He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1215 Dawu's gift

"Well, although Dawu has already left, but before he left, he left you a gift..."

At this time, Mikri suddenly took out a gray-black elf ball from his arms, with a luxurious pattern of bronzing and red borders...

Deluxe ball!

Then he threw it to Xiaozhi.

When Xiaozhi catches the ball, the senior trainer's palm is like touching mahjong blindly. When he touches it, he knows that there are Pokémon stored in it, not a blank luxury ball.

"This is...?"

Mr. Dawu, prepared a Pokémon for him? !

"Hehe, go back and study it yourself, I don't like to break other people's surprises..."

Mikri waved his hands.

Speaking of the Pokémon inside, Dawu is really generous...

"Then I wish you the best of luck in this alliance meeting."

After speaking, Mikri was ready to leave.

But at this time, Xiaozhi forcibly put away his curiosity about the elf in his hand, and interrupted loudly:

"By the way, Mr. Mikri, do you know about the Tianwang Exhibition Competition?"

As soon as this word came out, Mickley's movements were stagnant.

Then he turned his head, his sharp eyes swept across Xiaozhi's face, as if he had guessed something.

The Heavenly Kings Exhibition Competition, that is, the winners of the alliance conference, can challenge the four alliance kings after the conference is over.

The winner will be able to replace him and become the new king of the alliance.

However, Xiaozhi's gaze became extremely hot, and he stared closely at Mi Keli.

The meaning of respect is less, and now there is a bit of aggression.

"If I were to challenge you in the Heavenly King Exhibition Competition... I don't know if Mr. Mikri can accept my challenge?"

Xiao Zhi cut to the chase.

This is a naked declaration of war!

That's right, this time his goal has skipped the four heavenly kings, and landed directly on the top league champion.

The four heavenly kings in the Hoen area, Kazuki, Furong, Bonnie, Genji... During this journey, he has more or less contacted these four people.

Even fought.

Except for Mikri in front of him, this was the first time he saw him.

"If you want to challenge, directly challenge the strongest!!"

This is Xiaozhi's simple and rude idea.

"Oh~ it's only the qualifiers now, are you already thinking about challenging me...Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, you are really an arrogant guy."

Mikri showed a meaningful smile.

He also just heard Dawu say that the latter is a powerful trainer, and now it seems that his tone is even more arrogant.

Of course, it is also possible that the strength is stronger than his words...

Thinking of this, Mi Keli turned his head away, only showing Xiaozhi a slender and tall back.

After a while, the long voice reached Xiaozhi's ears.

"Then keep going, you are already a king trainer, so there is no request... Accepting the challenge of winning the conference is only my obligation as the league champion."

After finishing speaking, Mikri has already walked away.

But Xiaozhi's eyes brightened.

Mikri accepted his challenge!

"Pikachu, this time our opponent is a powerful league champion, even you must do your best!!"

Xiaozhi touched Pikachu on his shoulder, and said with enthusiasm.


Even Pikachu stood up rarely, trying to burn his will.

Probably until the Heavenly King Challenge... No, it should be called the Champion Challenge. By then, my "Dragon God sequelae" should have almost recovered, right?

"League champion pinch~?"

In the sky, Kiraqi flew around Xiaozhi's head, sending out a suspicious telepathy.

Xiaozhi touched the latter's head.

"How about Kiraqi, do you want to play in the next doubles match?"

"Fight~? It's not impossible to pinch~!"

Kiraqi bowed his head and thought for a while, but nodded quickly.

Although she doesn't like violence, Pokémon battles seem to be a very common competition among humans, and they belong to friendly exchanges to the point.

She could try to stop it and be kind.


"By the way, there's this guy..."

Only then did Xiaozhi realize that he was still holding a luxurious ball in his hand.

With Mr. Dawu's handwriting, he will probably have already guessed what it is.

If I'm not mistaken...

"Come out!!"

Xiaozhi flipped his palm and threw the luxurious ball out.


Red light flashed, first of all was a strong platinum flash, which immediately blurred Xiao Zhi's face.

When I looked closely, I saw that it was a flat UFO-shaped Pokémon, suspended in mid-air.

The body of Platinum Rock has sharp edges and corners, with golden spikes growing on the face and sides of the body.

The arms extending from both sides seem to be composed of two additional iron dumbbells.

It was the metal monster I saw from Masamune just yesterday!

And it is completely different from the former one. The whole body of the metal monster in front of me is covered with platinum luster.

Flash Metal Monster!

"Baa swing~!!"

The metal monster raised its arms and shouted, and let out a low cry, the sound had a reverberant electronic sound.


This made Pikachu prick up his ears in an instant as if being fully charged.


And Kiraqi also seemed to feel the familiar steel-attributed breath from the latter, and flew leisurely on the metal monster's head.

"As expected of Mr. Dawu, not only a quasi-god... but a shining quasi-god!!"

Xiaozhi almost fell to his knees under Dawu's anger.

And it's the second-stage metal monster that can be taken out to fight...

Mr. Dawu also deliberately reserved the final evolved giant golden monster for himself as a follow-up cultivation and evolution.

Totally thoughtful and ready to go home!

Immediately, Xiaozhi patted the latter's stiff body, and there was a thumping echo.

"Then it's time to teach me, Metal Monster!"

"Baa swing~!!"

This metal monster has a good temper, with a meticulous expression, and it doesn't show the disobedient phenomenon that often occurs after exchanging elves.

Now, he also has his own quasi-god in the Fangyuan area.



After an interval of one day, the three consecutive days of qualifying were completely over.

There are only about forty contestants left in the Caiyou Tournament.

At this moment, Xiaozhi was already standing on the stage, and there was a lot of voices around him.

"Then for the first qualifying tournament, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town will face Xiaofeng from Shuijing City!!"

This time, the name of the competition has changed from the preliminaries to the preliminaries.

And standing in front of Xiaozhi was a girl with long green hair, a few years older than Xiaozhi, and a slender figure.

Wearing a red and black close-fitting suit, he looks quite capable...

Trainers with this appearance are generally well-trained elite trainers with good strength.

"The rule is a doubles battle, in the form of six selections of three... If all three Pokémon on one side fail to fight, the winner will be determined!"

The referee read the rules aloud.

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