly opened an arc, flashing a dangerous light.

For a moment, even the whole expression became extremely fierce, like some evil villain.

This sudden face-changing scene also made Xiaozhi and the others tense. Could it be some villain?

But seeing this scene, Yu Kang's expression suddenly changed, and he returned to his original amiable and easy-going appearance.

"Hahaha, have you been frightened by the old man! It seems that your mental strength is not enough~!"

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

Is this old man seriously ill?

"Haha, it's not too late, let's go in quickly~!"

Ahida quickly changed the subject.

Forgot to remind, this guy likes to deliberately intimidate the trainer, and sometimes even get behind the challenger and roar loudly.

Obviously it is my own bad taste, but it has become a "test of the trainer's spirit".

Well, Yukang is his elder, so it's hard for Ahida to say anything.

When it was sparse, several people walked into the battle palace and came to the indoor battle arena.

Xiao Zhi immediately opened the way and stood at the challenger's end.

"By the way, the weather today is really nice... How about Xiaozhi, do you want to go outside and fight?"

Yukang said suddenly.

"Fighting outside? It doesn't matter~!"

Xiaozhi readily agreed, and then the group followed Yukang to the back door of the battle palace.

Just passing through the ancient palace, except for a lush jungle and a river running through the jungle, there is no battle field in sight.

"Then the scope of the battlefield is from here, along the river and spread all the way to the beach at the end of the mouth!"

Yukang just said so loudly, and his old face became excited at this moment.

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