Chapter 1278 Double belly drum!

The face of the fiery monkey holding the Snorlax turned blue instantly.


The sound of bones cracking came from the hands of the fire monkey.

The next moment, Firestorm Monkey couldn't bear the pressure anymore, and the whole person was directly crushed by the Snorby beast.

Mount Tai overwhelms! !

Boom...! !

The ground of the entire dojo trembled violently again, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

The gigantic figure of the Snorby was already completely attached to the ground, Cucumber Xiang lowered his head, looking anxious, wanting to see the situation of the Fiery Monkey under the Snorkel's belly.


When Snorby stood up again, he saw that the originally very strong Fiery Monkey had turned into a complete paper man at this moment, and was crushed into a pancake by Snorkel.

The originally angry eyes turned into circles this time, and he lost consciousness.

Mount Tai overwhelms, kills in one move!

"Firemonkey loses its ability to fight, and Snorbeast wins!!"

The empty-handed man pronounced.

Such a scene made Cucumber Xiang a little dazed, she retracted the Firestorm Monkey, and stared straight at the big fat bear in front of her.

This Kirby seems to be much stronger than she imagined.

"Haha, I said Xiaozhi is very powerful~!"

Yashida gave various close-ups of the Snorkel with great interest. It seemed that it was beaten one after another, but its physical strength was far from reaching its limit.

"Then what is your last one? You have no way out, Cucumber Xiang?"

Faced with Yashida's teasing question, Cucumber Xiang just took a deep breath and assumed the breathing posture of Aikido.

Although he opened his eyes suddenly, he threw out the third poke ball.

"The battle has just begun!"


A red light flashed, and this time it was the same fat and huge humanoid Pokémon that appeared in front of Cucumber Xiang.

It has wide red palms with thick fat, and a stable lower body, as if wearing a petal skirt of a human sumo wrestler...

"Since we want to compare strength and endurance, then I'm counting on you, Iron Hand Luxe!!"

Cucumber Xiang shouted loudly.

Regardless of size or weight, her Iron Hand Luxe will never lose to the latter.

This battle in the battle arena has turned into a high-tonnage duel.

The battle begins!

"Snorby, use the frozen light!!"

The opponent's level definitely doesn't seem to be low, so Xiao Zhi tried a long-range move first.

"Use slam to break open!!"

Facing the attack of the winding electric snake, I saw the iron palm wrestler suddenly raised his broad palm and pushed it forward.

Sizzling...! !

The icy and powerful frozen light was actually slammed into ice mist.

"Thick fat characteristics..."

Xiaozhi realized that the opponent's palms with thick fat could minimize the damage of ice and fire attribute moves.

Not only that, but the iron palm warrior rushed straight towards the Kirby beast, pushing his wide palms alternately, like an unstoppable city wall.

Xiaozhi naturally didn't intend to dodge, and directly attacked directly:

"Snorby, use a megaton punch!!"


Snorkel roared, Xiong grasped his fist, this time a pure white light fist appeared, without him, it was pure power!

Boom! !

A heavy punch was thrown out, and it collided with the thrusting moves alternately pushed by the iron palm wrestlers!

The force was so strong that the ground under their feet trembled.

And the power of a million-ton boxing is even better...

Boom! !

After breaking through five rounds of alternating thrusts, Snorbeast's million-ton boxing force continued, punching the iron palm wrestler and moving backwards on the floor.

"Sure enough, the terrifying power can't be countered head-on..."

Cucumber Xiang's originally cheerful face had become dignified.

This iron palm wrestler is her trump card, and she still can't get any good fruit... What is the origin of this young man?

Now it's a tense battle, and she can't allow her to think too much. Cucumber Xiang took a deep breath and finally made up her mind:

"Iron Palm Lux, use the belly drum!!"

The iron palm wrestler understood, and immediately swung his wide palm, and then hit his belly with one blow after another.

Boom! Boom!

Every blow can make a muffled sound, which shows how powerful it is, like a heavy drum beating.

Belly drum, this is a self-harming move... greatly weakening one's physical strength, in exchange for increasing one's attack power to the maximum at one time!

Boom! ! Boom! !

But the next moment, there was also a heavy drumming sound from the other end of the dojo.

Cucumber Xiang looked intently, and it turned out that Xiaozhi's Kirby was also slapping her belly violently.

Belly drum!

Xiaozhi's Kirby will also do this trick.

Xiao Zhi naturally wants to upgrade to the strongest strength at once, so naturally he will accompany him.



Two high-tonnage Pokémon knocked on their stomachs, and the damage continued to accumulate, making both of their foreheads drip with sweat.

But what was obtained was a gradually rising momentum.

The red light on the iron palm warrior and the Snorkel beast gradually became more intense, and they all carried a strong aura.


However, in the middle of the process, the Snorbeast was taking a break from patting its belly, and took the time to pull out a giant tree fruit from the fur of its abdomen, and swallowed it directly into its mouth.

This can somewhat restore the damage caused by the belly drum to itself.


After a while, the belly drums of the two ended, and their aura climbed to the peak at the same time.

When the iron palm wrestler looked somewhat tired, it was obvious that his stamina had suffered a major loss.

But the Snorby beast on the other side is barely in a state of healthy blood.

"Damn it, iron palm warrior, use a push move!!"

Cucumber Xiang immediately chose to attack.

Although the iron palm wrestler is still in the posture of alternately pushing his palms forward, but this time, a dangerous golden light flashed on his palms, and every time he pushed his palms, he directly withdrew from the powerful cyclone palm wind, and his strength was unparalleled.

"Snorby, use the circle!"

However, to everyone's surprise, this time Xiaozhi did not choose to attack head-on, but shrunk his body into a ball.

Boom! !

When the first palm of the thrust came, Snorlax directly endured the move physically... Not only that, but the whole body followed the force of the former, rolled out directly, and opened the distance.

"It's NOW, use recycling!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly shouted loudly.


The Snorkel beast even lifted the edge instantly, and raised its bear paw high, as if calling for something.

The next moment, the giant tree fruit that was swallowed in the stomach appeared again.


The Snorlax naturally swallowed it into its stomach, and its stamina soared again!

"So that's how it is..."

Yashida in the audience pushed his sunglasses.

Since the push is a continuous new move, it is better to hit several push palms at the same time... But Snorkelmon's rounding move not only reduces the damage, but also quickly maintains the distance after receiving the first palm, and the damage is infinite reduce.

And the move of recycling can regenerate the used props and form a permanent motion.

The strength of the iron palm wrestler on the opposite side is not good.

But after this operation, the physical value of this Snorby beast is basically still at its peak...! ?

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