He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1293 Sea God Ball

Xia was also frightened by the sudden appearance of Rogia, unable to speak for a long time.

It's just that the body of Sea God Rogia should be a deep and noble silver color... How did it become such a monster?

With a black and blue body, a pale belly and eyepatch, and bloody red eyes, it is a ghostly monster dragon.


This time Lugia lowered his voice, lowered his slender head, and bit Xiaozhi's head from behind, quite intimately.

Although the body has grown to a height of 1.8 meters, Rogia's mind is only a little taller than that of the cub, and he is quite dependent on Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi estimated that Rogia would need to sleep two or three more times before he could fully grow to the size of the former sea god and be promoted to become a truly powerful ancient god.

"So Xiaozhi... this, is this your Pokémon?!"

Xia finally came back to his senses, and asked tremblingly.

"Eh... it should be counted?"

Xiaozhi touched Rogia's head, hesitated for a moment and said.

In the dark night, the eyes of Lugia's two red lanterns are very dazzling.

Although it wasn't subdued with a poke ball...but this Sea God Pendant is essentially no different from a poke ball.

Although it looks like a silver feather, but according to the popular name, it should be called... Sea God Ball?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi raised his silver feather.

"This is the residence built by Rogia for her descendants. It seems to be an ocean area in a different space?"

Xiaozhi tried to explain.

This feather is the perfect living place that the mother Rogia who lived in the Whirlpool Islands used her own and the former Sea God's two feathers as materials.

And inside, it seems that more than one elf can be accommodated.

"If Manafei has nowhere to go, it can be temporarily stored here... Then with the black technology of those pirates, it is impossible to find the exact location anyway."

Xiaozhi believed in himself.

Well, it doesn't matter if you find it, it just so happens that he's done it all.

Xia Ye hadn't spoken yet, but Hinata in the communicator had bright eyes and exclaimed:

"That's a good offer!"

With the protection of Xiaozhi and Sea God, it can naturally ensure that Mana Fei can hatch with peace of mind, and will not be peeped by those villains and pirates.

And one is the prince of the sea, and the other is the god of the sea... they are a perfect match.

"Um, since Miss Hinata said so..."

Xia Ye naturally didn't refuse, and simply handed Mana Fei's egg to Xiaozhi.

"Then I'll leave it to you!"

Xiaozhi took out such a strange egg from the device, lifted it up slightly, Rogia understood it, and immediately flew up.


The broad wings like arms flapped gently, and a gentle current of water flowed out, wrapping and suspending Manafei's eggs.

Regardless of the fact that the attributes of this Rogia have changed, the father Rogia has also been deprived of the position of Sea God...

But this kind of race exists, born to be the god of ocean currents, and has a unique ability to control sea currents.

Buzz buzz...!

Feeling the breath of the same origin, this Manafei egg also shook slightly, as if quite happy.

The next moment, Diablo Rogia took Manafei like this, plunged into the silver feather pendant, and disappeared completely along with the mysterious water flow that entangled before.

As if nothing had happened, the night was still dark, only Xiao Zhi and his wife were left.

"Unbelievable, incredible..."

Xia Ye repeatedly exclaimed that he seemed to have seen too many miracles today.

Is it because he has been in ranger school for too long, the weather outside has changed, is it like this for all trainers? !

"Then Xiaozhi, please be sure to inform us when Manafei hatches... If you are not free then, our rangers can be responsible for sending it back to the Sea Temple~!"

On the other end of the communication device, Hinata said with a smile.

Xiaozhi patted his chest, and agreed wholeheartedly.

At that time, he can drop by Mana Fei for a ride, just in time to see the legendary Temple of the Sea.

Anyway, this temple is floating around in the sea, and its location is not fixed... In other words, no matter which area he travels in, it is not too far away.


"Then Xiaozhi, thank you for your help this time~!"

The Manafei incident came to an end, and Xia also planned to say goodbye.

This time the task was not low, but thanks to Xiao Zhi's help, there was no danger... After returning, his position as the chief ranger was already secured.

It was quite exciting at first, but after seeing Xiaozhi's combat effectiveness, there was a bit of a gap.

"Why don't I just change jobs and become a trainer...?"

Xia also thought secretly.

In the end, the two slapped each other's hands and parted in the dark night.

Xiaozhi also quickened his pace, yawned, and walked towards the hotel.

It's already like five o'clock in the morning... Hurry up and get some extra sleep.



next morning.

chug chug! !

Xiaozhi and his party sat in Ahida's off-road convertible again, speeding at high speed on the wild road.

"Ha... hoo..."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Xiaozhi yawned from time to time, and seemed to be in a bad mood, which was very rare.

The same goes for Pikachu nestling on his lap... But this is nothing unusual for Pikachu.

"What's the matter, Xiaozhi, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Ahida asked curiously:

"Next we are going to challenge the battle channel. The pioneering little Ji there is not only a glamorous beauty, but also has a very fierce fighting style. If you don't pay attention, you will be defeated by her... Do you want to temporarily How about a day off?"

"That's no need, let's challenge directly!"

Xiaozhi cheered up and replied decisively.

He wants to complete the feat of challenging 7 battle facilities within 7 days, so this precious day cannot be wasted.


However, Xiao Gang in the rear driver's seat frowned and suddenly exclaimed.

"Uh, it's good that Xiaoji is a beautiful woman, but is there any problem with that...?"

Yahida asked with a dazed expression while holding the steering wheel.

During this period of time, he also got to know Xiao Gang and Xiao Lan. Xiao Gang is a mature and stable man with a mind far more mature than his age.

If this guy thinks there is something wrong, he will definitely not target it indiscriminately... Yashida also became more cautious.


Just looking in the rearview mirror, Xiao Gang behind has already taken out a mirror, plus a small comb to keep combing his hair, carefully dressed, Yashida was even more confused.

"It's okay, it's okay~! Hurry up and fight against the pipeline~!"

Xiaolan just said with a dry smile.

After a few days, it was still impossible to see through the essence of Teacher Gang.


Yashida could only step on the accelerator, accelerate again, and drive towards the urban area of ​​the battle pipeline.

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